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Format-free submission statement

Format-free submission statement

Authors may submit their papers in any scholarly format or layout. Original files can be in Word or LaTeX. There are no strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must include the essential elements: abstract, author affiliation, main text, figures, tables, funding information, references, and supplementary materials. The addition of ORCID numbers is recommended but not essential. Figures can be embedded within the text or placed at the end of the document, and figures should be vector graphics with high resolution.

Spelling can be either US or UK English, as long as it is consistent throughout. When authors submit their manuscripts onto the submission system (, only PDF files are required. After the manuscript has been reviewed and formally accepted, authors will be asked to provide further details of the manuscripts. Please note that, regardless of the original file format of submission, an editable version of the article must be supplied at the revision stage.

Please contact us through the following Email address: if you have any questions or need any assistance.

Pubdate: 2014-06-12    Viewed: 5242