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Jul 2024, Volume 35 Issue 1
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  • Siyuan Zheng, Yanzhen Zhou, Haiyan Qu

    Exposure to plants has been reported to promote health and reduce stress, and plant color has direct impacts on physical and mental health. We used images of common types of tended plant communities in Shenyang, China, with combinations of yellow, green, and red foliage, as experimental stimuli. A total of 27 images were used as visual stimuli. We used electroencephalography to measure α wave activity (8–13 Hz) in 40 subjects while they viewed visual stimuli. These data were combined with subjective questionnaire data to analyze the relaxing effect of images of tended plant communities with different color types and proportions on people. The results revealed that, although there were slight differences between the electroencephalography and psychological findings, women were significantly more relaxed than men after viewing the images. Physiological and psychological responses varied with the types and proportions of colors in the tended plant communities: those of foliage with combinations of two or three colors induced stronger responses than images with a single color. Specifically, (1) for one-color plant communities, green or yellow plant communities induced a stronger relaxation effect than red plant communities; (2) for two-color plant communities, the optimal color proportion was 55% + 45%, and the green + yellow and green + red color combinations induced a stronger relaxation effect; (3) for three-color plant communities, the relaxation effect was strongest when the color proportion was 55% green + 25% yellow + 20% red. These data would provide a plant color matching in future plant landscape design, which may be helpful for creating healthy and relaxing environments.

    Graphical abstract

  • Zezhou Hao, Chengyun Zhang, Le Li, Bing Sun, Shuixing Luo, Juyang Liao, Qingfei Wang, Ruichen Wu, Xinhui Xu, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Nancai Pei

    As a crucial component of terrestrial ecosystems, urban forests play a pivotal role in protecting urban biodiversity by providing suitable habitats for acoustic spaces. Previous studies note that vegetation structure is a key factor influencing bird sounds in urban forests; hence, adjusting the frequency composition may be a strategy for birds to avoid anthropogenic noise to mask their songs. However, it is unknown whether the response mechanisms of bird vocalizations to vegetation structure remain consistent despite being impacted by anthropogenic noise. It was hypothesized that anthropogenic noise in urban forests occupies the low-frequency space of bird songs, leading to a possible reshaping of the acoustic niches of forests, and the vegetation structure of urban forests is the critical factor that shapes the acoustic space for bird vocalization. Passive acoustic monitoring in various urban forests was used to monitor natural and anthropogenic noises, and sounds were classified into three acoustic scenes (bird sounds, human sounds, and bird-human sounds) to determine interconnections between bird sounds, anthropogenic noise, and vegetation structure. Anthropogenic noise altered the acoustic niche of urban forests by intruding into the low-frequency space used by birds, and vegetation structures related to volume (trunk volume and branch volume) and density (number of branches and leaf area index) significantly impact the diversity of bird sounds. Our findings indicate that the response to low and high frequency signals to vegetation structure is distinct. By clarifying this relationship, our results contribute to understanding of how vegetation structure influences bird sounds in urban forests impacted by anthropogenic noise.

  • Ellinoora Ekman, María Triviño, Clemens Blattert, Adriano Mazziotta, Maria Potterf, Kyle Eyvindson

    Forest degradation induced by intensive forest management and temperature increase by climate change are resulting in biodiversity decline in boreal forests. Intensive forest management and high-end climate emission scenarios can further reduce the amount and diversity of deadwood, the limiting factor for habitats for saproxylic species in European boreal forests. The magnitude of their combined effects and how changes in forest management can affect deadwood diversity under a range of climate change scenarios are poorly understood. We used forest growth simulations to evaluate how forest management and climate change will individually and jointly affect habitats of red-listed saproxylic species in Finland. We simulated seven forest management regimes and three climate scenarios (reference, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) over 100 years. Management regimes included set aside, continuous cover forestry, business-as-usual (BAU) and four modifications of BAU. Habitat suitability was assessed using a species-specific habitat suitability index, including 21 fungal and invertebrate species groups. “Winner” and “loser” species were identified based on the modelled impacts of forest management and climate change on their habitat suitability. We found that forest management had a major impact on habitat suitability of saproxylic species compared to climate change. Habitat suitability index varied by over 250% among management regimes, while overall change in habitat suitability index caused by climate change was on average only 2%. More species groups were identified as winners than losers from impacts of climate change (52%–95% were winners, depending on the climate change scenario and management regime). The largest increase in habitat suitability index was achieved under set aside (254%) and the climate scenario RCP8.5 (> 2%), while continuous cover forestry was the most suitable regime to increase habitat suitability of saproxylic species (up to + 11%) across all climate change scenarios. Our results show that close-to-nature management regimes (e.g., continuous cover forestry and set aside) can increase the habitat suitability of many saproxylic boreal species more than the basic business-as-usual regime. This suggests that biodiversity loss of many saproxylic species in boreal forests can be mitigated through improved forest management practices, even as climate change progresses.

  • Zhenghai Mo, Xufeng Yang, Longjiao Hu, Min Zhai, Jiping Xuan

    Budding is an important grafting technique to asexually propagate pecan (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch). To determine factors that might hamper successful budding of the species, a representative easy-to-survive cultivar ‘Pawnee’ and a typical difficult-to-survive cultivar ‘Jinhua’ were used for comprehensive analysis. Morphological observation showed that cells surrounding the secretory cells or sieve tube had collapsed in ‘Jinhua’ but not in ‘Pawnee’ during grafting. ‘Jinhua’ might suffer more hypoxia stress than ‘Pawnee’ as ‘Jinhua’ had higher catalase, superoxide dismutase, polyphenol oxidase, pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC), alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activities during grafting and contained greater levels of hydrogen peroxide 12 days after grafting (DAG). Transcriptions of PDC and ADH were also up-regulated significantly in ‘Jinhua’ whereas they were not significantly affected in ‘Pawnee’. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activities of ‘Jinhua’ were consistently lower than that of ‘Pawnee’. Initial phenol contents were similar between the two cultivars. Graft-promoting substances, including soluble sugar, soluble protein, and gibberellin (GA) were incompletely recovered in ‘Jinhua’ 12 DAG while fully restored in ‘Pawnee’. Increased levels of trans-zeatin riboside in ‘Jinhua’ were much smaller than in ‘Pawnee’ 3 DAG. The contents of indole-3-acetic acid were similar, and the dynamics of abscisic acid were the same between the two genotypes. Results suggest that hypoxia stress and shortages of sugar, protein, GA, and cytokinin during the healing process might be key factors limiting successful budding of pecan. The degree of scion-rootstock compatibility and the content of phenols might be excluded as constraints for successful budding.

  • Yuanyuan Wang, Xinzhu Dai, Xingling Chen, Dan Zhang, Guiqing Lin, Yuanhang Zhou, Tianyi Wang, Yulong Cui

    Differences in forest attributes and carbon sequestration of each organ and layer between broadleaved and conifer forests of central and outer urban areas are not well-defined, hindering the precise management of urban forests and improvement of function. To clarify the effect of two forest types with different urbanization intensities, we determined differences in vegetation composition and diversity, structural traits, and carbon stocks of 152 plots (20 m × 20 m) in urban park forests in Changchun, which had the largest green quantity and carbon density effectiveness. We found that 1.1-fold thicker and healthier trees, and 1.6- to 2.0-fold higher, healthier, denser, and more various shrubs but with sparser trees and herbs occurred in the central urban forests (p < 0.05) than in the outer forests. The conifer forests exhibited 30–70% obviously higher tree aboveground carbon sequestration (including stem and leaf) and 20% bigger trees, especially in the outer forests (p < 0.05). In contrast, 1.1- to 1.5-fold higher branch stocks, healthier and more diverse trees were found in broadleaved forests of both the inner and outer forests (p < 0.05). Plant size and dominant species had similarly important roles in carbon stock improvement, especially big-sized woody plants and Pinus tabuliformis. In addition, a higher number of deciduous or needle species positively affected the broadleaved forest of the central urban area and conifer forest of the outer urban area, respectively. These findings can be used to guide precise management and accelerate the improvement of urban carbon function in Northeast China in the future.

  • Teng Li, Jianfeng Peng, Tsun Fung Au, Jinbao Li

    Minimum temperatures have remarkable impacts on tree growth at high-elevation sites on the Tibetan Plateau, but the shortage of long-term and high-resolution paleoclimate records inhibits understanding of recent minimum temperature anomalies. In this study, a warm season (April–September) reconstruction is presented for the past 467 years (1550–2016) based on Sabina tibetica ring-width chronology on the Lianbaoyeze Mountain of the central eastern Tibetan Plateau. Eight warm periods and eight cold periods were identified. Long-term minimum temperature variations revealed a high degree of coherence with nearby reconstructions. Spatial correlations between our reconstruction and global sea surface temperatures suggest that warm season minimum temperature anomalies in the central eastern Tibetan Plateau were strongly influenced by large-scale ocean atmospheric circulations, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

  • Mingyong Li, Leilei Yang, Yu Cao, Dedong Wu, Guangyou Hao

    Discerning vulnerability differences among different aged trees to drought-driven growth decline or to mortality is critical to implement age-specific countermeasures for forest management in water-limited areas. An important species for afforestation in dry environments of northern China, Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv.) has recently exhibited growth decline and dieback on many sites, particularly pronounced in old-growth plantations. However, changes in response to drought stress by this species with age as well as the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. In this study, tree-ring data and remotely sensed vegetation data were combined to investigate variations in growth at individual tree and stand scales for young (9 − 13 years) and aging (35 − 52 years) plantations of Mongolian pine in a water-limited area of northern China. A recent decline in tree-ring width in the older plantation also had lower values in satellited-derived normalized difference vegetation indices and normalized difference water indices relative to the younger plantations. In addition, all measured growth-related metrics were strongly correlated with the self-calibrating Palmer drought severity index during the growing season in the older plantation. Sensitivity of growth to drought of the older plantation might be attributed to more severe hydraulic limitations, as reflected by their lower sapwood- and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivities. Our study presents a comprehensive view on changes of growth with age by integrating multiple methods and provides an explanation from the perspective of plant hydraulics for growth decline with age. The results indicate that old-growth Mongolian pine plantations in water-limited environments may face increased growth declines under the context of climate warming and drying.

  • Yanfang Wan, Pengtao Yu, Yanhui Wang, Jiamei Li, Yushi Bai, Yipeng Yu, Bingbing Liu, Xiaocha Wei

    Extreme climate has increasingly led to negative impacts on forest ecosystems globally, especially in semiarid areas where forest ecosystems are more vulnerable. However, it is poorly understood how tree growth is affected by different drought events. In 2006–2009, the larch plantations in the semiarid areas of Northwest China were negatively affected by four consecutive dry years, which was a very rare phenomenon that may occur frequently under future climate warming. In this study, we analyzed the effect of these consecutive dry years on tree growth based on the data of the tree rings in the dominant layer of the forest canopy on a larch plantation. We found that the tree-ring width index (RWI) in dry years was lower than that in normal years, and it experienced a rapidly decreasing trend from 2006 to 2009 (slope =  − 0.139 year−1, r =  − 0.94) due to water supply deficits in those dry years. Drought induced legacy effects of tree growth reduction, and consecutive dry years corresponded with greater growth reductions and legacy effects. Growth reductions and legacy effects were significantly stronger in the third and fourth consecutive dry years than that of single dry year (p < 0.05), which might have been due to the cumulative stress caused by consecutive dry years. Our results showed that larch trees experienced greater tree growth reduction due to consecutive dry years and their legacy effect, and the trees had lower recovery rates after consecutive dry years. Our results highlight that consecutive dry years pose a new threat to plantations under climate warming, and thus, the effect of climate extremes on tree growth should be considered in growth models in semiarid areas.

  • Di Liu, Yang An, Zhao Li, Zhihui Wang, Yinghui Zhao, Xiaochun Wang

    Betula platyphylla and Betula costata are important species in mixed broadleaved-Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forests. However, the specific ways in which their growth is affected by warm temperatures and drought remain unclear. To address this issue, 60 and 62 tree-ring cores of B. platyphylla and B. costata were collected in Yichun, China. Using dendrochronological methods, the response and adaptation of these species to climate change were examined. A “hysteresis effect” was found in the rings of both species, linked to May–September moisture conditions of the previous year. Radial growth of B. costata was positively correlated with the standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI), the precipitation from September to October of the previous year, and the relative humidity in October of the previous year. Growth of B. costata is primarily restricted by moisture conditions from September to October. In contrast, B. platyphylla growth is mainly limited by minimum temperatures in May–June of both the previous and current years. After droughts, B. platyphylla had a faster recovery rate compared to B. costata. In the context of rising temperatures since 1980, the correlation between B. platyphylla growth and monthly SPEI became positive and strengthened over time, while the growth of B. costata showed no conspicuous change. Our findings suggest that the growth of B. platyphylla is already affected by warming temperatures, whereas B. costata may become limited if warming continues or intensifies. Climate change could disrupt the succession of these species, possibly accelerating the succession of pioneer species. The results of this research  are of great significance for understanding how the growth changes of birch species under warming and drying conditions, and contribute to understanding the structural adaptation of mixed broadleaved-Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forests under climate change.

  • Ting Wang, Qing Xu, Beibei Zhang, Deqiang Gao, Ying Zhang, Jing Jiang, Haijun Zuo

    Understanding the relationship between forest management and water use efficiency (WUE) is important for evaluating forest adaptability to climate change. However, the effects of thinning and understory removal on WUE and its key controlling processes are not well understood, which limits our comprehension of the physiological mechanisms of various management practices. In this study, four forest management measures (no thinning: NT; understory removal: UR; light thinning: LT; and heavy thinning: HT) were carried out in Pinus massoniana plantations in a subtropical region of China. Photosynthetic capacity and needle stable carbon isotope composition (δ 13C) were measured to assess instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEinst) and long-term water use efficiency (WUEi). Multiple regression models and structural equation modelling (SEM) identified the effects of soil properties and physiological performances on WUEinst and WUEi. The results show that WUEinst values among the four treatments were insignificant. However, compared with the NT stand (35.8 μmol·mol−1), WUEi values significantly increased to 41.7 μmol·mol−1 in the UR, 50.1 μmol·mol−1 in the LT and 46.6 μmol·mol−1 in HT treatments, largely explained by photosynthetic capacity and soil water content. Understory removal did not change physiological performance (needle water potential and photosynthetic capacity). Thinning increased the net photosynthetic rate (A n) but not stomatal conductance (g s) or predawn needle water potential (ψ pd), implying that the improvement in water use efficiency for thinned stands was largely driven by radiation interception than by soil water availability. In general, thinning may be an appropriate management measure to promote P. massoniana WUE to cope with seasonal droughts under future extreme climates.

  • Frank G. A. Verheijen, Martinho A. S. Martins, Sergio A. Prats, Jan J. Keizer

    Soil pedestals have long been used as qualitative indicators of soil splash erosion. In rangelands, plant-capped pedestals, generally grass tussocks, have also been used to quantitatively estimate soil loss since the first half of the twentieth century. In agricultural lands, forests, and badlands, stone-capped pedestals have been used as qualitative and semi-quantitative indicators of active, ‘extreme’ erosion. Little work has been reported on using capstone pedestal data for quantifying soil loss. We postulate that three distinct capstone pedestal types may be present in any given location and that a detailed analysis of a pedestal height histogram may be used to recognize their populations. This analysis can subsequently inform if soil loss can be reliably estimated and if so, which of the existing methods using pedestal height data will provide more accurate results. The three proposed capstone pedestal types are: (1) neo-pedestals formed underneath surface stones exposed by (partial) removal of the soil surface cover; (2) endo-pedestals formed underneath stones that were buried in the soil but have been exposed by erosion; and (3) phoenix-pedestals formed underneath stones from collapsed pedestals. In the pedestal height histogram of any given location, a skew to smaller heights may indicate the existence of endo- and/or phoenix-pedestals, which may be revealed as a bi-(or tri) modal distribution when using a smaller bin size. This concept was applied to a case study where soil loss had been monitored for control plots and mulched plots during a 5-year period following wildfire in a eucalypt plantation. We measured pedestal heights and used methods to quantitatively assess soil loss from soil pedestal data in the available literature. Soil pedestal data at the end of the 5-year period under or overestimated soil loss in the control treatment, with results ranging from 60 to 115% of measured soil loss, depending on the method. It is postulated that phoenix- and endo-pedestals may be a driving factor behind the observed discrepancies. We discuss how future research may provide more insight into dominant processes, and how frequency distributions may be used to select the best methods for estimating soil loss from pedestals.

  • Shuisong Liu, Linsong Wang, Ronggui Li, Mengyu Chen, Wenjun Deng, Chao Wang, Guicai Du, Qunqun Guo

    In our previous screening of the transcriptome of the causal agent of the devastating pine wilt disease, pine wood nematode (PWN, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), after treatment with the nematicide fomepizole, Surfeit locus gene sft-4, which encodes a regulatory factor, was found to be downregulated. In situ hybridization results showed that the sft-4 was continuously expressed from egg to adult and was especially high in the reproductive system. Here in a study of the effect of RNA interference (RNAi) of sft-4 and recombinant SFT-4 on PWN activity, treatment with sft-4 dsRNA inhibited feeding, reproduction, oviposition and egg hatching of PWN with the greatest inhibition on reproduction and oviposition, whereas recombinant SFT-4 had the opposite effect. In addition, RNAi of sft-4 changed the female–male ratio and lifespan of PWN. In bioassays of PWNs, with RNAi of sft-4 on seedlings and 2-year-old Pinus thunbergii trees, none of the treated plants developed symptoms during the monitoring period, indicating that virulence of PWNs was either significantly weakened. These results indicate that the influence of sft-4 on PWN pathogenicity may be mainly through regulating reproductive function of PWN and its lifespan.

  • Jinkuan Li, Jianfeng Peng, Xiaoxu Wei, Meng Peng, Xuan Li, Yameng Liu, Jiaxin Li

    Global warming will affect growth strategies and how trees will adapt. To compare the response of tree radial growth to climate warming in different slope directions, samples of Pinus armandii Franch were collected and tree-ring chronologies developed on northern and western slopes from the Lubanling in the Funiu Mountains. Correlation analyses showed that two chronologies were mainly limited by temperatures in the previous June–August and the combination of temperatures and moisture in the current May–July. The difference of the climate response to slopes was small but not negligible. Radial growth of the LBL01 site on the northern slope was affected by the combined maximum and minimum temperatures, while that of the LBL02 site was affected by maximum temperatures. With regards to moisture, radial growth of the trees on the north slope was influenced by the relative humidity in the current May–July, while on the western slope, it was affected by the relative humidity in the previous June–August, the current May–July and the precipitation in the current May–July. With the change in climate, the effects of the main limiting factors on growth on different slopes were visible to a certain extent, but the differences in response of trees on different slopes gradually decreased, which might be caused by factors such as different slope directions and the change in diurnal temperature range. These results may provide information for forest protection and ecological construction in this region, and a scientific reference for future climate reconstruction.

