May 2022, Volume 9 Issue 2

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  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    JI Jie, ZHANG Weiwei, YANG Xu, LIU Junwei, MA Ruqi, SUN Jing, JIANG Shengyuan
    For the aim of scientific exploration of lunar water ice, this review summarizes the challenges and key technologies needed for water ice sampling and detection in the lunar polar region according to the lunar polar environment and the characteristics of lunar water ice. For the demand of selection of water ice sampling site,according to different working principles,five methods were summarized:mechanical sensing,thermoelectric physical property sensing,radar detection,spectrum detection and neutron spectrum detection. Then,for the demand of surface-exposed water ice sampling,three kinds of surface sampling techniques,including scooping,shallow drilling,and grinding were described. For the needs of subsurface buried water ice sampling,first,the subsurface regolith penetration techniques for extraterrestrial objects were summarized,then six kinds of drilling sampling techniques were introduced, including integrated sensing,volatile extraction,lunar surface drilling cuttings acquisition, bit external cuttings acquisition,bit internal cuttings acquisition and coring. Finally,suggestions on technical approaches for China’s implementing lunar water ice sampling and exploration missions were put forward.
  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    JIANG Shengyuan, ZHANG Weiwei, YANG Yubin, LI Honglang, HE Huaiyu, ZHANG He, HUANG Jiangchuan, DENG Zongquan
    Kinetic penetration is an effective method for in-situ detection of planetary regolith,especially for geological structure and physical and chemical properties. The research status and development trends of the penetrating-type in-situ detection of planetary profiles are investigated and its critical techniques and solutions are summarized. According to China’s general plans of future deep space exploration and critical technology requirements,penetrating-type in-situ investigation perspectives are put forward for lunar,Mars,and asteroid respectively,which will provide new methods and new schemes for the project argumentation and key technology research of the extraterrestrial object exploration project in China.
  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    LI Xiongyao, WEI Guangfei, ZENG Xiaojia, LI Yang, TANG Hong, LIU Jianzhong, JIANG Shengyuan, ZOU Meng, MA Jinan, WANG Chu, HE Huaiyu, ZHENG Wanping, CLOUTICS Edward
    Water can be trapped at permanently shadowed regions(PSRs)of the Moon for billions of years due to the extremely low temperatures. Polar exploration targeting water ice can help us understand water evolution and future resource utilization. This study reviews lunar explorations and theoretical studies about the Moon’s pole in past decades. Firstly,we introduce the geological features,illuminating conditions and thermal environment on the poles of the Moon. Secondly,we present the geological evolution of ice-bearing regolith and possible forms of water ice. Thirdly,we summarize all the methods of water detection and water distribution on the Moon. Lastly,we propose a basic standard for producing lunar regolith simulants based on measurements of Apollo samples. This study aims to present a general knowledge of lunar polar geology and provide a reference for future lunar polar exploration.
  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    LIU Junwei, WANG Enliang, TIAN Ye, LIU Xingchao, TANG Liang, CUI Jianglei, TAO Lijun, GE Tanlong, LU Zixiao, ZHANG Weiwei, TANG Junyue, JIANG Shengyuan
    The remote sensing of the moon proved that water ice exists in its permanently shadowed regions,which further stimulated people's enthusiasm for the construction of lunar bases and in-situ resource utilization. However,remote sensing detection cannot obtain quantitative information about the physical and mechanical properties of icy lunar regolith,which brings challenges to the development of water ice sampling and detection and in-situ utilization. Aiming at this problem,this paper proposes a method to simulate the structure of icy lunar regolith based on "similarity,equivalence,homogeneity and coverage". Tests of shear strength and Poisson's ratio were carried out under realistic temperature environment in polar regions to obtain the influence of temperature and water content on the mechanical properties of icy regolith. At the same time,the envelope range of icy regolith shear strength and Poisson's ratio is obtained under specific conditions. The results provide an basis for designing lunar water ice in-situ submerged detection equipment.
