Aging Mongolian pine plantations face high risks of drought-induced growth decline: evidence from both individual tree and forest stand measurements

Mingyong Li1,2,3, Leilei Yang1,4,5, Yu Cao5, Dedong Wu5, Guangyou Hao1,2,3()

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 38.

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 38. DOI: 10.1007/s11676-023-01677-4
Original Paper

Aging Mongolian pine plantations face high risks of drought-induced growth decline: evidence from both individual tree and forest stand measurements

  • Mingyong Li1,2,3, Leilei Yang1,4,5, Yu Cao5, Dedong Wu5, Guangyou Hao1,2,3()
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Discerning vulnerability differences among different aged trees to drought-driven growth decline or to mortality is critical to implement age-specific countermeasures for forest management in water-limited areas. An important species for afforestation in dry environments of northern China, Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv.) has recently exhibited growth decline and dieback on many sites, particularly pronounced in old-growth plantations. However, changes in response to drought stress by this species with age as well as the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. In this study, tree-ring data and remotely sensed vegetation data were combined to investigate variations in growth at individual tree and stand scales for young (9 − 13 years) and aging (35 − 52 years) plantations of Mongolian pine in a water-limited area of northern China. A recent decline in tree-ring width in the older plantation also had lower values in satellited-derived normalized difference vegetation indices and normalized difference water indices relative to the younger plantations. In addition, all measured growth-related metrics were strongly correlated with the self-calibrating Palmer drought severity index during the growing season in the older plantation. Sensitivity of growth to drought of the older plantation might be attributed to more severe hydraulic limitations, as reflected by their lower sapwood- and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivities. Our study presents a comprehensive view on changes of growth with age by integrating multiple methods and provides an explanation from the perspective of plant hydraulics for growth decline with age. The results indicate that old-growth Mongolian pine plantations in water-limited environments may face increased growth declines under the context of climate warming and drying.


Tree age / Drought stress / Mongolian pine plantation / Tree rings / Remote sensing / Plant hydraulics

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Mingyong Li, Leilei Yang, Yu Cao, Dedong Wu, Guangyou Hao. Aging Mongolian pine plantations face high risks of drought-induced growth decline: evidence from both individual tree and forest stand measurements. Journal of Forestry Research, 2024, 35(1): 38


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