  • Elena A. Babushkina, Dmitry R. Dergunov, Mikhail S. Zharkov, Liliana V. Belokopytova, Dina F. Zhirnova, Bao Yang, Jingjing Liu, Xiaomei Peng, Eugene A. Vaganov

    Recent methodological advances in quantitative wood anatomy have provided new insights into the climatic responses of radial growth at the scale of cell structure of tree rings. This study considered long-term chronologies of tracheid measurements, indexed by a novel approach to separate their specific climatic responses from signal recorded in cell production (closely reflected in tree-ring width). To fill gaps in understanding the impact of climate on conifer xylem structure, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees > 200 years old were selected within the forest-steppe zone in southern Siberia. Such habitats undergo mild moisture deficits and the resulting climatic regulation of growth processes. Mean and maximum values of cell radial diameter and cell wall thickness were recorded for each tree ring. Despite a low level of climatogenic stress, components of cell chronologies independent of cambial activity were separated to obtain significant climatic signals revealing the timing of the specific stages of tracheid differentiation. Cell expansion lasted from mid-April to July and was impacted similarly to tree-ring width (stimulated by precipitation and stressed by heat), maximum cell size formed late June. A switch in the climatic responses of mean anatomical traits indicated transition to latewood in mid-July. Secondary wall deposition lasted until mid-September, suppressed by end of season temperatures. Generally, anatomical climatic responses were modulated by a less dry May and September compared with summer months.

  • Rong Wang, Xueheng Lu, Hongyan Han, Xuemei Zhang, Yonghong Ma, Qinsong Liu, Xiaohong Gan

    The regeneration of Tetracentron sinense Oliv. is poor in the understory and in open areas due to the characteristics of natural regeneration of the species on forest edges and in gaps. It is unclear whether different light intensities in various habitats affect eco-physiological characteristics of saplings and their natural regeneration. In this study, the light intensity in T. sinense habitats was simulated by artificial shading (L1: 100% NS (natural sunlight) in the open; L2: 50% NS in a forest gap or edge; L3: 10% NS in understory) to investigate differences in morphology, leaf structure, physiology, and photosynthesis of 2-year-old saplings, and to analyze the mechanism of light intensity on sapling establishment. Significant differences were observed in morphology (including leaf area, and specific leaf area) under different light intensities. Compared to L1 and L3, chloroplast structure in L2 was intact. With increasing time, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities in L2 became gradually higher than under the other light intensities, while malondialdehyde (MDA) content was opposite. Shading decreased osmoregulation substance contents of leaves but increased chlorophyll. The results suggest that light intensities significantly affect the eco-physiological characteristics of T. sinense saplings and they would respond most favorably at intermediate levels of light by optimizing eco-physiological characteristics. Therefore, 50% natural sunlight should be created to promote saplings establishment and population recovery of T. sinense during in situ conservation, including sowing mature seeds in forest edges or gaps and providing appropriate shade protection for seedlings and saplings in the open.

  • Jiachuan Wang, Shuheng Li, Qiang Li, Yili Guo, Yijie Han, Qi Liu, Yiqi Zhao

    Changes in annual radial growth is an important indication of climate change. Dendroclimatology studies in northern China have focused on linear statistical analysis, but lacking studies based on the process of ring formation to clarify the radial growth of trees. Tree-ring width standard chronology (STD) was established using samples of Larix principis-rupprechtii collected at 2303 m altitude on Luya Mountain. Using the Vaganov-Shashkin (VS) model to simulate growth and development, the internal physiological mechanism of radial growth is identified. It was concluded that: (1) the growing season of L. principis-rupprechtii was May to September; (2) soil moisture was a significant factor in the early and late growing seasons, and temperature was the dominant factor in its main growth period; and (3) formation of narrow ring widths was closely related to drought stress, the development of wide ring widths will be restricted by increasing future temperatures. The VS model is applicable for radial growth simulation of subalpine coniferous forests and for guiding the cultivation of local tree species in the future.

  • Eva Plath, Chantal Trauth, Jan Gerhards, Laura Griebel, Klaus Fischer

    Biodiversity loss is a significant problem at a global scale and may be amplified by climate change. In recent years, coniferous forests have had substantial dieback across Europe due to drought and subsequent bark-beetle outbreaks. As many studies on the consequences of disturbance and subsequent management have focused on natural stands, management implications for managed spruce stands are not well understood, even though such stands are widespread throughout Europe. In this study, beetle taxonomy, conservation value, and community composition are compared among spruce plantations and four post-disturbance management approaches: standing deadwood, lying deadwood, clear cuts, and long-term succession. Diversity and community composition differed significantly among management categories, while different beetle families responded similarly. Intact spruce stands harbored the lowest beetle diversity while the highest taxonomic diversity and conservation value was on clear cuts and stands with lying or standing deadwood. The proportion of forest specialists was highest in successional forests. In summary, different forest management categories harbored distinct beetle communities at the family-, species-, and ecological guild levels. Therefore, post-disturbance management should consider the landscape scale and include different management types. This enhances landscape heterogeneity and thus overall biodiversity but could also mitigate negative impacts of natural disturbances on ecosystem services.

  • Xuge Wang, Liang Jiao, Ruhong Xue, Peng Zhang, Dashi Du, Mengyuan Wei, Qian Li

    Global warming and frequent extreme drought events lead to tree death and extensive forest decline, but the underlying mechanism is not clear. In drought years, cambial development is more sensitive to climate change, but in different phenological stages, the response relationship is nonlinear. Therefore, the dynamic relationship between tree radial growth and climatic/environmental factors needs to be studied. We thus continuously monitored radial growth of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.) and environmental factors from January 2021 to November 2022 using point dendrometers and portable meteorological weather stations in the central area of the Qilian Mountains. The relationship and stability between the radial growth of Qinghai spruce and environmental factors were compared for different levels of drought in 2021 and 2022. The year 2022 had higher temperatures and less precipitation and was drier than 2021. Compared with 2021, the growing period in 2022 for Qinghai spruce was 10 days shorter, maximum growth rate (Grmax) was 4.5 μm·d−1 slower, and the initiation of growth was 6 days later. Growth of Qinghai spruce was always restricted by drought, and the stem radial increment (SRI) was more sensitive to precipitation and air relative humidity. Seasonal changes in cumulative radial growth were divided into four phenological stages according to the time of growth onset, cessation, and maximum growth rate (Grmax) of Qinghai spruce. Stability responses of SRI to climate change were stronger in Stage 3 and Stage 4 of 2021 and stronger in Stage 1 (initiation growth stage) and Stage 3 of 2022. The results provide important information on the growth of the trees in response to drought and for specific managing forests as the climate warms.

  • Kaixuan Yang, Junzhou Zhang, Haowen Fan, Yuan Yan

    Latewood width (LWW) indices of trees are considered a reliable proxy of summer precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere. However, the strong coupling and high correlation between earlywood width (EWW) and LWW indices often prevent registration of climate signals of the LWW index. In this study, 328-year-long earlywood width and latewood width chronologies were developed from Chinese pine at two sites in the Hasi Mountains, north central China. The climate responses of these chronologies were analyzed and the LWW index used to derive summer precipitation signals. Correlation analyses showed that LWW was particularly influenced by earlywood growth and recorded stronger climate signals of the previous year as EWW, rather than those of the current year with infrequent summer climate signals. However, after removing the effect of earlywood growth using a simple regression model, the adjusted LWW chronology (LWWadj) showed a strong relationship with July precipitation in dry years. This suggests that the LWWadj chronology has the potential to be used to investigate long-term variability in summer precipitation in drought-limited regions.

  • Tommaso Chiti, Emanuele Blasi, Maria Vincenza Chiriacò

    In the Mediterranean region, despite bamboo being an alien species that can seriously alter plant and animal biocoenosis, the area occupied by bamboo plantations continues to increase, especially for the purpose to sequester carbon (C). However, the C dynamics in the soil–plant system when bamboo is grown outside its native area are poorly understood. Here we investigated the C mitigation potential of the fast-growing Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) introduced in Italy for climate-change mitigation. We analyzed aboveground (AGB) and belowground (as root/shoot ratio) biomass, litter and soil organic C (SOC) at 0–15- and 15–30-cm depths in a 4-year-old bamboo plantation in comparison with the former annual cropland on which the bamboo was established. To have an idea of the maximum C stored at an ecosystem level, a natural forest adjacent the two sites was also considered. In the plantation, C accumulation as AGB was stimulated, with 14.8 ± 3.1 Mg C ha–1 stored in 3 years; because thinning was done to remove culms from the first year, the mean sequestration rate was 4.9 Mg C ha–1 a–1. The sequestration rates were high but comparable to other fast-growing tree species in Italy (e.g., Pinus nigra). SOC was significantly higher in the bamboo plantation than in the cropland only at the 0–15 cm depth, but SOC stock did not differ. Possibly 4 years were not enough time for a clear increase in SOC, or the high nutrient uptake by bamboos might have depleted the soil nutrients, thus inhibiting the soil organic matter formation by bacteria. In comparison, the natural forest had significantly higher C levels in all the pools. For C dynamics at an ecosystem level, the bamboo plantation on the former annual cropland led to substantial C removal from the atmosphere (about 12 Mg C ha–1 a–1). However, despite the promising C sequestration rates by bamboo, its introduction should be carefully considered due to potential ecological problems caused by this species in overexploited environments such as the Mediterranean area.

  • Yanjun Wang, Guangze Jin, Zhili Liu

    Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) are of fundamental importance for growth and nutrient dynamics within plant organs and deserve more attention at regional to global scales. However, our knowledge of how these nutrients vary with tree size, organ age, or root order at the individual level remains limited. We determined C, N, and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios (i.e., nutrient traits) in needles, branches, and fine roots at different organ ages (0–3-year-old needles and branches) and root orders (1st–4th order roots) from 64 Pinus koraiensis of varying size (Diameter at breast height ranged from 0.3 to 100 cm) in northeast China. Soil factors were also measured. The results show that nutrient traits were regulated by tree size, organ age, or root order rather than soil factors. At a whole-plant level, nutrient traits decreased in needles and fine roots but increased in branches with tree size. At the organ level, age or root order had a negative effect on C, N, and P and a positive effect on stoichiometric ratios. Our results demonstrate that nutrient variations are closely related to organ-specific functions and ecophysiological processes at an individual level. It is suggested that the nutrient acquisition strategy by younger trees and organ fractions with higher nutrient content is for survival. Conversely, nutrient storage strategy in older trees and organ fractions are mainly for steady growth. Our results clarified the nutrient utilization strategies during tree and organ ontogeny and suggest that tree size and organ age or root order should be simultaneously considered to understand the complexities of nutrient variations.

  • Niu Zhu, Jinniu Wang, Dongliang Luo, Xufeng Wang, Cheng Shen, Ning Wu, Ning Zhang, Binghui Tian, Aihong Gai

    Evapotranspiration is an important parameter used to characterize the water cycle of ecosystems. To understand the properties of the evapotranspiration and energy balance of a subalpine forest in the southeastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, an open-path eddy covariance system was set up to monitor the forest from November 2020 to October 2021 in a core area of the Three Parallel Rivers in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The results show that the evapotranspiration peaked daily, the maximum occurring between 11:00 and 15:00. Environmental factors had significant effects on evapotranspiration, among them, net radiation the greatest (R 2 = 0.487), and relative humidity the least (R 2 = 0.001). The energy flux varied considerably in different seasons and sensible heat flux accounted for the main part of turbulent energy. The energy balance ratio in the dormant season was less than that in the growing season, and there is an energy imbalance at the site on an annual time scale.

  • Ricardo Antonio Marenco, Saul Alfredo Antezana-Vera, Daniela Pereira Dias, Luiz Antonio Cândido

    Litterfall is the largest source of nutrients to forest soils of tropical rainforests. However, variability in litterfall production, nutrient remobilization, and changes in leaf nutrient concentration with climate seasonality remain largely unknown for the central Amazon. This study measured litterfall production, leaf nutrient remobilization, and leaf area index on a forest plateau in the central Amazon. Litterfall was measured at monthly intervals during 2014, while nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations of leaf litter and canopy leaves were measured in the dry and rainy seasons, and remobilization rates determined. Leaf area index was also recorded in the dry and rainy seasons. Monthly litterfall varied from 33.2 (in the rainy season) to 87.6 g m‒2 in the dry season, while leaf area index increased slightly in the rainy season. Climatic seasonality had no effect on concentrations of nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium, whereas phosphorous and potassium responded to rainfall seasonality oppositely. While phosphorous increased, potassium decreased during the dry season. Over seasons, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous decreased in leaf litter; calcium increased in leaf litter, while magnesium remained unaffected with leaf aging. Regardless, the five nutrients had similar remobilization rates over the year. The absence of climate seasonality on nutrient remobilization suggests that the current length of the dry season does not alter nutrient remobilization rates but this may change as dry periods become more prolonged in the future due to climate change.

  • Haicong Zeng, Yan Zhu, Junyao Zhang, Chenliang Li, Jian Zhang, Hui Liu, Jianan Wang, Dexian Zhao

    Urbanization has profound impacts on ecological environments. Green spaces are a vital component of urban ecosystems and play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and enhancing sustainability. This study aimed to investigate the community composition characteristics of butterflies in urban green spaces within the context of rapid urbanization. Simultaneously, it explored the status and differences in butterfly taxonomic diversity, functional diversity, and functional traits among different types of urban green spaces, regions, and urban gradients to provide relevant insights for further improving urban green space quality and promoting biodiversity conservation. We conducted a year-long survey of 80 green spaces across different urban regions and ring roads within Hefei City, Anhui Province, with monthly sampling intervals over 187 transects. A total of 4822 butterflies, belonging to 5 families, 17 subfamilies, 40 genera, and 55 species were identified. The species richness, Shannon, Simpson, functional richness, and Rao's quadratic entropy indices of butterflies in urban park green spaces were all significantly higher than those in residential and street green spaces (P < 0.05). Differences in butterfly diversity and functional traits among different urban regions and ring roads were relatively minor, and small-sized, multivoltine, and long flying duration butterflies dominated urban green spaces. Overall, these spaces offer more favorable habitats for butterflies. However, some residential green spaces and street green spaces demonstrate potential for butterfly conservation.

  • Chenxi Xu, Yaru Zhao, Wenling An, Qingyu Zhao, Yucheng Liu, Masaki Sano, Takeshi Nakatsuka

    Tree-ring width (RW), density, elemental composition, and stable carbon and oxygen isotope (δ13C, δ18O) are widely used as proxies to assess climate change, ecology, and environmental pollution; however, a specific pretreatment has been needed for each proxy. Here, we developed a method by which each proxy can be measured in the same sample. First, the sample is polished for ring width measurement. After obtaining the ring width data, the sample is cut to form a 1-mm-thick wood plate. The sample is then mounted in a vertical sample holder, and gradually scanned by an X-ray beam. Simultaneously, the count rates of the fluorescent photons of elements (for chemical characterization) and a radiographic grayscale image (for wood density) are obtained, i.e. the density and the element content are obtained. Then, cellulose is isolated from the 1-mm wood plate by removal of lignin, and hemicellulose. After producing this cellulose plate, cellulose subsamples are separated by knife under the microscope for inter-annual and intra-annual stable carbon and oxygen isotope (δ13C, δ18O) analysis. Based on this method, RW, density, elemental composition, δ13C, and δ18O can be measured from the same sample, which reduces sample amount and treatment time, and is helpful for multi-proxy comparison and combination research.

  • Longfei Chen, Zhibin He, Wenzhi Zhao, Xi Zhu, Qin Shen, Mingdan Song, Zhengpeng Li, Junqia Kong, Shuping Yang, Yuan Gao

    Interest in the dynamics of soil respiration (R s) in subalpine forest ecosystems is increasing due to their high soil carbon density and potential sensitivity to environmental changes. However, as a principal silvicultural practice, the long-term impacts of thinning on R s and its heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration components (R h and R a, respectively) in subalpine plantations are poorly understood, especially in winter. A 3-year field observation was carried out with consideration of winter CO2 efflux in middle-aged subalpine spruce plantations in northwestern China. A trenching method was used to explore the long-term impacts of thinning on R s, R h and R a. Seventeen years after thinning, mean annual R s, R h and R a increased, while the contribution of R h to R s decreased with thinning intensity. Thinning significantly decreased winter R s because of the reduction in R h but had no significant effect on R a. The temperature sensitivity (Q 10) of R h and R a also increased with thinning intensity, with lower Q 10 values for R h (2.1–2.6) than for R a (2.4–2.8). The results revealed the explanatory variables and pathways related to R h and R a dynamics. Thinning increased soil moisture and nitrate nitrogen (${\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - }$-N), and the enhanced nitrogen and water availability promoted R h and R a by improving fine root biomass and microbial activity. Our results highlight the positive roles of ${\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - }$-N in stimulating R s components following long-term thinning. Therefore, applications of nitrogen fertilizer are not recommended while thinning subalpine spruce plantations from the perspective of reducing soil CO2 emissions. The increased Q 10 values of R s components indicate that a large increase in soil CO2 emissions would be expected following thinning because of more pronounced climate warming in alpine regions.

  • Li Qin, Huaming Shang, Weiping Liu, Yuting Fan, Kexiang Liu, Tongwen Zhang, Ruibo Zhang

    Tree radial growth can have significantly different responses to climate change depending on the environment. To elucidate the effects of climate on radial growth and stable carbon isotope (δ13C) fractionation of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia), a widely distributed native conifer in northwestern China in different environments, we developed chronologies for tree-ring widths and δ13C in trees on the southern and northern slopes of the Qilian Mountains, and analysed the relationship between these tree-ring variables and major climatic factors. Tree-ring widths were strongly influenced by climatic factors early in the growing season, and the radial growth in trees on the northern slopes was more sensitive to climate than in trees on the southern. Tree-ring δ13C was more sensitive to climate than radial growth. δ13C fractionation was mainly influenced by summer temperature and precipitation early in the growing season. Stomatal conductance more strongly limited stable carbon isotope fractionation in tree rings than photosynthetic rate did. The response between tree rings and climate in mountains gradually weakened as climate warmed. Changes in radial growth and stable carbon isotope fractionation of P. crassifolia in response to climate in the Qilian Mountains may be further complicated by continued climate change.

  • Xiaomei Peng, Shengchun Xiao, Bao Yang, Quanyan Tian, Vladimir V. Shishov

    Existing streamflow reconstructions based on tree-ring analysis mostly rely on species from upland, mainly montane areas, while lowland species (generally plain) areas are rarely used. This limits the understanding of streamflow change history in the lowlands, which is an important basis for water resource management. This study focused on Populus euphratica stands located along the main stream, eastern and western tributaries in the lower reaches of the Heihe River basin (HRb), in arid northwestern China. We investigated how streamflow regulation interferes with riparian trees in lowlands when they used for streamflow reconstruction. Tree-ring width chronologies were developed and analyzed in conjunction with meteorological and hydrologic observation data. The results show streamflow regulation leads in sharp fluctuations in the streamflow allocation between the eastern tributaries and western tributaries. This resulted in instability of the correlation between streamflow at the two tributaries and at the Zhengyixia hydrologic station, with corresponding fluctuations in radial growth of poplar trees on the banks of the two tributaries and at the station. Streamflow regulation altered the natural patterns of seasonal streamflow below the station, changing the time window of poplar response. This study provides useful insight into tree-ring width based streamflow reconstruction in the lowlands.

