Jun 2022, Volume 4 Issue 1

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  • ZHENG Wei, YAN Jianguo, LI Zhaowei
    The successful implementation of the international gravity satellite mission around the Earth,named CHAMP(CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload),GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)and GOCE(Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer),and the international satellite gravity measurement program orbiting the Moon,named GRAIL(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory), and the upcoming launch of the international next-generation Earth’s gravity satellite GRACE Follow-On will usher in an unprecedented high precision and high spatial resolution of the deep space satellite gravity detection era. In this paper,the research background,the necessity,the feasibility study,the construction of the software platform,the orbit perturbation and the future research direction of the deep-space satellite gravity measurement are demonstrated. The deep-space satellite gravity measurement technology has a broad application prospect with regard to the planetary geodesy,the planetary gravity field,planetary physics,the planetary dynamics and the national defense,and the construction for the national economy and the social benefits.
  • ZHANG Guowan, LI Jiahua
    In this paper, the characteristics and the development trend of atomic gyroscope and gravimeters based on cold atom interferometer are introduced. The principle of the cold atom interferometry and related key technologies such as atom trapping and cooling, cold atom beam-splitting and reflecting, detecting are presented in detail. In the field of deep space exploration, the cold atom interferometry has two potential applications: autonomous navigation for spacecraft during flying, docking, landing phases and precision measurement of gravity during gravity assisting phase.
  • LU Xuanhui, ZENG Daji, ZHANG Xian, HUANG Kaikai
    The fundamental principle of atom interferometer and the advantages of atom gravimeter in microgravity environment are introduced and the present research status and potential applications of atom gravimeters in microgravity environment are described. Compared with other gravimeters, the atomic interference gravimeter becomes a good choice for deep space gravitational field measurement, and the deep space microgravity environment can effectively prolong the interference time of the atomic interferometer and improve the gravimeter sensitivity.
  • WANG Yamin, LIU Yinxue, JIANG Jun, SUN Yukun, ZHANG Yonghe
    In this paper,the autonomous orbital determination method with the background of communication relay net for the Moon is investigated. Two satellites,distributing on a lunar polar orbit and an Earth-Moon L2 Halo orbit,are proposed to cover the far side of the Moon and the lunar polar area. Based on the asymmetric three-body gravity field,the absolute orbital determination can be done by the sole satellite-satellite ranging. The autonomous orbital determination will contribute significantly to the autonomous management of deep space spacecraft. Numerical simulation indicates that the position error and velocity error can be reduced to the order of 100 m and 1cm/s respectively. This orbital determination method can be expanded to the autonomous navigation of multiple satellites movements around an irregular asteroid.
  • ZHENG Wei, ZHANG Lu, WANG Yidi
    In order to reduce the heavy burden on the ground-based network,as well as increasing navigation efficiency for deep space explorers,a method of autonomous navigation based on Spacecraft Networking is proposed in this article. The network comprises two types of spacecraft,namely,basis spacecraft and customer spacecraft. The basis spacecraft implement autonomous navigation by observing X-ray pulsar,inter-ranging,etc. The basis spacecraft provides the standard basis for the whole network,and a customer spacecraft determines its position by communicating with the basis spacecraft or with the other customer spacecraft. The specific scheme of Spacecraft Networking is illustrated by an example of Earth to Moon transfer mission. The configuration scheme and the navigation method of the basis spacecraft are analyzed in this paper,and the navigation method for single and multi-tiered customer spacecraft is presented in this paper. Simulations demonstrate that by measuring X-ray pulsar and inter-ranging links,the basis spacecraft can reach the accuracy of 20 m. When observing the basis spacecraft,the customer spacecraft in Earth to Moon transfer orbit can reach the accuracy of better than 30 m. Autonomous navigation based on Spacecraft Networking is feasible and can significantly benefit China’s Space-based navigation system.
  • WANG Chunfeng
    In this paper, a new design for relative navigation and communication system integration system was discussed, and a relative measurement and communication integration system of half duplex CDMA based software radio was proposed to realize the integration of relative achieve navigation and inter-satellite communication, and the communication data and navigation measurement data were transmitted in one data frame, sothe new system did not require a separate inter-satellite communication and extra frequency. The system architecture and working principles were described in detail. The system performance was analyzed, and the simulation was done.
  • OUYANG Wei, ZHANG Hongbo, ZHENG Wei
    The navigation on Mars mainly depends on the assistance of the earth-based deep space exploration network,and the accuracy of optical imaging autonomous navigation technology is unsatisfactory. One method based on formation flying satellites(FFS)to autonomously determine the position and velocity is proposed in this paper. The measurement information includes the inter-satellite position and the absolute attitude. As the measurements are combined with the dynamics of formation satellites,the Extended Kalman filter(EKF)is used to optimally estimate the states. Relevant system parameters are optimized with intelligent optimization methods. The results show that the position accuracy can reach 10 m and the velocity accuracy can reach 0.01 m/s.
