Research Progress of Penetration and In-Situ Detection of Planetary Regolith Physical Properties

JIANG Shengyuan1, ZHANG Weiwei1, YANG Yubin2, LI Honglang3, HE Huaiyu4, ZHANG He5, HUANG Jiangchuan6, DENG Zongquan1

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2) : 114-122. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20191106001
Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith

Research Progress of Penetration and In-Situ Detection of Planetary Regolith Physical Properties

  • JIANG Shengyuan1, ZHANG Weiwei1, YANG Yubin2, LI Honglang3, HE Huaiyu4, ZHANG He5, HUANG Jiangchuan6, DENG Zongquan1
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Kinetic penetration is an effective method for in-situ detection of planetary regolith,especially for geological structure and physical and chemical properties. The research status and development trends of the penetrating-type in-situ detection of planetary profiles are investigated and its critical techniques and solutions are summarized. According to China’s general plans of future deep space exploration and critical technology requirements,penetrating-type in-situ investigation perspectives are put forward for lunar,Mars,and asteroid respectively,which will provide new methods and new schemes for the project argumentation and key technology research of the extraterrestrial object exploration project in China.


physical properties of planetary regolith / in-situ contact detection / kinetic penetration

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JIANG Shengyuan, ZHANG Weiwei, YANG Yubin, LI Honglang, HE Huaiyu, ZHANG He, HUANG Jiangchuan, DENG Zongquan. Research Progress of Penetration and In-Situ Detection of Planetary Regolith Physical Properties. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022, 9(2): 114‒122


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