  • Xin Chen, Yujun Sun

    Since the launch of the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud platform in 2010, it has been widely used, leading to a wealth of valuable information. However, the potential of GEE for forest resource management has not been fully exploited. To extract dominant woody plant species, GEE combined Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) data with the addition of the National Forest Resources Inventory (NFRI) and topographic data, resulting in a 10 m resolution multimodal geospatial dataset for subtropical forests in southeast China. Spectral and texture features, red-edge bands, and vegetation indices of S1 and S2 data were computed. A hierarchical model obtained information on forest distribution and area and the dominant woody plant species. The results suggest that combining data sources from the S1 winter and S2 yearly ranges enhances accuracy in forest distribution and area extraction compared to using either data source independently. Similarly, for dominant woody species recognition, using S1 winter and S2 data across all four seasons was accurate. Including terrain factors and removing spatial correlation from NFRI sample points further improved the recognition accuracy. The optimal forest extraction achieved an overall accuracy (OA) of 97.4% and a map-level image classification efficacy (MICE) of 96.7%. OA and MICE were 83.6% and 80.7% for dominant species extraction, respectively. The high accuracy and efficacy values indicate that the hierarchical recognition model based on multimodal remote sensing data performed extremely well for extracting information about dominant woody plant species. Visualizing the results using the GEE application allows for an intuitive display of forest and species distribution, offering significant convenience for forest resource monitoring.

  • Andrés Baietto, Andrés Hirigoyen, Jorge Hernández, Amabelia del Pino

    Native grasslands in the Pampas of South America are increasingly being replaced by Eucalyptus and Pinus stands. The short rotation regimes used for the stands require high nutrient levels, with litterfall being a major source of nutrient return. To model the litterfall production using climatic variables and assess the nutrient return in 14-year-old Eucalyptusgrandis and Pinustaeda stands, we measured litter production over 2 years, using conical litter traps, and monitored climatic variables. Mean temperature, accumulated precipitation, and mean maximum vapor pressure deficit at the seasonal level influenced litterfall production by E.grandis; seasonal accumulated precipitation and mean maximum temperature affected litterfall by P.taeda. The regression tree modeling based on these climatic variables had great accuracy and predictive power for E.grandis (N = 33; MAE (mean absolute error) = 0.65; RMSE (root mean square error) = 0.91; R2 = 0.71) and P.taeda (N = 108; MAE = 1.50; RMSE = 1.59; R2 = 0.72). The nutrient return followed a similar pattern to litterfall deposition, as well as the order of importance of macronutrients (E.grandis: Ca > N > K > Mg > P; P.taeda: N > Ca > K > Mg > P) and micronutrients (E.grandis and P.taeda: Mn > Fe > Zn > Cu) in both species. This study constitutes a first approximation of factors that affect litterfall and nutrient return in these systems.

  • Mariann Komlós, Zoltán Botta-Dukát, János Bölöni, Réka Aszalós, Katalin Veres, Dániel Winkler, Gábor Ónodi

    Increasing human activity is altering the structure of forests, which affects the composition of communities, including birds. However, little is known about the key forest structure variables that determine the richness of bird communities in European temperate oak forests. We, therefore, aimed to identify key variables in these habitats that could contribute to the design of management strategies for forest conservation by surveying 11 oak-dominated forest sites throughout the mid-mountain range of Hungary at 86 survey points to reveal the role of different compositional and structural variables for forest stands that influence the breeding bird assemblages in the forests at the functional group and individual species levels. Based on decision tree modelling, our results showed that the density of trees larger than 30 cm DBH was an overall important variable, indicating that large-diameter trees were essential to provide diverse bird communities. The total abundance of birds, the foliage-gleaners, primary and secondary cavity nesters, residents, and five specific bird species were related to the density of high trunk diameter trees. The abundance of shrub nesters was negatively influenced by a high density of trees over 10 cm DBH. The density of the shrub layer positively affected total bird abundance and the abundance of foliage gleaners, secondary cavity nesters and residents. Analysis of the co-dominant tree species showed that the presence of linden, beech, and hornbeam was important in influencing the abundance of various bird species, e.g., Eurasian Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), Marsh Tit (Poecile palustris) and Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix). Our results indicated that large trees, high tree diversity, and dense shrub layer were essential for forest bird communities and are critical targets for protection to maintain diverse and abundant bird communities in oak-dominated forest habitats.

  • Meng Ren, Yu Liu, Qiufang Cai, Qiang Li, Huiming Song, Changfeng Sun

    As one of the regions most affected by global climate warming, the Tianshan mountains has experienced several ecological crises, including retreating glaciers and water deficits. Climate warming in these mountains is considered mainly to be caused by increases in minimum temperatures and winter temperatures, while the influence of maximum temperatures is unclear. In this study, a 300-year tree-ring chronology developed from the Western Tianshan Mountains was used to reconstruct the summer (June–August) maximum temperature (T max6–8) variations from 1718 to 2017. The reconstruction explained 53.1% of the variance in the observed T max6–8. Over the past 300 years, the T max6–8 reconstruction showed clear interannual and decadal variabilities. There was a significant warming trend (0.18 °C/decade) after the 1950s, which was close to the increasing rates of the minimum and mean temperatures. The increase in maximum temperature was also present over the whole Tianshan mountains and its impact on climate warming has increased. The T max6-8 variations in the Western Tianshan mountains were influenced by frequent volcanic eruptions combined with the influence of solar activity and the summer North Atlantic Oscillation. This study reveals that climate warming is significantly influenced by the increase in maximum temperatures and clarifies possible driving mechanisms of temperature variations in the Western Tianshan mountains which should aid climate predictions.

  • Yanan Zhao, Xuemin He, Hanxiao Li, Qiang Xu, Lifeng Wang, Ziheng Zhang, Guona Zhou, Junxia Liu, Baojia Gao

    Research has indicated that simple forest ecosystem composition, structure and diversity have uncomplicated community relationships and insufficient pest control capabilities. To investigate changing characteristics of plant and insect communities in under pest outbreaks in Larix principis-rupprechtii plantations, the research areas were defined as mature (48–50 years) and young (24–29 years) infested stands along with healthy stands. The results show a reduction in the complexity and diversity of plant communities and herbaceous plant guilds (polycultures of beneficial plants) and the complexity and dominance of insect communities, especially natural insect enemies. The results also show the relative simplicity of the main factors of community change and development that represent the characteristics of pest outbreaks in L. principis-rupprechtii plantations. The complexity and diversity of plant communities, particularly herbaceous plant guilds play a fundamental role in the regulation and development in forest ecosystems.

  • Remzi Eker, Kamber Can Alkiş, Abdurrahim Aydın

    Disturbances such as forest fires, intense winds, and insect damage exert strong impacts on forest ecosystems by shaping their structure and growth dynamics, with contributions from climate change. Consequently, there is a need for reliable and operational methods to monitor and map these disturbances for the development of suitable management strategies. While susceptibility assessment using machine learning methods has increased, most studies have focused on a single disturbance. Moreover, there has been limited exploration of the use of “Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)” in the literature. In this study, susceptibility assessment for multiple forest disturbances (fires, insect damage, and wind damage) was conducted using the PyCaret AutoML framework in the Izmir Regional Forest Directorate (RFD) in Turkey. The AutoML framework compared 14 machine learning algorithms and ranked the best models based on AUC (area under the curve) values. The extra tree classifier (ET) algorithm was selected for modeling the susceptibility of each disturbance due to its good performance (AUC values > 0.98). The study evaluated susceptibilities for both individual and multiple disturbances, creating a total of four susceptibility maps using fifteen driving factors in the assessment. According to the results, 82.5% of forested areas in the Izmir RFD are susceptible to multiple disturbances at high and very high levels. Additionally, a potential forest disturbances map was created, revealing that 15.6% of forested areas in the Izmir RFD may experience no damage from the disturbances considered, while 54.2% could face damage from all three disturbances. The SHAP (Shapley Additive exPlanations) methodology was applied to evaluate the importance of features on prediction and the nonlinear relationship between explanatory features and susceptibility to disturbance.

  • Xiaomin Zeng, Ping Ni, Xiaohong Liu, Wenzhi Wang, Yao Li, Wenchao Wang

    Episodes of drought-induced decline in tree growth and mortality are becoming more frequent as a result of climate warming and enhanced water stress in semi-arid areas. However, the ecophysiological mechanisms underlying the impact of drought on tree growth remains unresolved. In this study, earlywood and latewood tree-ring growth, δ13C, and δ18O chronologies of Picea mongolica from 1900 to 2013 were developed to clarify the intra- and inter-annual tree-ring growth responses to increasingly frequent droughts. The results indicate that annual basal area increment residuals (BAIres), which removed tree age and size effects, have significantly decreased since 1960. However, the decreasing trend of earlywood BAIres was higher than that of latewood. Climate response analysis suggests that the dominant parameters for earlywood and latewood proxies (BAIres, δ13C and δ18O) were drought-related climate variables (Palmer drought severity index, temperature, relative humidity, and vapor pressure deficit). The most significant period of earlywood and latewood proxies’ responses to climate variables were focused on June–July and July–August, respectively. BAIres, and δ13C were significantly affected by temperature and moisture conditions, whereas δ18O was slightly affected. Decreasing stomatal conductance due to drought outweighed the influence of increasing CO2 on intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE), and ultimately led to a decline in BAIres. Compared to latewood, the faster decreasing BAIres and smaller increasing iWUE of earlywood suggested trees were more vulnerable to water stress in the early growing season. Our study provides insights into the inter- and intra-annual mechanisms of tree-ring growth in semi-arid regions under rising CO2 and climate change.

  • Shaifali Bhatt, Usha Chouhan

    Prediction, prevention, and control of forest fires are crucial on at all scales. Developing effective fire detection systems can aid in their control. This study proposes a novel CNN (convolutional neural network) using an attention blocks module which combines an attention module with numerous input layers to enhance the performance of neural networks. The suggested model focuses on predicting the damage affected/burned areas due to possible wildfires and evaluating the multilateral interactions between the pertinent factors. The results show the impacts of CNN using attention blocks for feature extraction and to better understand how ecosystems are affected by meteorological factors. For selected meteorological data, RMSE 12.08 and MAE 7.45 values provide higher predictive power for selecting relevant and necessary features to provide optimal performance with less operational and computational costs. These findings show that the suggested strategy is reliable and effective for planning and managing fire-prone regions as well as for predicting forest fire damage.

  • Lin Feng, Youchao He, Xu Li, Meiqi Zhou, Chao Wang

    Populus alba ‘Berolinensis’ is a fast-growing, high-yielding species with strong biotic and abiotic stress resistance, and widely planted for timber, shelter belts and aesthetic purposes. In this study, molecular development is explored and the important genes regulating xylem formation in P. alba ‘Berolinensis’ under artificial bending treatments was identified. Anatomical investigation indicated that tension wood (TW) was characterized by eccentric growth of xylem and was enriched in cellulose; the degree of lignification was lower than for normal wood (NW) and opposite wood (OW). RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis was performed using developing xylem from three wood types (TW, OW and NW). A large number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were screened and 4889 counted. In GO and KEGG enrichment results, genes involved in plant hormone signal transduction, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and cell wall and secondary cell wall biogenesis play major roles in xylem development under artificial bending. Eight expansin (PalEXP) genes were identified from the RNA-seq data; four were differentially expressed during tension wood formation. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that PalEXLB1 belongs to the EXPB subfamily and that the other PalEXPs are members of the EXPA subfamily. A transcriptional regulatory network construction showed 10 transcription factors located in the first and second layers upstream of EXP, including WRKY, ERF and bHLH. RT‒qPCR analysis in leaves, stems and roots combined with transcriptome analysis suggests that PalEXPA2, PalEXPA4 and PalEXPA15 play significant regulatory roles in cell wall formation during tension wood development. The candidate genes involved in xylem cell wall development during tension wood formation marks an important step toward identifying the molecular regulatory mechanism of xylem development and wood property improvement in P. alba ‘Berolinensis’.

  • Shengwang Meng

    Quantifying the biomass of saplings in the regeneration component is critical for understanding biogeochemical processes of forest ecosystems. However, accurate allometric equations have yet to be developed in sufficient detail. To develop species-specific and generalized allometric equations, 154 saplings of eight Fagaceae tree species in subtropical China’s evergreen broadleaved forests were collected. Three dendrometric variables, root collar diameter (d), height (h), and crown area (ca) were applied in the model by the weighted nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression method. Using only d as an input variable, the species-specific and generalized allometric equations estimated the aboveground biomass reasonably, with ${R}_{adj}^{2}$ values generally > 0.85. Adding h and/or ca improved the fitting of some biomass components to a certain extent. Generalized equations showed a relatively large coefficient of variation but comparable bias to species-specific equations. Only in the absence of species-specific equations at a given location are generalized equations for mixed species recommended. The developed regression equations can be used to accurately calculate the aboveground biomass of understory Fagaceae regeneration trees in China’s subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests.

  • Xiufang Gong, Danyang Yuan, Liangjun Zhu, Zongshan Li, Xiaochun Wang

    The role of the temperate mixed broadleaf-Korean pine forest (BKF) in global biogeochemical cycles will depend on how the tree species community responds to climate; however, species-specific responses and vulnerabilities of common trees in BKF to extreme climates are poorly understood. Here we used dendrochronological methods to assess radial growth of seven main tree species (Pinus koraiensis, Picea jezoensis, Abies nephrolepis, Fraxinus mandshurica, Phellodendron amurense, Quercus mongolica, and Ulmus davidiana) in an old-growth BKF in response to climate changes in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains and to improve predictions of changes in the tree species composition. Temperature in most months and winter precipitation significantly negatively affected growth of P. jezoensis and A. nephrolepis, but positively impacted growth of P. koraiensis and the broadleaf species, especially F. mandshurica and U. davidiana. Precipitation and relative humidity in June significantly positively impacted the growth of most tree species. The positive effect of the temperature during the previous non-growing season (PNG) on growth of F. mandshurica and Q. mongolica strengthened significantly with rapid warming around 1981, while the impact of PNG temperature on the growth of P. jezoensis and A. nephrolepis changed from significantly negative to weakly negative or positive at this time. The negative response of radial growth of P. jezoensis and A. nephrolepis to precipitation during the growing season gradually weakened, and the negative response to PNG precipitation was enhanced. Among the studied species, P. koraiensis was the most resistant to drought, and U. davidiana recovered the best after extreme drought. Ulmus davidiana, P. jezoensis and A. nephrolepis were more resistant to extreme cold than the other species. Climate warming generally exacerbated the opposite growth patterns of conifer (decline) and broadleaf (increase) species. Deciduous broadleaf tree species in the old-growth BKF probably will gradually become dominant as warming continues. Species-specific growth-climate relationships should be considered in future models of biogeochemical cycles and in forestry management practices.

  • Hafsae Lamsaf, Asmae Lamsaf, Mounir A. Kerroum, Miguel Almeida

    Research on fires at the wildland-urban interface (WUI) has generated significant insights and advancements across various fields of study. Environmental, agriculture, and social sciences have played prominent roles in understanding the impacts of fires in the environment, in protecting communities, and addressing management challenges. This study aimed to create a database using a text mining technique for global researchers interested in WUI-projects and highlighting the interest of countries in this field. Author’s-Keywords analysis emphasized the dominance of fire science-related terms, especially related to WUI, and identified keyword clusters related to the WUI fire-risk-assessment-system—“exposure”, “danger”, and “vulnerability” within wildfire research. Trends over the past decade showcase shifting research interests with a growing focus on WUI fires, while regional variations highlighted that the “exposure” keyword cluster received greater attention in the southern Europe and South America. However, vulnerability keywords have relatively a lower representation across all regions. The analysis underscores the interdisciplinary nature of WUI research and emphasizes the need for targeted approaches to address the unique challenges of the wildland-urban interface. Overall, this study provides valuable insights for researchers and serves as a foundation for further collaboration in this field through the understanding of the trends over recent years and in different regions.

  • Jiajia Zeng, Fan Liu, Yuan Zhu, Jiayi Li, Ying Ruan, Xiankui Quan, Chuankuan Wang, Xingchang Wang

    Forest productivity is closely linked to seasonal variations and vertical differentiation in leaf traits. However, leaf structural and chemical traits variation among co-existing species, and plant functional types within the canopy are poorly quantified. In this study, the seasonality of leaf chlorophyll, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) were quantified vertically along the canopy of four major tree species and two types of herbs in a temperate deciduous forest. The role of shade tolerance in shaping the seasonal variation and vertical differentiation was examined. During the entire season, chlorophyll content showed a distinct asymmetric unimodal pattern for all species, with greater chlorophyll levels in autumn than in spring, and the timing of peak chlorophyll per leaf area gradually decreased as shade tolerance increased. Chlorophyll a:b ratios gradually decreased with increasing shade tolerance. Leaf N and P contents sharply declined during leaf expansion, remained steady in the mature stage and decreased again during leaf senescence. Over the seasons, the lower canopy layer had significantly higher chlorophyll per leaf mass but not chlorophyll per leaf area than the upper canopy layer regardless of degree of shade tolerance. However, N and P per leaf area of intermediate shade-tolerant and fully shade-tolerant tree species were significantly higher in the upper canopy than in the lower. Seasonal variations in N:P ratios suggest changes in N or P limitation. These findings indicate that shade tolerance is a key feature shaping inter-specific differences in leaf chlorophyll, N, and P contents as well as their seasonality in temperate deciduous forests, which have significant implications for modeling leaf photosynthesis and ecosystem production.

  • Ryan McClory, Richard H. Ellis, Martin Lukac, Jo Clark, Carolina Mayoral, Kris M. Hart, Andrew R. G. Plackett, A. Rob MacKenzie

    Acorn production in oak (Quercus spp.) shows considerable inter-annual variation, known as masting, which provides a natural defence against seed predators but a highly-variable supply of acorns for uses such as in commercial tree planting each year. Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases have been very widely reported to influence plant growth and seed or fruit size and quantity via the ‘fertilisation effect’ that leads to enhanced photosynthesis. To examine if acorn production in mature woodland communities will be affected by further increase in CO2, the contents of litter traps from a Free Air Carbon Enrichment (FACE) experiment in deciduous woodland in central England were analysed for numbers of flowers and acorns of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) at different stages of development and their predation levels under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations. Inter-annual variation in acorn numbers was considerable and cyclical between 2015 and 2021, with the greatest numbers of mature acorns in 2015, 2017 and 2020 but almost none in 2018. The numbers of flowers, enlarged cups, immature acorns, empty acorn cups, and galls in the litter traps also varied amongst years; comparatively high numbers of enlarged cups were recorded in 2018, suggesting Q. robur at this site is a fruit maturation masting species (i.e., the extent of abortion of pollinated flowers during acorn development affects mature acorn numbers greatly). Raising the atmospheric CO2 concentration by 150 μL L−1, from early 2017, increased the numbers of immature acorns, and all acorn evidence (empty cups + immature acorns + mature acorns) detected in the litter traps compared to ambient controls by 2021, but did not consistently affect the numbers of flowers, enlarged cups, empty cups, or mature acorns. The number of flowers in the elevated CO2 plots’ litter traps was greater in 2018 than 2017, one year after CO2 enrichment began, whereas numbers declined in ambient plots. Enrichment with CO2 also increased the number of oak knopper galls (Andricus quercuscalicis Burgsdorf). We conclude that elevated CO2 increased the occurrence of acorns developing from flowers, but the putative benefit to mature acorn numbers may have been hidden by excessive pre- and/or post-dispersal predation. There was no evidence that elevated CO2 altered masting behaviour.

