The LHC discovery of the Standard Model (SM)-like Higgs boson h (125 GeV) strongly suggests that the new physics scales are significantly higher than the Higgs mass 125 GeV and all the new physics effects are described by gauge invariant effective operators with mass-dimensions larger than 4, as formulated by the SM Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). The neutral Triple Gauge Couplings (nTGCs) provide a unique window for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), because they are absent both in the SM and at the level of dimension-6 operators. Such nTGCs first show up in the SMEFT of dimension-8. The authors performed a systematic detector-level study on the sensitivity reaches of the CEPC e+e− collider for probing the nTGCs with a projected integrated luminosity of 20/ab. They demonstrated that the CEPC (240 GeV) can efficiently probe the nTGC form factors to the level of 10-3‒10-4 and probe the new physics scales up to O(1) TeV, providing an important new physics target for the CEPC. For more details, please refer to the article entitled
“Probing neutral triple gauge couplings via Zγ (ℓ+ℓ−γ) production at e+e− colliders” by Danning Liu, et al. [Front. Phys. 20(1), 015201 (2025)]. [Photo credits: Danning Liu, Rui-Qing Xiao, Shu Li, Hong-Jian He & Rui Yuan at Shanghai Jiao Tong University]
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