Ecoregional height–diameter models for Scots pine in Turkiye

Fadime Sağlam1(), Oytun Emre Sakici1

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 103.

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 103. DOI: 10.1007/s11676-024-01757-z
Original Paper

Ecoregional height–diameter models for Scots pine in Turkiye

  • Fadime Sağlam1(), Oytun Emre Sakici1
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Ecoregion-based height-diameter models were developed in the present study for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Turkiye and included several ecological factors derived from a pre-existing ecoregional classification system. The data were obtained from 2831 sample trees in 292 sample plots. Ten generalized height–diameter models were developed, and the best model (HD10) was selected according to statistical criteria. Then, nonlinear mixed-effects modeling was applied to the best model. The R2 for the generalized height‒diameter model (Richards function) modified by Sharma and Parton is 0.951, and the final model included number of trees, dominant height, and diameter at breast height, with a random parameter associated with each ecoregion attached to the inverse of the mean basal area. The full model predictions using the nonlinear mixed-effects model and the reduced model (HD10) predictions were compared using the nonlinear sum of extra squares test, which revealed significant differences between ecoregions; ecoregion-based height–diameter models were thus found to be suitable to use. In addition, using these models in appropriate ecoregions was very important for achieving reliable predictions with low prediction errors.


Tree height / Nonlinear mixed-effects modelling / Nonlinear sum of extra squares method / Ecoregion / Scots pine

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Fadime Sağlam, Oytun Emre Sakici. Ecoregional height–diameter models for Scots pine in Turkiye. Journal of Forestry Research, 2024, 35(1): 103


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