  • Zhuolan Shen, Shijie Wang, Feng Chen, Heli Zhang, Xiaoen Zhao, Youping Chen, Mao Hu

    Vegetation productivity on the southern edge of the Inner Mongolian Plateau, which plays a vital role in the ecological environment and in the arable and pastoral production in this region, can be characterized by the NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index). However, the observed NDVI data span only the last ~ 40 years. The growth of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. is strongly correlated with the NDVI, making it a valuable proxy for extending the length of observed NDVI datasets. In this study, we reconstructed an NDVI series for 1776–2021 for the Daqing Mountains, based on a tree-ring width chronology. The reconstructed data accounted for 55% of the variance in the observed data, and its statistical characteristics and validation indicate that the reconstruction is dependable. Spatial correlation analysis demonstrated the consistency of climate signals in central Inner Mongolia in both the arable and pastoral zones. The results of superposed epoch analysis revealed a good temporal consistency between drought and flood events and the reconstructed NDVI sequence in this region.

  • Valentinas Černiauskas, Iveta Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė, Valda Araminienė, Vidas Stakėnas

    Tree canopies influence atmospheric pollutant depositions depending on type, ecosystem characteristics, and local climatic conditions. This study investigated the impact of Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., and a mixture of both, on the chemical composition of precipitation. Three permanent plots within the ICP forest level II monitoring network in Lithuania were selected to illustrate typical hemiboreal coniferous forests. The study analysed (1) the concentrations of NO2, NH3 and SO2 in the ambient air; (2) the concentrations of SO4 2−, NO3 , NH4 +, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl in throughfall beneath canopies and in precipitation collected in an adjacent field, and (3) S and total N, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl depositions in throughfall and precipitation over 2006–2022. Results show a significant decrease in SO2 emissions in the ambient air; NO2 and NH3 emissions also decreased. The canopies reduced the acidity of throughfall, although they led to notably higher concentrations of SO4 2−, NO3 , Na+, and particularly K+. During the study, low variability in NO3 deposition and a decrease in NH4 + deposition occurred. Deposition loads increased by 20–30% when precipitation passed through the canopy. The cumulative deposition of S, Cl, Na, K, Ca, and N was greater under P. abies than under P. sylvestris. However, K deposition in throughfall was considerably lower under P. sylvestris compared to the P. abies or mixed stand. Throughfall S depositions declined across all three coniferous plots. Overall, there was no specific effect of tree species on throughfall chemistry.

  • Jiacheng Zheng, Jing Yang, Hengfeng Jia, Lixin Lyu, Jiayang Langzhen, Qi-Bin Zhang

    Temporal changes in the relationship between tree growth and climate have been observed in numerous forests across the world. The patterns and the possible regulators (e.g., forest community structure) of such changes are, however, not well understood. A vegetation survey and analyses of growth-climate relationships for Abies georgei var. Smithii (Smith fir) forests were carried along an altitudinal gradient from 3600 to 4200 m on Meili Snow Mountain, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that the associations between growth and temperature have declined since the 1970s over the whole transect, while response to standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration indices (SPEI) strengthened in the mid- and lower-transect. Comparison between growth and vegetation data showed that tree growth was more sensitive to drought in stands with higher species richness and greater shrub cover. Drought stress on growth may be increased by heavy competition from shrub and herb layers. These results show the non-stationary nature of tree growth-climate associations and the linkage to forest community structures. Vegetation components should be considered in future modeling and forecasting of forest dynamics in relation to climate changes.

  • Gongfa Shi, Guiling Liu, Huijun Liu, Lei Wang, Aerdake Kuwantai, Yu Du, Ling Wang, Xiaolei Xi, Rusong Chai

    Urbanization has resulted in a significant degradation of soil quality, subjecting plants to persistent abiotic stressors such as heavy metal pollution, salinization, and drought. UDP-glycosyltransferases (UGTs) participate in protein glycosylation, secondary metabolite synthesis, and detoxification of exogenous toxic substances. Iris sanguinea Donn ex Hornem exhibits a high degree of resistance to various abiotic stressors. To enhance the plant’s response to adversity, a novel glycosyltransferase belonging to the UGT78 family, encoding flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UF3GT), was cloned from the monocot species I. sanguinea. Compared with the control group, overexpression of IsUGT78 enhanced sensitivity to cadmium stress, while showing no significant impact under NaCl and d-sorbitol treatments. Under cadmium treatment, arabidopsis exogenously transformed with the IsUGT78 gene possessed lower germination, fresh weight, root length, and chlorophyll content and increased malondialdehyde content than the wild type arabidopsis. In addition, metabolomics in leaves led to the identification of 299 flavonoid metabolites, eight and 127 which were significantly up- and down-regulated, respectively, in the transgenic plants. Of note, all eight upregulated flavonoid compounds were glycosylated. Given that arabidopsis, which exogenously expresses the IsUGT78 gene, has reduced resistance to cadmium, IsUGT78 may lead to a reduced ability to cope with cadmium stress.

  • Heli Zhang, Youping Chen, Feng Chen, Lu Li, Huaming Shang, Daming He, Shengxia Jiang, Mao Hu, Xiaoen Zhao, Weipeng Yue, Shijie Wang, Honghua Cao

    Evaluating long-term changes in precipitation resources is important for accurate hydrological evaluation and forecasting, water security and rational allocation of water resources. For this purpose in the Xinjiang Habahe area, tree-ring specimens were collected from Picea obovata, Larix sibirica, and Betula platyphylla to establish a tree-ring width chronology, which was used to analyse a correlation with the average temperature and precipitation per month for 1958–2016. Based on correlation coefficients for monthly temperature and precipitation with the chronology of tree-ring widths, radial tree growth was mainly restricted by precipitation, and tree-ring width chronology was significantly correlated with overall precipitation from the previous July to the next June (r = 0.641, P < 0.01). The above results were used to establish a transformation equation, and the overall precipitation from the previous July to the following June from 1800 to 2016 in Habahe was reconstructed after adjusted degrees of freedom, and obtain an explanatory rate of the variation up to 41.1% (40.0%). In addition to the reliability of the reconstructed values, the stability of the conversion function was determined via the “leave-one-out” method, which is commonly used in research on tree rings, and by cross-checking the conversion function with the reduced error value (RE), product mean test (t), with a sign test (ST). During the last 217 years, there were nine dry periods: 1803–1829, 1861–1865, 1872–1885, 1892–1905, 1916–1923, 1943–1954, 1961–1966, 1973–1981, and 2005–2011; and 12 wet periods: 1830–1834, 1836–1860, 1866–1871, 1886–1891, 1906–1915, 1925–1930, 1934–1942, 1955–1960, 1967–1972, 1982–1996, 2000–2004, and 2012–2016. Comparisons of the reconstructions for neighboring regions and a spatial correlation analysis showed that the reconstructed sequence of the present precipitation data better represented the changes in precipitation in Habahe. Additionally, a power spectrum analysis revealed that precipitation over the past 217 years in Habahe Province exhibited 2–5 years of quasiperiodic variation. A power spectrum analysis and wavelet analysis indicated that El Niño-Southern Oscillation influenced the precipitation cycles. This reconstruction provides more information on high-frequency precipitation, which is an important supplement to the existing tree-ring reconstruction of precipitation in the study area. The reconstruction of regional high-resolution precipitation changes over the last several hundred years provides unique, important data for understanding regional differences in climate at the decadal-centennial scale.

  • Mingrui Zhang, Huiquan Bi, Xingji Jin, Michael McLean

    This paper introduces a new method of calculating crown projection area (CPA), the area of level ground covered by a vertical projection of a tree crown from measured crown radii through numerical interpolation and integration. This novel method and other four existing methods of calculating CPA were compared using detailed crown radius measurements from 30 tall trees of Eucalyptus pilularis variable in crown size, shape, and asymmetry. The four existing methods included the polygonal approach and three ways of calculating CPA as the area of a circle using the arithmetic, geometric and quadratic mean radius. Comparisons were made across a sequence of eight non-consecutive numbers (from 2 to 16) of measured crown radii for each tree over the range of crown asymmetry of the 30 trees through generalized linear models and multiple comparisons of means. The sequence covered the range of the number of crown radii measured for calculating the CPA of a tree in the literature. A crown asymmetry index within the unit interval was calculated for each tree to serve as a normative measure. With a slight overestimation of 2.2% on average and an overall mean error size of 7.9% across the numbers of crown radii that were compared, our new method was the least biased and most accurate. Calculating CPA as a circle using the quadratic mean crown radius was the second best, which had an average overestimation of 4.5% and overall mean error size of 8.8%. These two methods remained by and large unbiased as crown asymmetry increased, while the other three methods showed larger bias of underestimation. For the conventional method of using the arithmetic mean crown radius to calculate CPA as a circle, bias correction factors were developed as a function of crown asymmetry index to delineate the increasing magnitude of bias associated with greater degrees of crown asymmetry. This study reveals and demonstrates such relationships between the accuracy of CPA calculations and crown asymmetry and will help increase awareness among researchers and practitioners on the existence of bias in their CPA calculations and for the need to use an unbiased method in the future. Our new method is recommended for calculating CPA where at least four crown radius measurements per tree are available because that is the minimum number required for its use.

  • Timo Pukkala, Núria Aquilué, Ariadna Just, Jordi Corbera, Antoni Trasobares

    The combined use of LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) scanning and field inventories can provide spatially continuous wall-to-wall information on forest characteristics. This information can be used in many ways in forest mapping, scenario analyses, and forest management planning. This study aimed to find the optimal way to obtain continuous forest data for Catalonia when using kNN imputation (kNN stands for “k nearest neighbors”). In this method, data are imputed to a certain location from k field-measured sample plots, which are the most similar to the location in terms of LiDAR metrics and topographic variables. Weighted multidimensional Euclidean distance was used as the similarity measure. The study tested two different methods to optimize the distance measure. The first method optimized, in the first step, the set of LiDAR and topographic variables used in the measure, as well as the transformations of these variables. The weights of the selected variables were optimized in the second step. The other method optimized the variable set as well as their transformations and weights in one single step. The two-step method that first finds the variables and their transformations and subsequently optimizes their weights resulted in the best imputation results. In the study area, the use of three to five nearest neighbors was recommended. Altitude and latitude turned out to be the most important variables when assessing the similarity of two locations of Catalan forests in the context of kNN data imputation. The optimal distance measure always included both LiDAR metrics and topographic variables. The study showed that the optimal similarity measure may be different for different regions. Therefore, it was suggested that kNN data imputation should always be started with the optimization of the measure that is used to select the k nearest neighbors.

  • Dehui Christina Geng, Amy Li, Jieyu Zhang, Howie W. Harshaw, Christopher Gaston, Wanli Wu, Guangyu Wang

    COVID-19 posed challenges for global tourism management. Changes in visitor temporal and spatial patterns and their associated determinants pre- and peri-pandemic in Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks are analyzed. Data was collected through social media programming and analyzed using spatiotemporal analysis and a geographically weighted regression (GWR) model. Results highlight that COVID-19 significantly changed park visitation patterns. Visitors tended to explore more remote areas peri-pandemic. The GWR model also indicated distance to nearby trails was a significant influence on visitor density. Our results indicate that the pandemic influenced tourism temporal and spatial imbalance. This research presents a novel approach using combined social media big data which can be extended to the field of tourism management, and has important implications to manage visitor patterns and to allocate resources efficiently to satisfy multiple objectives of park management.

  • Kaleem Mehmood, Shoaib Ahmad Anees, Akhtar Rehman, Aqil Tariq, Qijing Liu, Sultan Muhammad, Fazli Rabbi, Shao’an Pan, Wesam Atef Hatamleh

    This study comprehensively assessed long-term vegetation changes and forest fragmentation dynamics in the Himalayan temperate region of Pakistan from 1989 to 2019. Four satellite images, including Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI), were chosen for subsequent assessments in October 1989, 2001, 2011 and 2019. The classified maps of 1989, 2001, 2011 and 2019 were created using the maximum likelihood classifier. Post-classification comparison showed an overall accuracy of 82.5% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.79 for the 2019 map. Results revealed a drastic decrease in closed-canopy and open-canopy forests by 117.4 and 271.6 km2, respectively, and an increase in agriculture/farm cultivation by 1512.8 km2. The two-way ANOVA test showed statistically significant differences in the area of various cover classes. Forest fragmentation was evaluated using the Landscape Fragmentation Tool (LFT v2.0) between 1989 and 2019. The large forest core (> 2.00 km2) decreased from 149.4 to 296.7 km2, and a similar pattern was observed in medium forest core (1.00–2.00 km2) forests. On the contrary, the small core (< 1.00 km2) forest increased from 124.8 to 145.3 km2 in 2019. The perforation area increased by 296.9 km2, and the edge effect decreased from 458.9 to 431.7 km2. The frequency of patches also increased by 119.1 km2. The closed and open canopy classes showed a decreasing trend with an annual rate of 0.58% and 1.35%, respectively. The broad implications of these findings can be seen in the studied region as well as other global ecological areas. They serve as an imperative baseline for afforestation and reforestation operations, highlighting the urgent need for efficient management, conservation, and restoration efforts. Based on these findings, sustainable land-use policies may be put into place that support local livelihoods, protect ecosystem services, and conserve biodiversity.

  • Yutong Lin, Yuan Lai, Songbo Tang, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Josep Peñuelas, Jordi Sardans, Jianfeng Liu, Lingling Zhang, Yuanwen Kuang

    Deciduous oaks (Quercus spp.) are distributed from subalpine to tropical regions in the northern hemisphere and have important roles as carbon sinks and in climate change mitigation. Determining variations in plant functional traits at multiple biological levels and linking them to environmental variables across geographical ranges is important for forecasting range-shifts of broadly-distributed species under climate change. We sampled leaves of five deciduous Quercus spp. covering approximately 20° of latitude (~ 21° N − 41° N) and 20 longitude (~ 99° E − 119° E) across China and measured 12 plant functional traits at different biological levels. The traits varied distinctively, either within each biological level or among different levels driven by climatic and edaphic variables. Traits at the organ level were significantly correlated with those at the cellular and tissue levels, while traits at the whole-plant level only correlated with those at the tissue level. The Quercus species responded to changing environments by regulating stomatal size, leaf thickness and the palisade mesophyll thickness to leaf thickness ratios with contrasting degree of effect to adjust the whole-plant functioning, i.e., intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE), carbon supply and nitrogen availability. The results suggest that these deciduous Quercus spp. will maintain vigour by increasing iWUE when subjected to large temperature changes and insufficient moisture, and by accumulating leaf non-structural carbohydrates under drought conditions. The findings provide new insights into the inherent variation and trait coordination of widely distributed tree species in the context of climate change.

  • Wenli Li, Feifei Zhou, Heng Zhang, Keyan Fang

    Long-term temperature variations inferred from high-resolution proxies provide an important context to evaluate the intensity of current warming. However, temperature reconstructions in humid southeastern China are scarce and particularly lack long-term data, limiting us to obtain a complete picture of regional temperature evolution. In this study, we present a well-verified reconstruction of winter-spring (January–April) minimum temperatures over southeastern China based on stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) records of tree rings from Taxus wallichiana var. mairei from 1860 to 2014. This reconstruction accounted for 56.4% of the total observed variance. Cold periods occurred during the 1860s–1910s and 1960s–1970s. Although temperatures have had an upward trend since the 1920s, most of the cold extremes were in recent decades. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variance acted as a key modulator of regional winter-spring minimum temperature variability. However, teleconnections between them were a nonlinear process, i.e., a reduced or enhanced ENSO variance may result in a weakened or intensified temperature-ENSO relationship.

  • Yun Deng, Wenfu Zhang, Min Cao, Jinlong Dong, Hui Chen, Xiaobao Deng, Jiajia Liu, Xiaoyang Song, Shangwen Xia, Liqing Sha, Shengdong Yuan, Luxiang Lin

    Anthropogenic disturbances are widespread in tropical forests and influence the species composition in the overstory. However, the impacts of historical disturbance on tropical forest overstory recovery are unclear due to a lack of disturbance data, and previous studies have focused on understory species. In this study, the purpose was to determine the influence of historical disturbance on the diversity, composition and regeneration of overstory species in present forests. In the 20-ha Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest dynamics plot in southwestern China, the historical disturbance boundaries were delineated based on panchromatic photographs from 1965. Factors that drove species clustering in the overstory layer (DBH ≥ 40 cm) were analyzed and the abundance, richness and composition of these species were compared among different tree groups based on multiple regression tree analysis. The coefficient of variation of the brightness value in historical panchromatic photographs from 1965 was the primary driver of species clustering in the overstory layer. The abundance and richness of overstory species throughout the regeneration process were similar, but species composition was always different. Although the proportion of large-seeded and vigorous-sprouting species showed no significant difference between disturbed and undisturbed forests in the treelet layer (DBH < 20 cm), the difference became significant when DBH increased. The findings highlight that historical disturbances have strong legacy effects on functional group composition in the overstory and the recovery of overstory species was multidimensional. Functional group composition can better indicate the dynamics of overstory species replacement during secondary succession.

  • Li Meng, Jim O’Hehir, Jing Gao, Stefan Peters, Anthony Hay

    Bushfires are devastating to forest managers, owners, residents, and the natural environment. Recent technological advances indicate a potential for faster response times in terms of detecting and suppressing fires. However, to date, all these technologies have been applied in isolation. This paper introduces the latest fire detection and suppression technologies from ground to space. An operations research method was used to assemble these technologies into a theoretical framework for fire detection and suppression. The framework harnesses the advantages of satellite-based, drone, sensor, and human reporting technologies as well as image processing and artificial intelligence machine learning. The study concludes that, if a system is designed to maximise the use of available technologies and carefully adopts them through complementary arrangements, a fire detection and resource suppression system can achieve the ultimate aim: to reduce the risk of fire hazards and the damage they may cause.

  • Yanli Dong, Zhen Yu, Evgenios Agathokleous, Guoyi Zhou, Shirong Liu

    Global forests are increasingly crucial for achieving net-zero carbon emissions, with a quarter of the mitigation efforts under the Paris Climate Agreement directed towards forests. In China, forests currently contribute to 13% of the global land's carbon sink, but their stability and persistence remain uncertain. We examined and identified that published studies suffered from oversimplifications of ecosystem succession and tree demographic dynamics, as well as poor constraints on land quality. Consequently, substantial estimations might have been suffered from underrepresented or ignored crucial factors, including tree demographic dynamics, and disturbances and habitat shifts caused by global climate change. We argue that these essential factors should be considered to enhance the reliability and accuracy of assessments of the potential for forest carbon sinks.

