Effects of tree size and organ age on variations in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry in Pinus koraiensis
Yanjun Wang1,2,3, Guangze Jin1,2,3, Zhili Liu1,2,3()
Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 52.
Effects of tree size and organ age on variations in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry in Pinus koraiensis
Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) are of fundamental importance for growth and nutrient dynamics within plant organs and deserve more attention at regional to global scales. However, our knowledge of how these nutrients vary with tree size, organ age, or root order at the individual level remains limited. We determined C, N, and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios (i.e., nutrient traits) in needles, branches, and fine roots at different organ ages (0–3-year-old needles and branches) and root orders (1st–4th order roots) from 64 Pinus koraiensis of varying size (Diameter at breast height ranged from 0.3 to 100 cm) in northeast China. Soil factors were also measured. The results show that nutrient traits were regulated by tree size, organ age, or root order rather than soil factors. At a whole-plant level, nutrient traits decreased in needles and fine roots but increased in branches with tree size. At the organ level, age or root order had a negative effect on C, N, and P and a positive effect on stoichiometric ratios. Our results demonstrate that nutrient variations are closely related to organ-specific functions and ecophysiological processes at an individual level. It is suggested that the nutrient acquisition strategy by younger trees and organ fractions with higher nutrient content is for survival. Conversely, nutrient storage strategy in older trees and organ fractions are mainly for steady growth. Our results clarified the nutrient utilization strategies during tree and organ ontogeny and suggest that tree size and organ age or root order should be simultaneously considered to understand the complexities of nutrient variations.
Tree size / Organ age (or root order) / Carbon (C) / Nitrogen (N) / Phosphorus (P) / Pinus koraiensis
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