  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    SUN Miao, ZHANG Hongyu, CHI Runqiang, PANG Baojun, XIAO Junxiao, FAN Jinbiao, QIAN Cheng, LU Zixiao, JIANG Shengyuan
    The lunar surface is mostly covered with fine-grained powdered regolith. Penetration tests are carried out on the full-scale penetrator penetrating at 100 ~ 260 m/s into three types of simulated lunar soil samples,to study the impact resistance of penetrator structure and scientific devices,the penetration resistance and identification of different cross-sectional structures,and the perturbation intensity after penetration. The test results show that the penetrator structure was intact and worked well under an overload of about 30 000 g. When the penetrator penetrated the simulated sample target of lunar soil without hard layers,the peak value of the overload after filtering was about 1 000 g. When the penetrator penetrated the simulated samples target of lunar rock or water-ice,the overload peak after filtering was more than five times that of lunar soil without hard layers. The missile-borne recorder could identify the layered samples of different strengths; at the end of the trajectory,the granular simulated sample target within about 20 mm from the penetrator showed disturbance and fragmentation,and the median granular size was reduced by about 70% at most. The lunar surface is usually covered by fine-grained powdered regolith and the penetrator can realize subsurface lunar soil detection. The results will provide the reference for the design of detectors in the fourth phase of lunar exploration project.
  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    XIAO Junxiao, PANG Baojun, TANG Junyue, CHI Runqiang, CHEN Shengpeng, LIU Junwei, TIAN Ye, ZHANG Weiwei, JIANG Shengyuan
    For the high-strength lunar water ice fabric,it is usually necessary to use high-frequency percussion drilling and penetrator to achieve in-situ detection. There is a complex dynamic mechanical relationship between the detection equipment and the lunar water ice. The submerged equipment should fully consider the dynamic mechanical properties of the lunar water ice during the design process. This study proposes an experimental method for testing the dynamic mechanical properties of ultra-low temperature lunar water ice simulation samples by using a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB). For three kinds of lunar soil water ice simulants with different water content under extremely low temperature of –170℃,the dynamic mechanical characteristics test was carried out using low temperature SHPB. Through the analysis of the test results,the intensity parameters of the lunar water ice simulants under different strain rates are obtained,and the law of the enhancement effect of the lunar water ice strain rate is summarized;combined with the spectral characteristics of the reflected waves of the SHPB test of samples with different water content rates There are obvious differences in the characteristics,and a method for identifying the water ice content of the lunar regolith based on the characteristics of the impact reflection wave of the drilling tool is proposed. The results provide an effective reference for the development of China's lunar water ice material exploration-collection-using detector system.
  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    SUN Feng, HUO Xiaowen, MAO Mao, ZHAO Haining, XU Fangchao, ZHANG Weiwei, CHEN Huazhi, TANG Junyue, ZHANG Xiaoyou, LIU Yafang, YANG Xu, JIANG Shengyuan
    A double-body vibration penetration sampling method is proposed,the working principle of the double-body vibration penetration is analyzed and designs two sampler with different magnetic driving modes,and carries out detailed structural design for key parts of the sampler,and obtains the driving force of the sampler through electromagnetic simulation software. Particle unidirectional transport characteristics were investigated using the numerical simulation software of the Discrete Element Method. The driving force of the sampler is verified by experiments and the excavation sampling test of the sampler to simulate loose lunar soil and hard rock of lunar soil is carried out. The results show that the sampler has high excavation rate for simulated loose lunar soil and has decent breaking and excavation ability for simulated hard rock of lunar soil.
  • Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
    ZHANG Zhiheng, TANG Junyue, ZHANG Weiwei, SUN Feng, LI Peng, WANG Chu, LIU Ziheng, HE Huaiyu, LIU Ranran, MA Ruqi, JIANG Shengyuan
    Based on the environment and conditions of lunar polar regions, and the actual demand of scientific analysis instrument for regolith samples, a volatile extraction method was proposed, which coupled sampling and volatile extraction. A kind of micro quantitative sampler was designed with some sampling pieces assembled in a sampling tube to complete lunar regolith sampling. After sampling, the sample was placed in the extraction device to be heated, which heated the regolith inside it indirectly and rendered it volatile. In this paper, in view of the requirements of the sampling function of extraterrestrial objects,the working principle and key structural parameters were designed, and the verification test of the performance of lunar regolith micro-sampling was carried out. The results showed that the lower the lunar soil moisture content was, the closer the sampling amount was to the target value. Preliminary heating tests show that the scheme can heat the sample to the target temperature at a specified power. The preliminary heating test shows that the sampler can be used for future in-situ analysis of the volatile of deep space exploration in China.
  • Research Papers
    ZHANG Kuan, YU Tianyi, HU Xiaodong, LIU Chuankai, LI Lichun, ZHAO Huanzhou
    Aiming at the difficulty of accurate controlling the robotic arm,and the complexity of probe - ground cooperation for the Chang’E-5 unmanned lunar surface sampling mission in a finite time period,a new control method and teleoperation mode which improves the efficiency of environmental perception,task planning and verification,fine-turning planning of manipulator end,and control implementation are proposed in this paper. Many technologies are applied into this method,such as establishing quantitative evaluation index system of sampling area to realize sampling points planning,using preplanning methods to complete mission planning and mechanical arm motion control planning,online learning to bring about the fine-tuning path in the manipulator end and analyzing fine-tuning using multi-view fusion images,automatic command based on state and controlling work progress real-time. The implementation results of Chang’E-5 lunar surface sampling mission in orbit indicate that new control method and teleoperation mode can greatly improve the sampling efficiency. It lays a foundation for the Mars and asteroid sample return mission in the future.
  • Research Papers
    LI Haitao, CHENG Cheng, HUANG Lei, CHEN Shaowu, LI Yubo, QIANG Li, KANG Kai
    Due to advantage of high measurement accuracy and less interfere. X band TT&C had been the main frequency band in lunar and deepspace exploration. Chang’E-5 used X band TT&C in launch phase first time. Compared with S band, X band had the shortage of wider target dynamic range、narrower antenna beam,and shorter system acquisition time. Furthermore Long March 5 rocket used narrow window multi-orbit launch plan. Both of them asked for higher requirements in launch phase quick acquisition, TT&C ship position determination,first acquisition of ground station after separation. In view of the difficulties of narrower ground antenna beam, wider frequency dynamic range and wider receiver bandwidth of explorer in the launch and early orbit phase for Chang’E-5, an overall plan of the X-band was designed by using such methods as analyzing ship position covered by feature points,Doppler preset fast scan capture and cooperated backup of deep-space stations between ESA (European Space Agency) and Kuru,which effectively reduced the risk of implementation and ensured the success of the mission. Chang’E-5 mission has laid a foundation for the overall design and construction planning of the future lunar and deep space TT&C mission.
  • Research Papers
    PENG Deyun, XIE Jianfeng, ZHAO Fengcai, LIANG Shuang, CHEN Xiang, ZHANG Aicheng
    To deal with the difficulties of complex return flight process,complex coordinated control of four-explorers multi-combination modalities, related combination of multiple constraints and a variety of key intensive controls,a multi-objective collaborative planning for lunar sampling return was proposed in order to ensure that the intensive command arrangement of the multiple objectives and the various types of TT&C resources were coordinated and ordered. In this paper,the inheritance difference between the lunar sampling return and the previous lunar soft landing and near-Earth rendezvous and docking missions was analyzed. A description method of the uplink control relationship between complex multi-objective devices,a multi-objectives measurement and control resource allocation method and a multi-objectives event planning method were designed. The flight control application of Chang’E 5 on-orbit mission shows that the design is reasonable and feasible.