  • Wenxin Li, Liangjun Zhu, Lianhua Zhu, Mengdan Jing, Censhi Qian, Yu Zhu, Paolo Cherubini

    Trees progress through various growth stages, each marked by specific responses and adaptation strategies to environmental conditions. Despite the importance of age-related growth responses on overall forest health and management policies, limited knowledge exists regarding age-related effects on dendroclimatic relationships in key subtropical tree species. In this study, we employed a dendrochronological method to examine the impact of rapid warming on growth dynamics and climatic sensitivity of young (40–60 years) and old (100–180 years) Pinus massoniana forests across six sites in central-southern China. The normalized log basal area increment of trees in both age groups increased significantly following rapid warming in 1984. Trees in young forests further showed a distinct growth decline during a prolonged severe drought (2004–2013), whereas those in old forests maintained growth increases. Tree growth was more strongly influenced by temperature than by moisture, particularly in old forests. Spring temperatures strongly and positively impacted the growth of old trees but had a weaker effect on young ones. Old forests had a significantly lower resistance to extreme drought but faster recovery compared to young forests. The “divergence problem” was more pronounced in younger forests due to their heightened sensitivity to warming-induced drought and heat stress. With ongoing warming, young forests also may initially experience a growth decline due to their heightened sensitivity to winter drought. Our findings underscore the importance of considering age-dependent changes in forest/tree growth response to warming in subtropical forest management, particularly in the context of achieving “Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality” goals in China.

  • Yanan Zhao, Xuemin He, Hanxiao Li, Qiang Xu, Lifeng Wang, Ziheng Zhang, Guona Zhou, Junxia Liu, Baojia Gao
  • Xiuqing Nie, Hui Wang, Jian Wang, Shirong Liu

    Different chemical compositions of soil organic carbon (SOC) affect its persistence and whether it significantly differs between natural forests and plantations remains unclear. By synthesizing 234 observations of SOC chemical compositions, we evaluated global patterns of concentration, individual chemical composition (alkyl C, O-alkyl C, aromatic C, and carbonyl C), and their distribution evenness. Our results indicate a notably higher SOC, a markedly larger proportion of recalcitrant alkyl C, and lower easily decomposed carbonyl C proportion in natural forests. However, SOC chemical compositions were appreciably more evenly distributed in plantations. Based on the assumed conceptual index of SOC chemical composition evenness, we deduced that, compared to natural forests, plantations may have higher possible resistance to SOC decomposition under disturbances. In tropical regions, SOC levels, recalcitrant SOC chemical composition, and their distributed evenness were significantly higher in natural forests, indicating that SOC has higher chemical stability and possible resistance to decomposition. Climate factors had minor effects on alkyl C in forests globally, while they notably affected SOC chemical composition in tropical forests. This could contribute to the differences in chemical compositions and their distributed evenness between plantations and natural stands.

  • Ana Paula Moretti, Flavia Yesica Olguin, Juan Marcelo Gauna, Corina Graciano

    Forest disturbances at gap levels are one of the most important events for the regeneration and establishment of intermediate tree species. Abrupt canopy openings expose plants to high light intensity and high evaporative demands that stress shade-acclimated plants. Later, the slow closure of gaps reduces light availability to plants established when the incident irradiation was higher. This work evaluated the morphological and physiological acclimation of Cabralea canjerana (Vell) Mart. regeneration to sudden and to gradual changes in canopy cover. A pot experiment was carried out with plants exposed to a sudden opening. A few days after the light shock, plants rapidly increased photosynthetic rates and decreased leaf water potential. After two months, plants activated physiological responses at leaf and whole plant levels to high light and water stresses, e.g., increased stomatal conductance, stomatal index and reduction of leaf: fine roots ratio and chlorophyll. After seven months, hydraulic conductivity of petioles and the whole leaf increased, and growth was much higher than plants that remained under the canopy. In a field experiment in gaps in the rainforest, plants acclimated to all canopy covers. Seven years after planting, growth was maximum in open environments within the gaps, even if the canopy closed during the first 20 months after planting. In conclusion, if this species is planted to enrich the rainforest, positions within gaps with lower canopy cover should be chosen and gap closure will not affect growth. To manage C. canjerana natural regeneration, the opening of gaps and removal of understory will increase survival and growth without the risk that the stress caused by these sudden openings could lead to the death of seedlings. Combining pot and field experiments helps to understand the autecology of trees with particular ecological interest, and to build sound restoration practices.

  • Yuxin Liu, Heli Zhang, Feng Chen, Martín Hadad, Fidel Roig, Xiaoen Zhao, Shijie Wang, Weipeng Yue, Youping Chen

    Unstable environments intensify the frequency of extreme disasters. Long-term climate changes can lead to agricultural and ecological degradation that threatens population sustainability. To better understand past climatic events and consequences, here we present a reconstruction of the self-calibrating Palmer drought severity index (scPDSI) from September to August for the desert margins of northern China, dating back to 1742. The reconstruction accounts for 42.9% of the variation of meteorological data between 1951 and 2020. Our spatial correlation analyses showed significant correlations between scPDSI, runoff, and precipitation. Over the past 279 years, the study area has undergone nine dry and eight wet periods, with the most severe climate extremes between the 1850s and 1890s. This period of prolonged drought in northeastern China coincided with the combined impacts of climatic factors and human influences, contributing to the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Analysis of periodicity and anomalies in sea surface temperatures indicate a strong association between wet and dry cycles and El Niño-Southern Oscillations. Our findings offer insights into long-term dry and wet fluctuations at the desert margins in northern China and elucidate the relationship between drought and the dynamics of civilizations. They also highlight the potential impact of extremes in climate on modern society, especially under the four projected shared socioeconomic pathways climatic scenarios, which predict worsening droughts in northern China.

  • Frederico Tupinambá-Simões, Adrián Pascual, Juan Guerra-Hernández, Cristóbal Ordóñez, Tiago de Conto, Felipe Bravo

    The use of mobile laser scanning to survey forest ecosystems is a promising, scalable technology to describe forest 3D structures at high resolution. To confirm the consistency in the retrieval of forest structural parameters using hand-held laser scanning (HLS), before operationalizing the method, confirming the data is crucial. We analyzed the performance of tree-level mapping based on HLS under different phenology conditions on a mixed forest in western Spain comprising Pinus pinaster and two deciduous species, Alnus glutinosa and Quercus pyrenaica. The area was surveyed twice during the growing season (July 2022) and once in the deciduous season (February 2022) using several scanning paths. Ground reference data (418 trees, 15 snags) was used to calibrate the HLS data and to assess the influence of phenology when converting 3D data into tree-level attributes (DBH, height and volume). The HLS-based workflow was robust at isolating tree positions and recognizing stems despite changes in phenology. Ninety-six percent of all pairs matched below 65 cm. For DBH, phenology barely altered estimates. We observed a strong agreement when comparing HLS-based tree height distributions. The values exceeded 2 m when comparing height measurements, confirming height data should be carefully used as reference in remote sensing-based inventories, especially for deciduous species. Tree volume was more precise for pines (r = 0.95, and relative RMSE = 21.3 –23.8%) compared to deciduous species (r = 0.91 –0.96, and relative RMSE = 27.3–30.5%). HLS data and the forest structural complexity tool performed remarkably, especially in tree positioning considering mixed forests and mixed phenology conditions.

  • Nahid Jafarian, Javad Mirzaei, Reza Omidipour, Yahya Kooch

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a vital role in plant productivity and ecosystem functions. However, their responses to abiotic factors (i.e., climate, physiography, and soil properties) are unknown, especially across climatic gradients and slope aspects in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. In this study, using 60 composite soil samples, direct and indirect effects of climate factors and slope aspects on AMF diversity, composition and spore density were studied. The findings indicate that climate has a more direct influence on soil properties (P < 0.001) in comparison to slope aspect (P = 0.449). In contrast, climate significantly affected AMF diversity and composition, with the highest diversity in dryer areas. Soil pH had the highest correlation with different facets of AMF diversity. Structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that only a small part of the variation in AMF diversity and spore density could be explained by climate characteristics, slope aspect and soil properties. Based on SEM results, climate was the most important determinant of AMF diversity and spore density; slope aspect had a less critical role. The outputs suggest that variations in AMF diversity are derived by the direct effects of climate and the indirect effect of soil chemical properties. In addition, with increasing dryness, sporulation and AMF diversity increased.

    Graphical Abstract

  • Jiani Hua, Jiangbao Zhang, Baohan Song, Tianyi Wang, Jingji Li, Nan Yang, Lingfeng Mao

    Rapid increase in desertification is an environmental concern, especially for the health and sustainability of ecosystems in changing climates. How ecosystems respond to such changes may be partially understood by studying interactions and performance of critically important groups such as soil fungi functional groups. This study investigated variations in diversities of three soil fungi functional guilds (saprotrophic, symbiotic, pathogenic) and influencing abiotic factors in a Pinus densata forest on the southeast Tibetan Plateau where desertification is intense. The results indicate desertification significantly decreased the proportion of dominant fungal guild-symbiotic fungi (mean relative abundance decreasing from 97.0% to 68.3%), in contrast to saprotrophic fungi (increasing from 2.7% to 25.7%) and pathogenic (from 0.3% to 5.9%). Soil pH had the most significant impact on fungal community structure and negatively correlated with symbiotic fungal richness, which was significantly lower in arid soils, and positively correlated with saprotrophic and pathogenic fungal alpha-diversity, which were abundant. Different community structures and regulators of the three fungi communities were observed, with pH, total phosphorus and ammonium (NH4 +) as the main determinants. This study links the biotic and abiotic components during desertification and the interactions between them, and may be used as indicators of ecosystem health and for amendments to mitigate the effects of a changing climate.

  • Goran Češljar, Nevena Čule, Ilija Đorđević, Saša Eremija, Natalija Momirović, Marko Tomić, Filip Jovanović

    Forest ecosystems within national parks are threatened by various biotic and abiotic factors. To determine the causes of the desiccation and death of trees in mixed coniferous and deciduous forests of Tara National Park (TNP), Serbia, we monitored defoliation and mortality of individual trees in permanent experimental plots. Data on the desiccation of a large number of trees were gathered by determining the total volume of dry trees and areas of forests under drying stress. The two sets of data were combined to determine the impact of climatic events, primarily drought periods, on the desiccation of forests. Combining data from the International Co-operative Program on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) with TNP data helped relate forest desiccation to climate events. Key climate signals were identified by monitoring tree defoliation changes in two permanent experimental plots, and then assessed for their influence on tree desiccation in the entire national park. The standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) was used for a more detailed analysis of the drought period. Despite the lack of climate data for a certain period, the SPEI index revealed a link between climate variables and the defoliation and desiccation of forests. Furthermore, the desiccation of trees was preceded by a long drought period. Although mixed coniferous-deciduous forests are often considered less vulnerable to natural influences, this study suggests that forest ecosystems can become vulnerable regardless of tree species composition due to multi-year droughts. These findings contribute to a better understanding of important clues for predicting possible future desiccation of forests. Continuous monitoring of the state of forests and of more permanent experimental plots in national parks could provide better quality data and timely responses to stressful situations.

  • Andrey A. Grigoriev, Vladimir S. Mikryukov, Yulia V. Shalaumova, Pavel A. Moiseev, Sergey O. Vuykhin, Jesús J. Camarero

    In recent decades, the rapid climate warming in polar and alpine regions has been accompanied by an expansion of shrub vegetation. However, little is known about how changes in shrub distribution will change as the distribution of tree species and snow cover changes as temperatures rise. In this work, we analyzed the main environmental factors influencing the distribution and structure of Juniperus sibirica, the most common shrub species in the Southern Ural Mountains. Using mapping and digital elevation models, we demonstrated that J. sibirica forms a well-defined vegetation belt mainly between 1100 and 1400 m a.s.l. Within this zone, the abundance and cover of J. sibirica are influenced by factors such as rockiness, slope steepness, water regime and tree (Picea obovata) cover. An analysis of data spanning the past 9 years revealed an upward shift in the distribution of J. sibirica with a decrease in its area. The primary limiting factors for the distribution of J. sibirica were the removal of snow cover by strong winter winds and competition with trees. As a consequence of climatic changes, the tree line and forest limit have shifted upward, further restricting the distribution of J. sibirica to higher elevations where competition for light with trees is reduced and snow cover is sufficiently deep.

  • Saeed Solaymani, Andrew Dunningham

    Investing in projects that support environmental benefits, such as tree harvesting, has the potential to reduce air pollution levels in the atmosphere in the future. However, this kind of investment may increase the current level of emissions. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate how much the policy affects the current level of CO2 emissions. This makes sure the policy doesn’t increase the level of CO2 emissions. This study aims to analyze the effect of the One Billion Trees program on CO2 emissions in New Zealand by employing the 2020 input–output table analysis. This investigation examines the direct and indirect effects of policy on both the demand and supply sides across six regions of New Zealand. The results of this study for the first year of plantation suggest that the policy increases the level of CO2 emissions in all regions, especially in the Waikato region. The direct and indirect impact of the policy leads to 64 kt of CO2 emissions on the demand side and 270 kt of CO2 emissions on the supply side. These lead to 0.19 and 0.74% of total CO2 emissions being attributed to investment shocks. Continuing the policy is recommended, as it has a low effect on CO2 emissions. However, it is crucial to prioritize the use of low-carbon machinery that uses fossil fuels during the plantation process.

  • Hanxue Liang, Leibo Che, Wenyang Si, Na Liu, Zhitao Wu, Ziqiang Du, Jianwei Shi, Tianjie Lei, Bin Sun, Shaowei Jiang

    In the context of ongoing climate change, relationships between tree growth and climate present uncertainties, which limits the predictions of future forest dynamics. Northwest China is a region undergoing notable warming and increased precipitation; how forests in this region will respond to climate change has not been fully understood. We used dendrochronological methods to examine the relationship between climate and the radial growth of four tree species in a riparian forest habitat in Altai region: European aspen (Populus tremula), bitter poplar (Populus laurifolia), Swedish birch (Betula pendula), and Siberian spruce (Picea obovata). The results reveal that European aspen was insensitive to climate changes. In contrast, bitter poplar showed a positive response to elevated temperatures and negative to increased moisture during the growing season. Swedish birch and Siberian spruce were adversely affected by higher temperatures but benefited from increased precipitation. A moving correlation analysis suggested that, against a backdrop of continuous warming, growth patterns of these species will diverge: European aspen will require close monitoring, bitter poplar may likely to show accelerated growth, and the growth of Swedish birch and Siberian spruce may be inhibited, leading to a decline. These findings offer insight into the future dynamics of riparian forests under changing climate.

  • Hongwei Zhou, Chaoqun Gong, Xiaodong Li, Yue Wang, Yunbo Yan

    In recent years, the situation of the Hyphantria cunea (Drury) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), infestation in China has been serious and has a tendency to continue to spread. A comprehensive analysis was carried out to examine the spatial distribution trends and influencing factors of H. cunea. This analysis involved integrating administrative division and boundary data, distribution data of H. cunea, and environmental variables for 2021. GeoDetector and gravity analysis techniques were employed for data processing and interpretation. The results show that H. cunea exhibited high aggregation patterns in 2021 and 2022 concentrated mainly in eastern China. During these years, the focal point of the infestation was in Shandong Province with a spread towards the northeast. Conditions such as high vegetation density in eastern China provided favorable situations for growth and development of H. cunea. In China, the spatial distribution of the moth is primarily influenced by two critical factors: precipitation during the driest month and elevation. These play a pivotal role in determining the spread of the species. Based on these results, suggestions are provided for a multifaceted approach to prevention and control of H. cunea infestation.

  • Tianze Zhang, Fanjun Meng, Dachuan Yin

    The addition of ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECMF), beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms, to the soil can promote plant growth and resistance. Here, Populus davidiana ×  Populus bolleana tissue culture seedlings were grown for 3 months in soils inoculated with one of the species, then seedlings were assessed for mycorrhizal colonization rate and growth, physiological and root traits. Suillus luteus and Populus involutus each formed ectomycorrhizal associations with the seedlings. Seedling height, ground diameter, biomass, and leaf area were significantly greater after treatment with ECMF than in the non-inoculated controls. Treatment improved all physiological and root variables assessed (chlorophylls and carotenoids, cellulose, and soluble sugars and proteins; root length, surface area, projected area, mean diameter, volume, number of root tips). Seedlings inoculated with S. luteus outperformed those inoculated with P. involutus.

  • Dimitrios Sarris, Dimitrios Christodoulakis

    Under global warming, drought will reduce productivity of Pinus halepensis s.l. (subspecies halepensis and brutia) and cause a retreat from its rear edge distribution (latitudinal/elevational) in the Mediterranean. To test whether topography can influence this scenario, we studied for approximately 40 years the growth of six natural pine stands in water-limited habitats on the islands of Zakinthos and Samos (eastern Mediterranean Greece), and determined the critical moisture sources that drove pine growth. Dominant pines were selected with no permanent water sources under contrasting moisture conditions created by topography (“wet”-gulley/valley vs. “dry”-upslope habitats). The responses of P. halepensis s.l. to drought under a moderate and a worst case scenario were tested, projected under global warming (approx. − 25% and 40% in annual precipitation compared to 1961–1990 average). Our results show that “wet” habitat pines had higher productivity under normal to wet climate. However, the more precipitation declined, “wet” habitat tree growth was reduced at a significantly faster rate, but also showed a faster recovery, once rainfall returned. Thus, Pinus halepensis s.l. populations in gullies/valleys, may be more drought resilient and less likely to retreat towards higher elevation/latitudes under global warming, compared to pines on dry upslope sites. Under moderate drought, both ecosystems relied on deeper moisture pools supplied by rainfall of the previous 3–6 years (including the year of growth). However, valley/gully habitat pines on significantly deeper soils (and probably on deeper heavily weathered bedrock), appeared to utilize surface moisture from winter/spring rainfall more efficiently for survival and recovery. Thus, deep soils may provide the key “buffer” for pine survival in such ecosystems that could act as potential refugia for P. halepensis s.l. under climate change.

  • Fadime Sağlam, Oytun Emre Sakici

    Ecoregion-based height-diameter models were developed in the present study for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Turkiye and included several ecological factors derived from a pre-existing ecoregional classification system. The data were obtained from 2831 sample trees in 292 sample plots. Ten generalized height–diameter models were developed, and the best model (HD10) was selected according to statistical criteria. Then, nonlinear mixed-effects modeling was applied to the best model. The R 2 for the generalized height‒diameter model (Richards function) modified by Sharma and Parton is 0.951, and the final model included number of trees, dominant height, and diameter at breast height, with a random parameter associated with each ecoregion attached to the inverse of the mean basal area. The full model predictions using the nonlinear mixed-effects model and the reduced model (HD10) predictions were compared using the nonlinear sum of extra squares test, which revealed significant differences between ecoregions; ecoregion-based height–diameter models were thus found to be suitable to use. In addition, using these models in appropriate ecoregions was very important for achieving reliable predictions with low prediction errors.