  • ZHANG Yun, LIU Yan, LI Junfeng
    The kinetic impact deflection would result in a number of unexpected hazardous fragments. For this reason, understanding the outcomes of impact is fundamental to assess the effects of this mitigation technique. The process of hyper-velocity impact of a small artificial aluminum projectile on an S-type asteroid is investigated with the material point method(MPM). In order to evaluate the impact threat of the resulting fragments posed to the Earth, the impact outcomes are transferred to the heliocentric orbit of a hazardous asteroid. A parallel N-body code is applied to propagate the evolution of these fragments in the solar system. The impact hazard of the fragments on the Earth is analyzed and the role of asteroid interior structures is explored. The results show that the structure of the simulated body is partially destroyed by the kinetic impactor. Some of the resulting fragments move backward along the impact direction, enhancing the deflection efficiency. Furthermore, the collision outcomes proved to be very dependent on the internal structure of the asteroid. The fragments produced from the monolithic target are much smaller than those from the rubble-pile one, while the size and speed distribution of fragments in the former case is steeper and smaller. The hazard assessment implies that although the impact damage to the Earth is reduced from the deflection, there are still a number of small resulting fragments posing threat to the Earth. The expected damage caused by the deflected monolithic target is larger than the rubble-pile target because of the exist of numerous small dangerous fragments. The method presented in this study can be used to infer the impact condition and outcomes in future planetary defense missions.
  • LI Qunzhi, JIA Yang, PENG Song, HAN Lu
    The study of the lunar rover mission planning method, is the premise of the mission planning implementation. The research of the top design method of the lunar rover mission planning was carried out based on the mission planning project. The research included the analysis of the characteristic of the mission planning technology; the sorting of mission planning input conditions and constraints, and the unification of planning variables; the design of the mission planning framework; the linkage between the behavioral sequence and the uplink control instruction; the dynamic design of small patterns in which large modes wereused in behavior sequences, etc. The uncertainty of the task, and some constraints to the input information of fuzziness, were introduced through the mission planning project implementation. They need to be addressed in the process of the mission planning framework design and implementation.
  • BU Yanlong, ZHANG Qiang, WANG Hang, LIANG Libo, QIU Rujin
    In this paper, a camera pointing correction algorithm is proposed based on Earth-Moon group images of Chang’e-5T. Firstly, centroid coordinates of the two celestial bodies are extracted from the Earth-Moon group image using a morphological analysis method. Then an optimization function is constructed to estimate the installation error of the camera. The typical advantage of the algorithm is that the pointing error of the onboard camera can be corrected easily by one interstellar image. Accuracies of corrected results based on simulated data and the actual data of Chang’e-5T all reach the order of 0.01 degree, which verify the efficiency of the algorithm. All the work is meaningful to actual engineering application.
  • GAO Yongfei, WANG Zhaokui
    Nanosats have been demonstrated the capability of deep space exploration with the availability of onboard control systems, such as propulsion, active attitude control, navigation as well as communication, thermal or other subsystems design required for deep space. Nanosats are usually launched as second ary payloads into different orbits. In this paper, aiming at lunar exploration with nanosats, the concepts that nanosats transfer to the moon from the deployments in geosynchronous transfer orbit(GTO) or released by the upper stage were put forward and the heteroclinic connection between L1 and L2 Lyapunov orbit was designed. In the orbit design, both the dynamical system approach and the low thrust model were used to realize low energy cost orbit transfer in order to satisfy the limited condition of propulsion subsystems.
  • LI Jianjun, WANG Dayi
    Aiming at the need for the exploration of Mars in the future,the paper studies the long-term influence of perturbations on orbit around Mars.by computing magnitude,main perturbations are selected. And then mathematical model for them are constructed. Finally,numerical simulation verifies the relevant theoretical analysis. The simulation results show that the influence of non-spherical perturbations on orbit around Mars has obvious characteristics of long period,compared with the earth. This is mainly because the coefficient of the non-spherical gravitational potential harmonic terms of Mars are playing an order of magnitude than the earth due to the different mass distribution. So potential harmonic terms of Mars should be paid more attentions when designing orbit around Mars.
  • WANG Ziwei, GUO Yanning, LIU Bing
    Based on the data comparison of classic Mars exploration mission,using the example of Mars Science Laboratory of America,the paper deeply analyzes and researches the Guidance,Navigation and Control(GNC)system of the whole process,and states the key technology systematically. Based on the current technology and development trend,it sumarizes the status of landing scheme of typical detectors,and puts forward prospect for the landing phase of future Mars exploration. The outcomes of this study can serve the design and demonstration of planetery exploration scheme in China.
  • YANG Yonghang, LI Jinling, PING Jinsong, LI Wenxiao
    Focusing on China’s lunar,Venus,Mars and Jupiter missions,we take DE405,DE421 and DE430 as samples to analyze their dynamical models and observation data. By evaluating the accuracies and performances,we investigate the effects on an orbiter around the Moon,Venus and Mars,and also the visible of the Jupiter from earth,and recommend that it is better to use the most new ephemeris for exploration missions. We also briefly introduced the Lunar Radio Ranging experiments in NAOC and its application to lunar ephemeris.