  • Research Papers
    MAO Xiaoyan, MIAO Zhifu, CHEN Jianxin, LI Zhiping, TENG Baoyi, XING Yan
    Aiming at the problem that the large amount of environmental perception calculation affects the walking efficiency in the rover detection task of celestial bodies outside the earth, the scheme selection, the parallel optimization engineering design and the efficient hardware implementation of stereo vision algorithm were proposed. Through the optimization design of algorithms suitable for parallel implementation, such as one-time look-up table of forward camera model, omitting redundant calculation, 3D point cloud generation and fast filtering, the amount of calculation for stereo vision was significantly reduced. Through the parallel implementation of hardware, the perception efficiency was improved by 8 times compared with that of “Yutu 2” Lunar rover. “Zhurong” Mars rover extensively used the algorithm for autonomous obstacle avoidance and completed a safe and efficient 1km-distance walk. The flight verification results show that the design is safe and effective under unknown environments and resource constraints of celestial bodies outside the earth, and can be used as the cornerstone of subsequent deep space missions.
  • Research Papers
    LIANG Weiguang, ZHANG Yu, ZHANG Yao
    Orbit control strategy was designed for emergency condition of Mars flyby after non-implementation of approach braking. By analyzing acceleration effect of gravity boost during Mars flyby and long-term evolution of the orbit after the flyby,the strategy design was determined from two dimensions of orbital control energy and waiting time. On this basis,several strategies were designed under the branches of energy optimization,time optimization and energy time cost compromise. Advantages and disadvantages of each strategy were quantitatively compared after theoretical analysis and simulation verification. It is concluded that energy optimization and time optimization can be the first choices. The designed emergency strategy guaranteed successful approach braking implementation under control in the first Mars exploration missions of China. Research methods and conclusions can provide technical support and quantitative reference for flight control decisions and emergency control,and can be extended to other planetary exploration missions with similar background.
  • Research Papers
    XUE Pengcong, LIU Cheng, SHUI Xiaoping
    During the launch process of the membrane solar sail for deep space exploration mission, the membrane structure presents significant asymmetric characteristics under tension and compression. The dynamic behavior of the system shows strong nonlinear characteristics,which brings great challenges to the dynamic modeling and simulation calculation. Based on the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF), integrating the tension field theory and the elasticity theory of different moduluses, the accurate tangent stiffness matrix of the element was derived, and a calculation method of ANCF membrane element considering different moduluses was proposed. On this basis, the first kind of Lagrange equation was used to model the dynamics of membrane solar sail,the dynamic equations were solved by the generalized-α algorithm with controllable numerical dissipation,and the influence of different structural design parameters of solar sail on its deployment dynamic characteristics was analyzed. The simulation results verify the stability and efficiency of this method in dealing with space membrane problems,and provide theoretical guidance for the system design of large sail membrane structures.
  • Research Papers
    XIAO Xiong, JIANG Chunhua, YANG Guobin, ZHAO Zhengyu
    Ever of the plasmas layer and layer of magnetic plasma environment detection is mainly based on satellite in place or passive detection means,and spaceborne plasma probe as a way of active detection(active) to send and receive electromagnetic wave echo, to detect the plasma space environment provides a new means of detection,This mode can obtain the distribution structure of electron density along the propagation path in plasma space environment. This article is based on our country has not yet have access to spaceborne Plasma detector measured echo figure,put forward the combined with Plasma GCPM(Global Core Plasma Model)and the ray tracing technique to simulate the electromagnetic waves in plasmas layer and magnetospheric Plasma environment in the communication process. The ray tracing method adopted in this paper is based on the refraction index of cold plasma,considering the effect of magnetic field on the refraction index. This simulation method can obtain the structural characteristics of plasma echo through simulation,which provides a certain reference value for spaceborne plasma detector to obtain the measured plasma echo image. At the same time,it can also provide guidance for the subsequent inversion of electron density profile from measured plasma echo map,and provide important reference for the smooth implementation of deep space exploration and communication engineering.