  • Yu Shu, Ruiyang Zhao, Nuo Xu, Yingxuan Dai, Jyoti R. Bhera, Aruna Kilaru, Ling Wang

    In northern China, light and temperature are major limiting factors for plant growth, particularly during seed production and seedling establishment. While previous studies suggested a possible role for the MYB97 gene in cold-stress, confirmation through documented evidence was lacking. In this study, we transformed the MYB97 gene from Iris laevigata into tobacco, and discovered that the gene boosted photosynthesis, photoprotection and resilience to cold. The transgenic tobacco seeds exhibited enhanced germination and accelerated seedling growth. Moreover, these plants had decreased levels of MDA (Malondialdehyde) and relative conductance, coupled with elevated concentrations of proline and soluble sugars. This response was accompanied by heightened activity of antioxidant enzymes during periods of cold stress (4 and − 2 °C). Exposure to low temperatures (0–15 °C) also reduced heights but accentuated primary root growth in transgenic tobacco plants. Additionally, tobacco leaves showed an increased growth along with higher chlorophyll levels, net photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance, transpiration rates and non-photochemical quenching coefficient. This study shows that IlMYB97 (The MYB97 genes in I. laevigata) improves cold-resistance, and enhances photosynthesis and photoprotective ability, and thus overall growth and development. These findings would offer the genetic resources to further study cold resistance and photosynthesis.

  • Huiying Cai, Yang Lin, Yatao Liang, Guang Yang, Long Sun

    Plant stoichiometry and nutrient allocation may reflect adaptation strategies to environmental nutrient changes. Fire, as a major disturbance in forests, mediates soil nutrient availability that may influence plant nutrient dynamics. However, plant–soil stoichiometric allocation strategies during different post-fire periods and the effects of soil, enzymes, and microbial biomass on plant stoichiometry are largely unknown. The pioneer tree species Betula platyphylla in burnt forests of northern China was the object of this study, and severely burned areas selected with different fire years. Nearby unburned areas acted as a control. Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) contents in leaves, branches, and fine roots and rhizosphere soil, C-, N- and P-acquiring enzyme activities were examined. Microbial biomass C, N, and P were measured, and factors influencing C:N:P stoichiometry of plants during the burned area restoration were explored. Our results show that C and N contents in leaves increased with time since fire, while C and P in branches and C, N and P in fine roots decreased. Activities of C-, N-, and P-acquiring enzymes and microbial biomass N increased with time since fire. Redundancy analysis showed that changes in soil N-acquiring enzyme activity, microbial biomass C, and N had significant effects on plant ecological stoichiometry. These results show a significant flexibility in plant nutrient element allocation strategies and C:N:P stoichiometric characteristics. Soil extracellular enzyme activity drives the changes in stoichiometry during the process of post-fire restoration.

  • Yao Jiang, Zhou Wang, Zhongrui Zhang, Xiaogang Ding, Shaowei Jiang, Jianguo Huang

    Annual tree rings are widely recognized as valuable tools for quantifying and reconstructing historical forest disturbances. However, the influence of climate can complicate the detection of disturbance signals, leading to limited accuracy in existing methods. In this study, we propose a random under-sampling boosting (RUB) classifier that integrates both tree-ring and climate variables to enhance the detection of forest insect outbreaks. The study focused on 32 sites in Alberta, Canada, which documented insect outbreaks from 1939 to 2010. Through thorough feature engineering, model development, and tenfold cross-validation, multiple machine learning (ML) models were constructed. These models used ring width indices (RWIs) and climate variables within an 11-year window as input features, with outbreak and non-outbreak occurrences as the corresponding output variables. Our results reveal that the RUB model consistently demonstrated superior overall performance and stability, with an accuracy of 88.1%, which surpassed that of the other ML models. In addition, the relative importance of the feature variables followed the order RWIs > mean maximum temperature (T max) from May to July > mean total precipitation (P mean) in July > mean minimum temperature (T min) in October. More importantly, the dfoliatR (an R package for detecting insect defoliation) and curve intervention detection methods were inferior to the RUB model. Our findings underscore that integrating tree-ring width and climate variables as predictors in machine learning offers a promising avenue for enhancing the accuracy of detecting forest insect outbreaks.

  • Yuanfa Li, Jie Li, Liting Wei

    The reverse J-shaped diameter distribution is considered an inherent attribute of natural forests, crucial for forest resource utilization and community stability. However, in karst regions, intense habitat heterogeneity might alter species composition, spatial distribution, growth, biomass allocation, and mortality processes, yet its impact on diameter structure remains unclear. A fixed plot of 200 m × 110 m was established in the Nanpan River Basin, Southwest China, within an old-growth oak forest (> 300 years old), and the influence of site substrates (i.e., rock and soil), topographic factors, sample area, and orientation on diameter distribution was analyzed. Trees on both rock and soil exhibited a reverse-J shape, quantifiable through the Weibull function. The substrates had a similar density, approximately 2100 plants/ha. However, the average and range of diameter of trees on rock were smaller than those on soil, suggesting that rock constrains tree growth. The diameter distribution of trees across microtopography also displayed a reverse-J shape. Yet, higher elevations and sunny slopes showed a greater curvature of diameter classes compared to lower elevations and shady slopes, indicating habitat preferences in karst trees. Sample area and orientation had minimal effects on diameter class curve that reached stability when the plot size was 6000 m2. These results suggest that the reverse J-shaped diameter distribution prevails at small scales in karst old-growth forests, encompassing multiple curvatures and spanning forest ecosystems.

  • Hui Yang, Huiying Cai, Guang Yang, Daotong Geng, Long Sun

    The rate of fire spread is a key indicator for assessing forest fire risk and developing fire management plans. The Rothermel model is the most widely used fire spread model, established through laboratory experiments on homogeneous fuels but has not been validated for conifer-deciduous mixed fuel. In this study, Pinus koraiensis and Quercus mongolica litter was used in a laboratory burning experiment to simulate surface fire spread in the field. The effects of fuel moisture content, mixed fuel ratio and slope on spread rate were analyzed. The optimum packing ratio, moisture-damping coefficient and slope parameters in the Rothermel model were modified using the measured spread rate which was positively correlated with slope and negatively with fuel moisture content. As the Q. mongolica load increased, the spread rate increased and was highest at a fuel ratio of 4:6. The model with modified optimal packing ratio and slope parameters has a significantly lower spread rate prediction error than the unmodified model. The spread rate prediction accuracy was significantly improved after modifying the model parameters based on spread rates from laboratory burning simulations.

  • Chao Li, Keyi Li, Yu Ji, Zekun Xu, Juntao Gu, Weipeng Jing

    Pine wood nematode infection is a devastating disease. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing enables timely and precise monitoring. However, UAV aerial images are challenged by small target size and complex surface backgrounds which hinder their effectiveness in monitoring. To address these challenges, based on the analysis and optimization of UAV remote sensing images, this study developed a spatio-temporal multi-scale fusion algorithm for disease detection. The multi-head, self-attention mechanism is incorporated to address the issue of excessive features generated by complex surface backgrounds in UAV images. This enables adaptive feature control to suppress redundant information and boost the model’s feature extraction capabilities. The SPD-Conv module was introduced to address the problem of loss of small target feature information during feature extraction, enhancing the preservation of key features. Additionally, the gather-and-distribute mechanism was implemented to augment the model’s multi-scale feature fusion capacity, preventing the loss of local details during fusion and enriching small target feature information. This study established a dataset of pine wood nematode disease in the Huangshan area using DJI (DJ-Innovations) UAVs. The results show that the accuracy of the proposed model with spatio-temporal multi-scale fusion reached 78.5%, 6.6% higher than that of the benchmark model. Building upon the timeliness and flexibility of UAV remote sensing, the proposed model effectively addressed the challenges of detecting small and medium-size targets in complex backgrounds, thereby enhancing the detection efficiency for pine wood nematode disease. This facilitates early preemptive preservation of diseased trees, augments the overall monitoring proficiency of pine wood nematode diseases, and supplies technical aid for proficient monitoring.

  • Xiuhua Shang, Zhihua Wu, Xiaoming Li, Youshuang Wang, Peijian Zhang

    Typhoons are becoming frequent and intense with ongoing climate change, threatening ecological security and healthy forest development in coastal areas. Eucalyptus of a predominant introduced species in southern China, faces significant growth challenges because of typhoon. Therefore, it is vital to investigate the variation of related traits and select superior breeding materials for genetic improvement. Variance, genetic parameter, and correlation analyses were carried out on wind damage indices and eight wood properties in 88 families from 11 provenances of 10-year-old Eucalyptus camaldulensis. The selection index equation was used for evaluating multiple traits and selecting superior provenances and family lines as future breeding material. The results show that all traits were highly significantly different at provenance and family levels, with the wind damage index having the highest coefficient of genetic variation. The heritability of each trait ranged from 0.48 to 0.87, with the wind damage index, lignin and hemicellulose contents, and microfibril angle having the highest heritabilities. The wind damage index had a positive genetic correlation with wood density, a negative correlation with lignin content, a negative phenotypic correlation and a negative genetic correlation with microfibril angle. Wind damage index and genetic progress in the selection of eight wood traits varied from 7.2% to 614.8%. Three provenances and 12 superior families were selected. The genetic gains of the wind damage index were 10.2% and 33.9% for provenances and families, and these may be starting material for genetic modification for wind resistance in eucalyptus and for their dissemination to typhoon-prone coastal areas of southern China.

  • Alisa Heuchel, David Hall, Curt Almqvist, Ulfstand Wennström, Torgny Persson

    Effective breeding requires multiplying desired genotypes, keeping them at a convenient location to perform crosses more efficiently, and building orchards to generate material for reforestation. While some of these aims can be achieved by conventional grafting involving only rootstock and scion, topgrafting is known to deliver all in a shorter time span. In this study, Scots pine scions were grafted onto the upper and lower tree crowns in two clonal archives with the aim of inducing early female and male strobili production, respectively. Their survival rates and strobili production were analyzed with generalized linear mixed models. Survival was low (14%) to moderate (41%), and mainly affected by the topgraft genotype, interstock genotype, crown position and weather conditions in connection with the grafting procedure. Survival was not affected by the cardinal position in the crown (south or north). Male flowering was ample three years after grafting and reached 56% in the first year among live scions, increasing to 62 and 59% in consecutive years. Female flowering was scarce and was 9% at first, later increasing to 26 and 20% of living scions but was strongly affected by the topgraft genotype. In one subset of scions, female flowering was observed 1 year after grafting. Overall, flowering success was mainly affected by the topgraft and interstock genotypes, and secondary growth of scions. This is one of few reports on topgrafting in functional Scots pine clonal archives.

  • Junjian Li, Huiyu Zhang, Danfei Yue, Siyi Chen, Yaxin Yin, Chunfang Zheng, Yan Chen

    Cold stress severely limits the distribution of mangrove species worldwide and it remains unclear how mangroves respond and adapt to cold temperatures. In this study, we investigated the effects of cold acclimation and/or inhibition of serotonin levels on reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS), melatonin (MEL) and serotonin (SER) accumulation during cold stress in Kandelia obovata. Morphologic observation and parameter analysis revealed that cold acclimation mitigated the photoinhibition of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII), maintained optimal ROS and RNS redox homeostasis, and increased the contents of SER and MEL in leaves. This suggests that cold acclimation reshapes the MEL/ROS/RNS redox network. In particular, the tryptophan/tryptamine/Ser/N-acetylserotonin/MER pathway was identified as a branch of the MEL synthesis pathway. Inhibition of endogenous SER exacerbated damage caused by cold stress, indicating the crosstalk of SER synthesis and cold acclimation. In this study, we report a coordinated regulation of cold stress by a complex defense network in K. obovata.

  • Jun Pan, Jing Zhang, Xingchang Wang, Xiuwei Wang, Qi Wang, Yankun Liu, Yulong Liu, Yunfei Diao, Xiankui Quan, Chuankuan Wang, Xiaochun Wang

    Plant carbon (C) concentration is a fundamental trait for estimating C storage and nutrient utilization. However, the mechanisms of C concentration variations among different tree tissues and across species remains poorly understood. In this study, we explored the variations and determinants of C concentration of nine tissues from 216 individuals of 32 tree species, with particular attention on the effect of wood porosity (i.e., non-porous wood, diffuse-porous wood, and ring-porous wood). The inter-tissue pattern of C concentration diverged across the three porosity types; metabolically active tissues (foliage and fine roots, except for the foliage of ring-porous species) generally had higher C levels compared with inactive wood. The poor inter-correlations between tissue C concentrations indicated a necessity of measuring tissue- and specific-C concentrations. Carbon concentration for almost all tissues generally decreased from non-porous, to diffuse-porous and to ring-porous. Tissue C was often positively correlated with tissue (foliage and wood) density and tree size, while negatively correlated with growth rate, depending on wood porosity. Our results highlight the mediating effect of type of wood porosity on the variation in tissue C among temperate species. The variations among tissues were more important than that among species. These findings provided insights on tissue C concentration variability of temperate forest species.

  • Shengwang Meng
  • Hangfeng Qu, Xibin Dong, Hui Liu, Baoshan Zhang, Tong Gao, Yuan Meng, Yunze Ren, Ying Zhang

    To study the effect of thinning intensity on the carbon sequestration by natural mixed coniferous and broadleaf forests in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China, we established six 100 m × 100 m experimental plots in Dongfanghong Forest that varied in thinning intensity: plot A (10%), B (15%), C (20%), D (25%), E (30%), F (35%), and the control sample area (0%). A principal component analysis was performed using 50 different variables, including species diversity, soil fertility, litter characteristics, canopy structure parameters, and seedling regeneration parameters. The effects of thinning intensity on carbon sequestration were strongest in plot E (0.75), followed by D (0.63), F (0.50), C (0.48), B (0.22), A (0.11), and the control (0.06). The composite score of plot E was the highest, indicating that the carbon sequestration effect was strongest at a thinning intensity of 30%. These findings provide useful insights that could aid the management of natural mixed coniferous and broadleaf forests in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China. This information has implications for future studies of these forests, and the methods used could aid future ecological assessments of the natural forests in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China.

  • Cong Ma, Ran Tong, Nianfu Zhu, Wenwen Yuan, Yanji Li, G. Geoff Wang, Tonggui Wu

    Recent advances in spectral sensing techniques and machine learning (ML) methods have enabled the estimation of plant physiochemical traits. Nitrogen (N) is a primary limiting factor for terrestrial forest growth, but traditional methods for N determination are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and destructive. In this study, we present a rapid, non-destructive method to predict leaf N concentration (LNC) in Metasequoia glyptostroboides plantations under N and phosphorus (P) fertilization using ML techniques and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)- based RGB (red, green, blue) images. Nine spectral vegetation indices (VIs) were extracted from the RGB images. The spectral reflectance and VIs were used as input features to construct models for estimating LNC based on support vector machine, random forest (RF), and multiple linear regression, gradient boosting regression and classification and regression trees (CART). The results show that RF is the best fitting model for estimating LNC with a coefficient of determination (R 2) of 0.73. Using this model, we evaluated the effects of N and P treatments on LNC and found a significant increase with N and a decrease with P. Height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and crown width of all M. glyptostroboides were analyzed by Pearson correlation with the predicted LNC. DBH was significantly correlated with LNC under N treatment. Our results highlight the potential of combining UAV RGB images with an ML algorithm as an efficient, scalable, and cost-effective method for LNC quantification. Future research can extend this approach to different tree species and different plant traits, paving the way for large-scale, time-efficient plant growth monitoring.

  • Xiwei Shen, Mingze Chen, Xiaowei Li, Shu Gao, Qiuyi Yang, Yuhan Wen, Qingqing Sun

    Urban and community forestry is a specialized discipline focused on the meticulous management of trees and forests within urban, suburban, and town environments. This field often entails extensive civic involvement and collaborative partnerships with institutions. Its overarching objectives span a spectrum from preserving water quality, habitat, and biodiversity to mitigating the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. The UHI phenomenon, characterized by notably higher temperatures in urban areas compared to rural counterparts due to heat absorption by urban infrastructure and limited urban forest coverage, serves as a focal point in this study. The study focuses on developing a methodological framework that integrates Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), Random Forest (RF), and Suitability Analysis to assess the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect across different urban zones, aiming to identify areas with varying levels of UHI impact. The framework is designed to assist urban planners and designers in understanding the spatial distribution of UHI and identifying areas where urban forestry initiatives can be strategically implemented to mitigate its effect. Conducted in various London areas, the research provides a comprehensive analysis of the intricate relationship between urban and community forestry and UHI. By mapping the spatial variability of UHI, the framework offers a novel approach to enhancing urban environmental design and advancing urban forestry studies. The study’s findings are expected to provide valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers, aiding in creating healthier and more livable urban environments through informed decision-making in urban forestry management.

  • Yadanar Zaw, Hiroki Oue

    Available water for communities is insufficient in the central part of Myanmar due to limited rainfall and surface water resources. Over the last two decades, afforestation and reforestation projects have been implemented in this region to provide sufficient water to local communities, expecting forested areas to store more rainwater than other land uses. However, there has been no research and very limited information on rainfall partitioning into throughfall (TF) and stemflow (SF), particularly concerning tree characters. Gross rainfall, TF under different canopy types, and SF of different tree types were measured in 2019. TF and SF were frequently observed even without rain but under foggy conditions. Therefore, both were partitioned into TF and SF from rainfall and fog individually. Sparser canopies resulted in larger TF from rainfall than denser canopies. However, a denser canopy delivered larger TF from fog than a sparser one. TF rates from rainfall in sparser and denser canopies were 54.5% and 51.5%, respectively, while those from fog were 15.2% and 27.2%, respectively. As a result, total TF rate in the denser canopy (70.7%) was significantly larger than that from the sparser one (64.3%). Short trees with small crown projection area and smooth bark (Type I) resulted in larger SF from rainfall than taller trees with large crown projection area and rough bark (Type II). However, Type II trees resulted in larger SF from fog. SF rates by rainfall from Type I and II trees were 17.5% and 12.2%, respectively, while those by fog were 22.2% and 39.5%, respectively. No significant total SF rates were found for Type I (22.5%) and II trees (20.1%). A denser canopy results in larger TF, and Type I trees result in larger SF. In an area where foggy conditions occur frequently and for a lengthy period, however, Type II trees will result in larger SF. These three tree characters (dense canopies, short trees with small crown projection area and smooth bark, and tall trees with large crown projection area and rough bark) should be considered for afforestation and reforestation projects in the Popa Mountain Park to enhance net water input by forests.

