Design of Double-Body Vibration Penetration Lunar Soil Sampler by Magnetic Driven

SUN Feng1, HUO Xiaowen1, MAO Mao1, ZHAO Haining1, XU Fangchao1, ZHANG Weiwei2, CHEN Huazhi2, TANG Junyue2, ZHANG Xiaoyou3, LIU Yafang4, YANG Xu4, JIANG Shengyuan2

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2) : 157-164.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2) : 157-164. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20210150
Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith
Topic:Sampling and Detection Technology of Icy Lunar Regolith

Design of Double-Body Vibration Penetration Lunar Soil Sampler by Magnetic Driven

  • SUN Feng1, HUO Xiaowen1, MAO Mao1, ZHAO Haining1, XU Fangchao1, ZHANG Weiwei2, CHEN Huazhi2, TANG Junyue2, ZHANG Xiaoyou3, LIU Yafang4, YANG Xu4, JIANG Shengyuan2
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A double-body vibration penetration sampling method is proposed,the working principle of the double-body vibration penetration is analyzed and designs two sampler with different magnetic driving modes,and carries out detailed structural design for key parts of the sampler,and obtains the driving force of the sampler through electromagnetic simulation software. Particle unidirectional transport characteristics were investigated using the numerical simulation software of the Discrete Element Method. The driving force of the sampler is verified by experiments and the excavation sampling test of the sampler to simulate loose lunar soil and hard rock of lunar soil is carried out. The results show that the sampler has high excavation rate for simulated loose lunar soil and has decent breaking and excavation ability for simulated hard rock of lunar soil.


lunar soil sampling / double body vibration penetration / unidirectional migration

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SUN Feng, HUO Xiaowen, MAO Mao, ZHAO Haining, XU Fangchao, ZHANG Weiwei, CHEN Huazhi, TANG Junyue, ZHANG Xiaoyou, LIU Yafang, YANG Xu, JIANG Shengyuan. Design of Double-Body Vibration Penetration Lunar Soil Sampler by Magnetic Driven. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022, 9(2): 157‒164


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