Butterfly taxonomic and functional diversity in the urban green spaces of Hefei city

Haicong Zeng1,2, Yan Zhu3, Junyao Zhang1,2, Chenliang Li1,2, Jian Zhang1,2, Hui Liu1, Jianan Wang1,2(), Dexian Zhao1

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 55.

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 55. DOI: 10.1007/s11676-024-01704-y
Original Paper

Butterfly taxonomic and functional diversity in the urban green spaces of Hefei city

  • Haicong Zeng1,2, Yan Zhu3, Junyao Zhang1,2, Chenliang Li1,2, Jian Zhang1,2, Hui Liu1, Jianan Wang1,2(), Dexian Zhao1
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Urbanization has profound impacts on ecological environments. Green spaces are a vital component of urban ecosystems and play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and enhancing sustainability. This study aimed to investigate the community composition characteristics of butterflies in urban green spaces within the context of rapid urbanization. Simultaneously, it explored the status and differences in butterfly taxonomic diversity, functional diversity, and functional traits among different types of urban green spaces, regions, and urban gradients to provide relevant insights for further improving urban green space quality and promoting biodiversity conservation. We conducted a year-long survey of 80 green spaces across different urban regions and ring roads within Hefei City, Anhui Province, with monthly sampling intervals over 187 transects. A total of 4822 butterflies, belonging to 5 families, 17 subfamilies, 40 genera, and 55 species were identified. The species richness, Shannon, Simpson, functional richness, and Rao's quadratic entropy indices of butterflies in urban park green spaces were all significantly higher than those in residential and street green spaces (P < 0.05). Differences in butterfly diversity and functional traits among different urban regions and ring roads were relatively minor, and small-sized, multivoltine, and long flying duration butterflies dominated urban green spaces. Overall, these spaces offer more favorable habitats for butterflies. However, some residential green spaces and street green spaces demonstrate potential for butterfly conservation.


Urban green space planning / Rapid urbanization / Butterfly functional traits / Green space types / Urban biodiversity

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Haicong Zeng, Yan Zhu, Junyao Zhang, Chenliang Li, Jian Zhang, Hui Liu, Jianan Wang, Dexian Zhao. Butterfly taxonomic and functional diversity in the urban green spaces of Hefei city. Journal of Forestry Research, 2024, 35(1): 55 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-024-01704-y


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