  • Xiaolong Zhao, Peilin Xie, Xueqian Zhang, Zeyu Ou, Haoxuan Ma, Chun Suo, Jingqi Ma, Pan Wan

    Stand age is an important indicator of tree growth and life cycle, and has implications for ecological and biological processes. This study examined changes in soil microbial biomass (SMB) as well as enzyme activities of different aged plantations and revealed their relationship to soil properties. SMB, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), microbial biomass phosphorous (MBP) and enzyme activities (β-1,4-glucosidase (β-G), β-1,4-xylosidase (β-X), cellobiohydrolase (CBH), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), β-1,4-n-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and acid phosphatase (ACP)) were measured in Oromosia hosiei plantations of different ages. The soil quality index (SQI) model assessed soil quality. SMB contents significantly decreased in young (7-year-old) and mature plantations (45-year-old) compared to middle-aged (20-year-old) plantations. Activity of soil β-G, β-X, CBH and NAG in the 20-year-old plantations was markedly higher than in the other plantations except for β-G, CBH and NAG in the 45-year-old plantations. Soil organic carbon (SOC), total potassium (TK), total porosity, dissolved organic carbon, nitrate nitrogen (NO3 -N) and non-capillary porosity were key factors affecting SMB, while soil bulk density, pH, SOC, NO3 -N, TK and forest litter (FL) were the main factors affecting soil enzyme activities. SQI decreased in the order: middle-aged > mature > young. The efficiency of soil organic matter conversion, the effect of nitrogen mineralization and fixation by microorganisms, and the better efficiency of phosphorus utilization in mid-age plantations, which improves soil physical properties, better facilitates tree growth, and further improves the buffering of the soil against acidity and alkalinity. FL quality was the only soil biological factor affecting soil enzyme activity. Our findings demonstrate that different aged plantations affect soil microbial biomass, enzyme activity, and soil quality.

  • Zexia Dong, Jiaxi Wang, Jingfei Chen, Guolei Li, Yong Liu, Yining Li, Yufan Zhu, Xiaoqian Meng

    The most important process before leaf senescence is nutrient resorption, which reduces nutrient loss and maximizes plant fitness during the subsequent growth period. However, plants must retain certain levels of nitrogen (N) in their leaves to maintain carbon assimilation during hardening. The objective of this study was to investigate the tradeoffs in N investment between leaf N resorption and N for photosynthesis in seedlings with increased soil fertility during the hardening period. A field experiment was conducted to determine if and how soil fertility treatments (17, 34, or 68 mg N seedling−1) affected N resorption and allocation to the photosynthetic apparatus in Quercus mongolica leaves during the hardening period. Seedlings were sampled at T1 (after terminal bud formation), T2 (between terminal bud formation and end of the growing period), and T3 (at the end of the growing period). Results showed that photosynthetic N content continued to rise in T2, while N resorption started from non-photosynthetic N. Leaf N allocation to the photosynthetic apparatus increased as soil fertility increased, delaying N resorption. Additionally, soil fertility significantly affected N partitioning among different photosynthetic components, maintaining or increasing photosynthetic traits during senescence. This study demonstrates a tradeoff in N investment between resorption and photosynthesis to maintain photosynthetic assimilation capacity during the hardening period, and that soil fertility impacts this balance. Q. mongolica leaves primarily resorbed N from the non-photosynthetic apparatus and invested it in the photosynthetic apparatus, whereas different photosynthetic N component allocations effectively improved this pattern.

  • Yeqiong Shi, Xiulong Gao, Chunling Lang, Chuanwen Luo

    The spatial pattern of trees is an important feature of forests, and different spatial patterns of trees exhibit different ecological stability. Research has confirmed that natural forests with random patterns have higher biodiversity and stronger resistance to unstable factors such as pests and diseases. Even if they are disturbed or destroyed by unstable factors such as pests and diseases, they can still recover and rescue themselves; while artificial forests with uniform and clustered patterns have lower biodiversity and are susceptible to unstable factors such as pests and diseases. And once pests and diseases occur, it’s more difficult for them to recover. In order to promote the healthy and stable development of the forestry industry and protect the diversity of the biological environment, it is necessary to protect the random pattern of natural forests from being destroyed in the process of forest management, while effectively transforming the spatial pattern of artificial forests into a random pattern. Therefore, in order to ensure the convenient and accurate determination of the type of forest spatial pattern, research on methods for determining forest spatial pattern has become particularly important. Based on the theory of uniformity, this study proposes definitions and related theories of included exclusive sphere, included exclusive body, included random pattern, and included uniformity. Under the guidance of the definition of inclusion uniformity and related theories, and by using mathematical method, it is proved that the uniformity of inclusion (CL) is asymptotically subject to the Eq. 18, Therefore, the relationship between the included uniformity (CL) and the number of trees in the sample plot was established, and the corresponding relationship formula was obtained, and then the determination of the spatial pattern type of trees was completed by using the corresponding relationship formula. Through rigorous reasoning and case verification, the determination method of forest spatial pattern is effective.

  • Hongxing Liu, Mingyong Li, Ruiyun Han, Xiaolin Zhang, Jinnan Ge, Guangyou Hao

    A decline in tree growth has occurred in numerous regions over recent decades and is associated with enhanced water deficits driven by climate warming. This phenomenon may be more noticeable at lower latitudes with higher temperatures. However, the process by which these elevated temperatures alter growth performance is not well understood. In this study, by combining tree-ring data (including 340 increment cores) and remotely sensed vegetation index data, we investigated the long-term growth performance of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv. (Mongolian pine), an important species for afforestation in northern China, in response to environmental factors in an area of introduction (lower latitude) and its native range (higher latitude). More notable decreases in both tree-ring width index (RWI) and basal area increment at breast height coincided with lower values and larger variations in the satellite-derived vegetation index in the area of introduction. The RWI showed stronger negative correlations with temperature and positive correlations with the self-calibrating Palmer drought severity index during most months in the introduction area. These results indicate that enhanced drought stress caused by elevated temperatures in lower latitudes might be a key factor for the growth decline in Mongolian pine plantations. The negative impact of increased temperatures on tree growth through exacerbating drought stress at lower latitudes with water deficit highlights the need to reduce water stress in forest management in such areas under climate warming-driven aridification.

  • Xiaoqing Hu, Tong Zheng, Wenjie Chen, Huilei Duan, Zhongjia Yuan, Jiaqian An, Huihui Zhang, Xuemei Liu

    Glutathione-S-transferase (GST, EC2.5.1.18) multifunctional protease is important for detoxification, defense against biotic and abiotic stresses, and secondary metabolic material transport for plant growth and development. In this study, 71 members of the BpGST family were identified from the entire Betula platyphylla Suk. genome. Most of the members encode proteins with amino acid lengths ranging from 101 to 875 and were localized to the cytoplasm by a prediction. BpGSTs can be divided into seven subfamilies, with a majority of birch U and F subfamily members according to gene structure, conserved motifs and evolutionary analysis. GST family genes showed collinearity with 22 genes in Oryza sativa L., and three genes in Arabidopsis thaliana; promoter cis-acting elements predicted that the GST gene family is functional in growth, hormone regulation, and abiotic stress response. Most members of the F subfamily of GST (BpGSTFs) were expressed in roots, stems, leaves, and petioles, with the most expression observed in leaves. On the basis of the expression profiles of F subfamily genes (BpGSTF1 to BpGSTF13) during salt, mannitol and ABA stress, BpGSTF proteins seem to have multiple functions depending on the type of abiotic stress; for instance, BpGSTs may function at different times during abiotic stress. This study enhances understanding of the GST gene family and provides a basis for further exploration of their function in birch.

  • Ryan McClory, Richard H. Ellis, Martin Lukac, Jo Clark

    Acorn production in oaks (Quercus spp.) shows considerable inter-annual variation, known as masting. The effects of pollen sourced from trees within or outside the stand on acorn production were investigated in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in an ancient mixed woodland during two moderate masting years. Comparisons were made between natural pollination, hand pollinations with out-of-stand pollen, in-stand pollen or a 1:1 combination of the two pollen sources, and for bagged flowers left unpollinated. After all treatments, > 85% of the flowers or developing acorns were aborted between May and August of both years. When flowers were protected with pollen bags and no pollen added, no acorns were produced. In contrast, hand pollination with out-of-stand pollen produced the most acorns both years and significantly more than within-stand pollen or natural pollination in 2022. Hand pollination with out-of-stand or within-stand pollen provided significantly more acorns than natural pollination in 2023. In 2022, hand pollination with a 1:1 mixture of out-of-stand and within-stand pollen yielded an intermediate number of mature acorns between those for the out-of-stand and within-stand pollination treatments. The study provides clear evidence of maternal choice during acorn development in pedunculate oak and of the benefits of pollen supplementation. It also confirms that pedunculate oak is a fruit-maturation masting species; abortion of pollinated flowers and immature acorns determines a mast year (rather than the number of flowers produced) at this site.

  • Saif Ullah, Jianping Wu, Jawad Ali Shah, Xuemei Wang, Yueming Lyu, Zhiwen Guo, Kashif Ali, Deyun Chen, Han Sun

    Although numerous studies have proposed explanations for the specific and relative effects of stand structure, plant diversity, and environmental conditions on carbon (C) storage in forest ecosystems, understanding how these factors collectively affect C storage in different community layers (trees, shrubs, and herbs) and forest types (mixed, broad-leaved (E), broad-leaved (M), and coniferous forest) continues to pose challenges. To address this, we used structural equation models to quantify the influence of biotic factors (mean DBH, mean height, maximum height, stem density, and basal area) and abiotic factors (elevation and canopy openness), as well as metrics of species diversity (Shannon–Wiener index, Simpson index, and Pielou’s evenness) in various forest types. Our analysis revealed the critical roles of forest types and elevation in explaining a substantial portion of variability in C storage in the overstory layer, with a moderate influence of stand factors (mean DBH and basal area) and a slightly negative impact of tree species diversity (Shannon–Wiener index). Notably, forest height emerged as the primary predictor of C storage in the herb layer. Regression relationships further highlighted the significant contribution of tree species diversity to mean height, understory C storage, and branch biomass within the forest ecosystem. Our insights into tree species diversity, derived from structural equation modeling of C storage in the overstory, suggest that the effects of tree species diversity may be influenced by stem biomass in statistical reasoning within temperate forests. Further research should also integrate tree species diversity with tree components biomass, forest mean height, understory C, and canopy openness to understand complex relationships and maintain healthy and sustainable ecosystems in the face of global climate challenges.

  • Vladimir L. Gavrikov, Ruslan A. Sharafutdinov, Alexey I. Fertikov, Eugene A. Vaganov

    Understanding why elements are distributed in tree xylem in a particular way is a significant challenge in dendrochemistry. This study explored a hypothesis that metal elements in the xylem interact due to differences in physical properties such as ionic radius and ionization potential. Scots pine in an even-aged stand established during the early 1970s in eastern Siberia was the study species. Increment cores were taken from the north and south sides of trees and scanned with an X-ray fluorescent multi scanner. With the help of X-ray scanning, the following elements were analyzed: aluminum (Al), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), strontium (Sr) and zinc (Zn). Scanning data on the elements were split into early-wood and late-wood data for each year of growth. The following ratios were analyzed: Ca/Sr, Fe/Ca, Fe/Sr, Al/Cu, Al/Zn, Ti/Mn, and Mn/K. Among these, ones having a consistent pattern across tree rings, the ratios show a more or less dependable relationship: that an element shows a larger decrease (relative another element) that has a larger ionic radius and lower ionization potential. Hypothetically, this may be due to the advantage of an ion with smaller ionic radius and higher ionization potential under a deficit of accommodation centers in organic molecules. An experiment approach should be applied to clarify the relationships.

  • Huibin Yang, Qingxi Guo

    Based on the survey data of nine primitive broad-leaved Korean pine forest plots ranging from 1 to 10.4 ha in Heilongjiang Province, this study used the moving window method and GIS technology to analyze the variation characteristics of the spatial distribution pattern of forest biomass in each plot. We explored the minimum area that can reflect the structural and functional characteristics of the primitive broad-leaved Korean pine forest, and used computer simulation random sampling method to verify the accuracy of the minimum area. The results showed that: (1) Through the analysis of the spatial distribution raster map of biomass deviation in the plots at various scales of 10 − 100 m, there is a minimum area (0.64 ha) for the critical range of biomass density variation in the primitive broad-leaved Korean pine forest. This minimum area based on biomass density can indirectly reflect the comprehensive characteristics of productivity level per unit area, structure, function, and environmental quality of the primitive broad-leaved Korean pine forest community. (2) Using computer simulation random sampling, it was found that only by sampling in a specific plot larger than or equal to the minimum area can equivalent or similar results be achieved as random sampling within the plot, indicating that the minimum area determined by the moving window method is accurate. (3) The minimum area determined in this paper is an excellent indicator reflecting the complexity of community structure, which can be used for comparing changes in community structure and function before and after external disturbances, and has a good evaluation effect. This minimum area can also be used as a basis for scientific and reasonable setting of plot size in the investigation and monitoring work of broad-leaved Korean pine forests in this region, thereby achieving the goals of improving work efficiency and saving work costs.

  • Tanzeel Javaid Aini Farooqi, Rubén Portela, Zhou Xu, Shulin Pan, Muhammad Irfan, Arshad Ali

    Forest hydrology, the study of water dynamics within forested catchments, is crucial for understanding the intricate relationship between forest cover and water balances across different scales, from ecosystems to landscapes, or from catchment watersheds. The intensified global changes in climate, land use and cover, and pollution that occurred over the past century have brought about adverse impacts on forests and their services in water regulation, signifying the importance of forest hydrological research as a re-emerging topic of scientific interest. This article reviews the literature on recent advances in forest hydrological research, intending to identify leading countries, institutions, and researchers actively engaged in this field, as well as highlighting research hotspots for future exploration. Through a systematic analysis using VOSviewer, drawing from 17,006 articles retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection spanning 2000–2022, we employed scientometric methods to assess research productivity, identify emerging topics, and analyze academic development. The findings reveal a consistent growth in forest hydrological research over the past two decades, with the United States, Charles T. Driscoll, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences emerging as the most productive country, author, and institution, respectively. The Journal of Hydrology emerges as the most co-cited journal. Analysis of keyword co-occurrence and co-cited references highlights key research areas, including climate change, management strategies, runoff-erosion dynamics, vegetation cover changes, paired catchment experiments, water quality, aquatic biodiversity, forest fire dynamics and hydrological modeling. Based on these findings, our study advocates for an integrated approach to future research, emphasizing the collection of data from diverse sources, utilization of varied methodologies, and collaboration across disciplines and institutions. This holistic strategy is essential for developing sustainable approaches to forested watershed planning and management. Ultimately, our study provides valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, guiding future research directions towards forest hydrological research and applications.

  • Lianrong Feng, Yujie Chi, Jian Zhang, Xuxin Yang, Shuying Han

    Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) act as molecular chaperones that can prevent the accumulation of damaged proteins during abiotic stress, especially heat shock, but the mechanism is not clear. To study the function of sHSPs in Lenzites gibbosa, a common polypore in northern temperate forests that causes spongy white rot of broadleaf trees, under temperature stress, L. gibbosa mycelia were grown at 25 °C for 9 d, treated at 33 °C for 15, 30, 60, and 120 min before sequencing the transcriptomes. From among 32 heat shock protein (HSP) genes found in the screen of the transcriptome data, a highly expressed gene was cloned and named Lghsp17.4. RT-qPCR was used to analyze the expression of the gene Lghsp17.4 under heat shock and dye stress. Both treatments induced higher expression of Lghsp17.4 at the transcriptional level, indicating that Lghsp17.4 might function in the response to heat stress and dye degradation. We previously found that L. gibbosa generally had a heat shock reaction (HSR) during degradation of aromatic compounds, and HSPs were always produced with manganese peroxidases (MnPs) and other lignin-degrading enzymes. Therefore, we measured the activity of MnPs in L. gibbosa after 33 °C heat shock to analyze the relationship between MnPs expression and Lghsp17.4 expression. Heat shocks of 0–30 min increased MnPs activity, and the change in MnPs activity were closely positively correlated with the expression levels of Lghsp17.4 over time, indicating a potential connection and interaction between LgHSP17.4 and MnPs during the HSR in L. gibbosa. Thus, LgHSP17.4 might have a positive regulatory effect on the HSR in L. gibbosa and be a critical component of a stress resistance mechanism.

  • Ningjie Wang, Ting Lv, Lu Wang, Shuifei Chen, Lei Xie, Yanming Fang, Hui Ding

    The survival strategy of plants is to adjust their functional traits to adapt to the environment. However, these traits and survival strategies of evergreen broad-leaved forest species are not well understood. This study examined 10 leaf functional traits (LFTs) of 70 common plant species in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Huangshan Mountain to decipher their adaptive strategies. The phylogenetic signals of these LFTs were assessed and phylogenetically independent contrasts (PIC) and correlation analyses were carried out. LFTs were analyzed to determine their CSR (C: competitor, S: stress-tolerator, R: ruderal) strategies. The results show that plant species exhibit different leaf functional traits and ecological strategies (nine strategies were identified; the most abundant were S/CS and S/CSR strategies). Some traits showed significant phylogenetic signals, indicating the effect of phylogeny on LFTs to an extent. Trait variations among species suggest distinct adaptation strategies to environmental changes. The study species were mainly clustered on the C-S strategy axis, with a high S component. Species leaning toward the C-strategy end (e.g., deciduous species), favored a resource acquisition strategy characterized by higher specific leaf area (SLA), greater nutrient contents (N and P), lower leaf dry matter content (LDMC), and reduced nutrient utilization efficiency (C: N and C: P). Conversely, species closer to the S-strategy end (e.g., evergreen species) usually adopted a resource conservative strategy with trait combinations contrary to those of C-strategy species. Overall, this study corroborated the applicability of the CSR strategy at a local scale and provides insights into the varied trait combinations and ecological strategies employed by plant species to adapt to their environment. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in biodiversity maintenance.

  • Hongwei Zhou, Shibo Zhang, Meng Xie, Xiaodong Li, Yifan Chen, Wenhao Dai

    Botryosphaeria laricina (larch shoot blight) was first identified in 1973 in Jilin Province, China. The disease spread rapidly and caused considerable damage because its pathogenesis was unknown at the time and there were no effective controls or quarantine methods. At present, it shows a spreading trend, but most research can only conduct physiological analyses within a relatively short period, combining individual influencing factors. Nevertheless, methods such as neural network models, ensemble learning algorithms, and Markov models are used in pest and disease prediction and forecasting. However, there may be fitting issues or inherent limitations associated with these methods. This study obtained B. laricina data at the county level from 2003 to 2021. The dataset was augmented using the SMOTE algorithm, and then algorithms such as XGBoost were used to select the significant features from a combined set of 12 features. A new stacking fusion model has been proposed to predict the status of B. laricina. The model is based on random forest, gradient boosted decision tree, CatBoost and logistic regression algorithms. The accuracy, recall, specificity, precision, F1 value and AUC of the model reached 90.9%, 91.6%, 90.4%, 88.8%, 90.2% and 96.2%. The results provide evidence of the strong performance and stability of the model. B. laricina is mainly found in the northeast and this study indicates that it is spreading northwest. Reasonable means should be used promptly to prevent further damage and spread.

