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Copyright Transfer Statement

Whereas the paper above (English language version, hereinafter referred to as the Paper) of Copyright-owner is to be published by Higher Education Press (hereinafter referred to as the Publisher) in Frontiers of Physics, an English language academic journal (hereinafter referred to as the Journal), the following statements have been reached by Copyright-owner:

Article 1 Copyright-owner agrees to assign to the Publisher (with no contribution fee from the Publisher to Copyright-owner) the exclusive, assignable and sublicensable rights, unlimited in time and territory, to compile, reproduce, publish, distribute, translate, transmit, make available and archive the paper, including abstracts thereof, in all forms and media of expression now known or developed in the future, including pre- and reprints, translations, photographic reproductions and microform. The Publisher may use the article in whole or in part in electronic form, such as use in databases or data networks for display, print or download to stationary or portable devices. This includes interactive and multimedia use and the right to alter the article to the extent necessary for such use. The Publisher has the right to use the names and professional credits of author(s) in connection with the publication of the Article and/or Journal and in any material promoting and marketing the Article and/or Journal. 

Article 2 Copyright-owner warrants that the Paper is Copyright-owner’s original work and has not been published previously anywhere, in any language and form, and promises not to publish this paper elsewhere later in any language and form. Copyright-owner warrants that the paper infringes no copyrights and legal rights of any third party, and no license from or payments to a third party is required to publish the article. If excerpts from copyrighted works, tables, figures, graphs or other such materials are included, Copyright-owner will obtain written permission from the copyright owners and show credit to the sources in the manuscript. Copyright-owner warrants the possession of the copyright of the Paper and the right to assign the aforesaid right to the Publisher through the Statement. If the Paper is of joint authorship, Copyright-owner shall be authorized by any additional copyright owner to assign the aforesaid right and sign the Statement with the Publisher. The performance of the contractual obligations by the Publisher to Copyright-owner shall be deemed having performed the contractual obligations to all the copyright owners, and whereby the Publisher shall be exempt from disputes with any other copyright owners of the paper. Copyright-owner warrants that he/she will not post the Publisher’s final version of the Paper on public websites.

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Article 4 In respect of figures and graphs wherein, with graphical abstract included, Copyright-owner agrees to transfer the exclusive right to the Publisher. Without written permission of the Publisher, Copyright-owner shall make no use of the illustrations made by the Publisher for no purposes other than that of the Journal. 

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Copyright-owner retains the right to use his/her article for his/her further scientific career by including the final published journal article in other publications such as dissertations and postdoctoral qualifications provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication.

Article 6 This Statement shall be effective as of the date of its signature.

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Pubdate: 2021-05-14    Viewed: 1685