  • Julia Webb, Anne E. Goodenough

    Temperate woodland vegetation is initially determined by spatiotemporal and historical factors, mediated by complex biotic interactions. However, catastrophic events such as disease outbreaks (e.g., sweet chestnut blight, ash dieback), infestations of insect pests, and human-accelerated climate change can create canopy gaps due to systematic decline in, or loss of, tree species that was once an important part of the canopy. Resultant cascade effects have the potential to alter the composition of woodland ecosystems quickly and radically, but inherent lag times make primary research into these effects challenging. Here, we explore change in woodland vegetation at 10 sites in response to canopy opening using the Elm Decline, a rapid loss of Ulmus in woodlands across northwestern Europe ~ 5800 years ago that coexisted alongside other stressors such as increasing human activity, as a palaeoecological analogue. For arboreal taxa, community evenness significantly decreased, within-site turnover significantly increased, and richness remained unchanged. Changes in arboreal taxa were highly site-specific but there was a substantial decline in woody climbing taxa, especially Hedera (ivy), across the majority of sites. For shrub taxa, richness significantly increased but evenness and turnover remained consistent. Interestingly, however, there was a significant increase in abundance of shrubs at 70% of sites, including Calluna (heather), Ilex (holly) and Corylus (hazel), suggesting structural change. Surprisingly, there was no change in richness, evenness or turnover for herb taxa, possibly because change was highly variable spatially. However, there was a marked uptick in the disturbance indicator Plantago (plantain). Overall, these findings suggest that woodlands with sustained reduction in, or loss of, a tree species that once formed an important part of the canopy has profound, but often spatially idiosyncratic, impacts on vegetation diversity (richness), composition (evenness), stability (turnover), and on abundance of specific taxa, especially within the shrub layer. Use of this palaeoecological analogue, which was itself complicated by cooccurring changes in human activity, provides a valuable empirical insight into possible cascade effects of similar change in canopy opening in contemporary settings, including Ash Dieback.

  • Tianhua Sun, Guona Zhou, Yanan Zhao, Suhong Gao, Jie Liu, Junxia Liu, Baojia Gao

    The defense mechanisms induced in wild Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis) in response to herbivores are not well characterized, especially in the field. To address this knowledge gap, we established a biological model system to evaluate proteome variations in pine needles after feeding by the Chinese pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus tabulaeformis), a major natural enemy and dominant herbivore. Quantitative tandem mass tag (TMT) proteomics and bioinformatics were utilized to systematically identify differentially abundant proteins implicated in the induced defense response of Chinese pine. We validated key protein changes using parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) technology. Pathway analysis revealed that the induced defenses involved phenylpropanoid, coumarin, and flavonoid biosynthesis, among other processes. To elucidate the regulatory patterns underlying pine resistance, we determined the activities of defense enzymes and levels of physiological and biochemical compounds. In addition, the expression of upstream genes for key proteins was validated by qRT-PCR. Our results provide new molecular insights into the induced defense mechanisms in Chinese pine against this caterpillar in the field. A better understanding of these defense strategies will inform efforts to breed more-resistant pine varieties.

  • Kailong Guo, Tongwen Zhang, Yonghui Wang, Xiaoxia Gou, Shulong Yu, Huaming Shang, Ruibo Zhang, Li Qin, Shengxia Jiang, Kexiang Liu, Dong Guo, Ruxianguli Abureheman, Yulin Guo

    The physiological structure and growth of trees in extreme environments (freezing temperatures, prolonged drought, wildfires, pest infestations, and diseases) can be inhibited, including radial growth, and stagnant growth or missing annual rings is highly possible. In this study, we analyzed the radial growth of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) in the Hongshanzui area of the Altai Mountains, China. The overall missing ring rate at the sampling point was 2.39%, with years with the highest missing rings since meteorological site data were available (1960) identified as 1960, 1961, 1971, 1973, 1985, 1987, and 1995. Radial growth in high altitudes was mainly affected by temperatures in May and June (average temperature, average minimum temperature, and average maximum temperature). Frequent periods of freezing may lead to missing annual rings. However, while Larix sibirica shows resilience after prolonged freezing temperatures, it still requires time for the trees to return to normal growth levels.

  • Harikesh Singh, Li-Minn Ang, Tom Lewis, Dipak Paudyal, Mauricio Acuna, Prashant Kumar Srivastava, Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava

    The significant threat of wildfires to forest ecology and biodiversity, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, underscores the necessity for advanced predictive models amidst shifting climate patterns. There is a need to evaluate and enhance wildfire prediction methods, focusing on their application during extended periods of intense heat and drought. This study reviews various wildfire modelling approaches, including traditional physical, semi-empirical, numerical, and emerging machine learning (ML)-based models. We critically assess these models’ capabilities in predicting fire susceptibility and post-ignition spread, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Our findings indicate that while traditional models provide foundational insights, they often fall short in dynamically estimating parameters and predicting ignition events. Cellular automata models, despite their potential, face challenges in data integration and computational demands. Conversely, ML models demonstrate superior efficiency and accuracy by leveraging diverse datasets, though they encounter interpretability issues. This review recommends hybrid modelling approaches that integrate multiple methods to harness their combined strengths. By incorporating data assimilation techniques with dynamic forecasting models, the predictive capabilities of ML-based predictions can be significantly enhanced. This review underscores the necessity for continued refinement of these models to ensure their reliability in real-world applications, ultimately contributing to more effective wildfire mitigation and management strategies. Future research should focus on improving hybrid models and exploring new data integration methods to advance predictive capabilities.

  • Simone Figorilli, Francesco Tocci, Simone Vasta, Giacomo Colle, Giulio Sperandio, Simona Violino, Emanuele Presutti Saba, Luciano Ortenzi, Pietro Gallo, Cecilia Ripa, Corrado Costa

    Forest planning involves estimating the biomass of species present in the area. Two fundamental parameters are diameter and height through which it is possible to indirectly estimate of biomass present. Digitalisation of forestry operations, such as forest planning, is crucial and should be affordable and easy-to-use digital applications and open-source devices. A digital progressive web application (PWA) was designed to record measurements. The app was connected via bluetoot to an open-source IoT digital forestry caliper prototyped by modifying a commercial tree caliper. An economic analysis was carried out considering all costs necessary for the development and operation of the app on smartphones and the preparation of electronic means for creation of the digital caliper. A comparison was made between costs of detecting tree diameters through application of the technology developed compared to costs calculated by applying the use of a dendrometric caliper (three technological levels were considered: L1, L2 and L3). The PWA allowed for easy data entry and viewing, maps and tree densities. The open-source digital caliper showed accuracy and precision comparable with similar commercial devices (1.5% ± 0.9% and 0.0% ± 0.9%, respectively). Total time per operator was lower using the digital caliper. From an economic perspective, application of the digital technology was more sustainable than the traditional system. Use of the digital caliper in combination with the web application optimizes detection time of a single tree, and therefore decreases overall cost.

  • Yaxin Zhang, Xiaochun Wang, Rui Zhang, Aolin Niu, Chuankuan Wang, Ying Jin

    Ongoing climate change has a considerable influence on the seasonality, timing, and intensity of rainfall worldwide, and is also predicted to decrease snow cover in cold ecosystems. Larch is a widely distributed tree species in boreal Eurasia, calling for a comprehensive understanding of how larch adapts to changes in both rainfall and snowfall by adjusting carbon-water physiology. Here, we conducted a short-term rainfall (− 60% ambient rainfall; three-year) and snowfall (− 73% ambient snowfall; two-year) exclusions experiment in Larix gmelinii forest in northeastern China, and aimed to explore the responses of hydraulic (leaf pressure-volume traits, leaf and branch hydraulic conductivity and embolism resistance), stomatal (stomatal closure point and stomatal safety margin), and economic (photosynthetic rate, nutrient and non-structural carbohydrates contents) traits to rainfall and snowfall reductions. Despite the weak alternation of leaf and branch hydraulic traits, both rainfall and snowfall reductions significantly led to early stomatal closure and increased stomatal safety margins (the difference between stomatal closure point and xylem embolism threshold, describing drought resistance by merging both hydraulic and stomatal strategies). Reductions in rainfall and snowfall induced water or/and low-temperature stress, resulting in more conservative leaf economic traits, including a reduced photosynthetic rate, lower leaf nitrogen concentration, and higher leaf density. In addition, larch responded to reductions in rainfall and snowfall by up-regulating non-structural carbohydrates in the xylem, which helps repair embolism or lower the freezing point acting as osmolytes. Overall, our findings reveal that larch could adapt to the drought and snowpack reduction by strict stomatal regulation and investing non-structural carbohydrates in embolism repairing, at the cost of carbon assimilation.

  • Wei Lin, Tianyi Yao, Chengcheng Zeng

    Tree canopy landscapes are an important component of urban forests and have the potential to influence human emotions. However, their influence on emotional responses remains unclear. The aims of this study were: (1) to determine whether the canopy landscape affects human emotions; (2) to clarify the influence of canopy landscape on individual emotional indicators; and (3) to identify the ratio of canopy landscape elements with the most beneficial effects on human emotions. Different canopy landscape images were generated, and the self-reported emotions and neural activity of the subjects assessed before and after they viewed the images. The results of the statistical analysis were intuitively displayed by a ternary phase diagram. We found that the canopy landscape affected human emotions and different proportions of canopy landscape elements led to significant differences in excitement, depression and confusion. Higher proportions of blue elements and lower proportions of green and other elements characterized the canopy landscape with the most beneficial effect on human emotions. These findings will promote further research on canopy landscapes, inform the planning and design of urban forests, and contribute to the field of landscape architecture.

  • Zebin Liu, Songping Yu, Lihong Xu, Yanhui Wang, Mengfei Wang, Pengtao Yu

    The sap flow method is widely used to estimate forest transpiration. However, at the individual tree level it has spatiotemporal variations due to the impacts of environmental conditions and spatial relationships among trees. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the coupling effects of these factors is important for designing sap flow measurement methods and performing accurate assessments of stand scale transpiration. This study is based on observations of sap flux density (SFd) of nine sample trees with different Hegyi’s competition indices (HCIs), soil moisture, and meteorological conditions in a pure plantation of Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii during the 2021 growing season (May to September). A multifactorial model of sap flow was developed and possible errors in the stand scale sap flow estimates associated with sample sizes were determined using model-based predictions of sap flow. Temporal variations are controlled by vapour pressure deficit (VPD), solar radiation (R), and soil moisture, and these relationships can be described by polynomial or saturated exponential functions. Spatial (individual) differences were influenced by the HCI, as shown by the decaying power function. A simple SFd model at the individual tree level was developed to describe the synergistic influences of VPD, R, soil moisture, and HCI. The coefficient of variations (CV) of the sap flow estimates gradually stabilized when the sample size was > 10; at least six sample trees were needed if the CV was within 10%. This study improves understanding of the mechanisms of spatiotemporal variations in sap flow at the individual tree level and provides a new methodology for determining the optimal sample size for sap flow measurements.

  • Hui Wang, Jiping Zhang, Benyong Wei, Qing Qiao, Wentao Zhang, Yangcui Ning, Chunlan Liu

    Clarifying the climate change effects on the radial growth of trees has implications for sustainable forest management, especially under global warming. To investigate tree growth responses to regional climate change of Xiaowutai Mountain, four Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) ring-width index chronologies were established at different elevations (1290–1600 m). Species growth trends were estimated using climate change projections derived from global climate models. The results show: (1) the four ring-width chronologies exhibited strong statistical characteristics, making them suitable for dendroclimatology studies. Radial growth-climate relationships were highly consistent, showing a negative correlation with previous September temperatures and current May–June temperatures, as well as a positively correlated with precipitation and Palmer Drought Severity Index during the corresponding period; and (2) climate change scenarios revealed that temperature will gradually increase on the Xiaowutai Mountain, and only a slight variation in precipitation is expected. Chinese pine radial growth may show a decline under future climate change.

  • Tongxin Hu, Yu Han, Kajar Köster, Jianyu Wang, Haiqing Hu, Xu Dou, Long Sun, Yiyang Ding

    Prescribed burning is commonly used to maintain forest ecosystem functions and reduce the risk of future wildfires. Although many studies have investigated the response of microbial community to wildfires in forest ecosystems, the effects of prescribed burnings on soil microbial community structure are less studied. It is also unclear that how post-fire soil physiochemical properties changes affected soil microbial communities. Here, we studied the impacts of prescribed burning on soil microbiome in three typical temperate forests of northern China by collecting soil physicochemical and high-throughput sequencing for 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA was applied to analyze the diversity and community composition of soil microbes (bacteria and fungi). Compared with pre-fire condition, prescribed burning significantly decreased Chao1 index and altered soil bacterial communities (P < 0.05), whereas it had no significant effect on fungal diversity and community structure of the (P > 0.05). Planctomycetes and Actinobacteria made the greatest contributions to the bacterial community dissimilarity between the pre-fire and post-fire conditions. The main variables influencing the post-fire soil microbial community structure are soil pH, available phosphorus, total nitrogen, and the ratio of soil total carbon to soil total nitrogen, which could account for 73.5% of the variation in the microbial community structure in these stands. Our findings demonstrated a great discrepancy in the responses of bacteria and fungi to prescribed burning. Prescribed burning altered the soil microbial structure by modifying the physicochemical properties. Our results pointed that it is essential to evaluate the impact of prescribed burnings on forest ecosystem functions. These findings provide an important baseline for assessing post-fire microbial recovery in the region and offer critical guidance for restoration efforts.

  • Chengcong Wang, Zhibin Ren, Peng Zhang, Yujie Guo, Shengyang Hong, Wenhai Hong, Xinyu Wang, Ruoxuan Geng, Fanyue Meng

    Urban vegetation plays a crucial role in regulating temperatures and heat waves in urban areas. However, the influence of vegetation coverage and its configuration on surface temperatures in different climate zones at a national scale is unclear. To address this, we utilized high-resolution data to detect spatial patterns for 31 provincial capital cities in China. We integrated day and night surface temperatures to determine the influence of vegetative coverage and configuration on urban temperatures across different climate zones and city sizes. Our study revealed that a subtropical monsoon climate and medium-sized cities had the highest vegetative coverage and shape complexity. The best connectivity and agglomeration of vegetation were found in a temperate monsoon climate and large cities. In contrast, small cities, especially those under a temperate continental climate, had low vegetation coverage, high fragmentation, and weak agglomeration and connectivity. In addition, vegetative coverage had a negative impact on daytime surface temperatures, especially in large cities in a subtropical monsoon climate. However, an increase in vegetation coverage could result in warming at night in small cities in temperate continental climates. Although urban vegetation configuration also contributed to moderating surface temperatures, especially at night, they did not surpass the influence of vegetation coverage. The effect on nighttime temperatures of the configuration of vegetation increased by 3–6% relative to that of daytime temperatures, especially in large cities in a temperate monsoon climate. The contribution vegetation coverage and configuration interaction to cooling efficiency decreased at night, especially in medium-sized cities in a temperate continental climate by 3–5%. In addition, this study identified several moderating effects of natural and social factors on the relationship between urban vegetation coverage and surface temperatures. High duration of sunshine, low humidity and high wind speed significantly enhanced the negative impact of vegetation coverage on surface temperatures. In addition, the moderating effect of vegetation coverage was more pronounced in low population density cities and high gross domestic product. This study enhances understanding of the ecological functions of urban vegetation and provides a valuable scientific basis and strategic recommendations for optimizing urban vegetation and improving urban environmental quality.

  • Weixiang Cai, Nianpeng He, Li Xu

    Tibetan Plateau, as one of the most carbon intensive regions in China, is crucial in the carbon cycle, and accurately estimating its vegetation carbon density (C VEG) is essential for assessing regional and national carbon balance. However, the spatial distribution of regional C VEG is not available remains highly uncertain due to lack of systematic research, especially for different organs. Here, we investigated the spatial distribution patterns and driving factors of C VEG among different plant organs (leaf, branch, trunk and root) by systematically field grid-sampling 2040 field-plots of plant communities over the Tibetan Plateau from 2019 to 2020. The results showed that the carbon content of plant organs ranged from 255.53 to 515.58 g kg–1, with the highest in branches and the lowest in roots. Among the different plant functional groups, the highest C VEG was found in evergreen coniferous forests, and the lowest in desert grasslands, with an average C VEG of 1603.98 g m–2. C VEG increased spatially from northwest to southeast over the Tibetan Plateau, with MAP being the dominant factor. Furthermore, the total vegetation carbon stock on the Tibetan Plateau was estimated to be 1965.62 Tg for all vegetation types. Based on the comprehensive field survey dataset, the Random Forest model effectively predicted and mapped the spatial distribution of C VEG (including aboveground, belowground, and the total biomass carbon density) over the Tibetan Plateau with notable accuracy (validation R 2 values were 71%, 56%, and 64% for C AGB, C BGB, and C VEG, respectively) at a spatial resolution of 1 km × 1 km. Our findings can help improve the accuracy of regional carbon stock estimations and provide parameters for carbon cycle model optimization and remote sensing calibration in the future.

  • Elena A. Erofeeva

    There is evidence of climate hormesis (low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition by climate change-related stressors), the adaptive response of cells and organisms to moderate, intermittent stress, at community and ecosystem levels, including forest ecosystems with low levels of climate stressors. However, the role of climate hormesis in carbon sequestration by forests and its effects on global processes in the biosphere remains poorly understood. This paper examines this issue based on data for forests of various biomes. The analysis has shown that soil and vegetation are the main carbon pools in forests, which sequester carbon in humus and woody organic matter. Low dose climate stressors (i.e., moderate stressors related to climate change), through hormetic stimulation of growth and photosynthesis, can increase forest productivity and carbon sequestration by ensuring long-term carbon conservation in wood. Climate hormesis can potentially enhance soil carbon stocks by increasing carbon runoff from vegetation. This may have a reverse stimulating effect on the productivity of trees by increasing available minerals, especially nitrogen. At the biosphere level, climate hormesis of forest ecosystems may be a mechanism of self-regulation, compensating for or at least restraining the pace of climate change, increasing the chances of biomes and ecosystems for successful adaptation. However, anthropogenic activities disrupt this mechanism and the buffer capacities of forests in the face of climate change, reducing their area, especially primary forests and their biological diversity. This review demonstrates the importance of hormesis for studying the effects of climate stressors on carbon sequestration by forests and may be used to enhance their buffering properties.

  • Yaoyuan Ma, Ni Yang, Siyuan Wang, Changfu Huo, Lizhong Yu, Jiacun Gu

    Root tips are the main components of absorptive fine roots, but their seasonal dynamics and relationship to environmental factors remain unclear due to the difficulties in methodology. In this study, we explored the temporal patterns of root-tip production and mortality in monoculture plantations of five temperate tree species at a common site in northeastern China, and identified the general environmental controls on such processes. We made monthly in-situ assessments of root tip length (RTL) production and mortality in two hardwood and three coniferous species with a minirhizotron (MR) method during the growing seasons of 2008 and 2009. Air temperature, rainfall, soil temperature and water content at 10 cm depth were determined concurrently. RTL production in all species exhibited consistent peaks in summer (June–August) in two growing seasons. RTL mortality showed substantial interannual and interspecific variability, with peaks in autumn and winter in 2008, but various patterns in 2009. RTL production positively correlated with monthly soil and air temperature across all species, and with monthly rainfall in three coniferous species. However, there was no significant correlation between RTL production and soil water content. By contrast, RTL mortality was weakly related to environmental factors, showing positive correlations with soil temperature in Korean spruce, and with rainfall in Korean pine and Korean spruce. Our findings suggest that the seasonal patterns of RTL production are convergent across the five temperate tree species due to the overlapped distribution of heat and rainfall, which can conduce roots to maximizing the acquisition of nutrient resources in the soil.