Nov 2023, Volume 10 Issue 5

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  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    ZHANG Zexu, YUAN Shuai, PAN Wente, YANG Qiang, CHENG Kunlin, LI Lifang, XU Fei, CHEN Rong, WANG Qinggong, ZHENG Bo
    The research and development of key technologies of manned lunar bases home and abroad were summarized in this paper. The landmark events and achievements of lunar exploration and lunar base research were studied. The four basic principles of lunar base construction were proposed, based on which the overall planning scheme and six major systems of the manned lunar base located in the polar region of the moon were developed. In addition, a number of key technologies were extracted from the aspects of lunar resource exploration and development, energy utilization and environmental control, life and health, lunar surface communication and intelligent technology, carrying and transportation, operation and maintenance and simulation. Finally, based on the research status of key technologies and the actual needs of the construction of lunar bases, the shortcomings of this research were summarized, to provide suggestions and prospects for the construction, operation and maintenance of future manned lunar bases.
  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    QIAO Yandi, ZHANG Zexu
    In order to solve the trajectory planning problem of the launch vehicle during the large-scale lunar transportation, which involves vertical takeoff and landing, multiple maneuvers, and high landing accuracy requirements. Firstly, the equations of motion of the vehicle's center of mass are established, and a large-scale trajectory optimization model is constructed considering initial position, terminal position, velocity constraints, and thrust constraints. The nonlinear optimization problem is linearized and discretized using convex optimization methods; Secondly, the large-scale optimal trajectory planning problem is converted into a bilevel convex optimization problem. The optimization problems in the dynamic ascent phase, the large-scale dynamic flight phase, and the vertical descent phase are treated as the inner layer convex optimization problems, and solved using the interior point method. At the same time, combined with the fuel optimization purpose, the objective function is designed as the outer layer convex optimization problem, and iterative calculations are performed using the gradient descent method, obtain the optimal fuel trajectory for a wide range of vertical takeoff and landing. Simulation experiments show that the algorithm proposed in this paper ensure the vertical landing of the vehicle which meets the requirements of high-precision landing. Monte Carlo simulation is conducted considering position errors, and the results show that the algorithm has good robustness.
  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    WANG Yiyu, LUO Yuhang, XU Tianlai, BAO Weimin, YUAN Shuai, ZHANG Zexu, LI Chenshuo, HU Zhijie
    In this paper, a hierarchical reconstruction modeling method and a two-layer optimization algorithm based on discrete orbit data were proposed to solve the multi-pulse orbit transfer problem under the Earth-Moon circular restricted three-body model. The minimum pulse problem was reconstructed and modeled as a two-layer optimization problem, and the two-layer optimization algorithm was given to realize the transfer orbit design. The upper layer optimization problem took the discrete orbit data constraints into account, and the algorithm adopted intelligent algorithm to make it universal and achieve computational efficiency. The lower optimization problem only optimized the pulse sequence under the constraints of start-end state constraints, time constraints, pulse constraints and pulse point constraints, so as to avoid the sensitivity to the initial value. The algorithm can obtain the local optimal solution by sequential quadratic programming. Through simulation verification in various scenarios, it can be concluded that the two-layer optimization modeling framework and solution algorithm proposed in this paper are suitable for different types of orbit transfer, and can achieve multi-pulse energy optimal transfer. Comparison simulation is of great significance to transfer orbit design between special orbits in the Earth-Moon three-body system.
  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    ZHAO Jialong, YUAN Shuai, ZHANG Zexu
    To exploit water ice in-situ resources in lunar polar region, a design method of heat pipe array’s layout was proposed in this paper. Firstly, the heat pipe array was presented according to the water ice mining scheme, and heat conduction process of heat pipe array was numerically solved by three-dimensional finite difference method. Secondly, the objective function of water production and heat flow consumption was established. Genetic algorithm was used to optimize the layout of heat pipe array, and the optimal solution of heat pipe’s layout was acquired by iterative search. Simulation results show that the optimal layout of heat pipe array could obtain maximum water production with minimum heat flow consumption. Besides, mass of water ice collected in a task and total time required were given. The application of this design method to life support system of lunar base can improve the efficiency of polar in-situ resources’ collection.
  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    PAN Wente, LI Shuqi, JIANG Jiayang, WANG Jixian
    The manned lunar research station is an important basic facility for achieving medium- and long-term deep lunar exploration, and at the same time is a system project with multiple complex challenges. In this paper, from an architectural perspective, design constraints at macro, meso, and micro levels were analyzed first, and an implementation method for the architectural design of the manned lunar research station was provided using systems engineering, which consisted of four dimensions: the overall goal is “safety, sustainability, and intelligence”; the application ideas included process integration, model visualization, and design modularity; the application advantages are high efficiency, accuracy, and integration; the application framework was divided into application layer, model layer, and data layer. Finally, a three-dimensional structural model of architectural design system engineering was constructed, which included time dimension, logic dimension and knowledge dimension, and comprehensively embodied the structure of each task and related scientific knowledge in each stage, aiming to provide new perspectives and new ideas for the construction of manned lunar research station.
  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    XIE Gengxin, HAN Ya, YAN Ming, XIONG XIN, DING Jinghang, WU Liping
    First, the natural advantages of lunar lava tubes and the research on extraterrestrial farms were summarized. Then key technologies for in-situ resource utilization of the moon were summarized, the basic idea for lunar farm construction in lunar lava tubes was given, and a layout of lunar farm based on lunar lava tube was put forward. Finally, the technical difficulties for lunar farm were discussed. This paper provides new reference for lunar farm construction in lava tube.
  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    CHEN Rong, WANG Xiaowei, DENG Sichao, GAO Zhaohui, ZHUANG Fangfang
    With the continuous progress of human society and the rapid development of aerospace science and technology, cislunar exploration and exploitation is entering the stage of large-scale and industrialization. Cislunar aerospace transportation system is an important component of large-scale cislunar exploration and exploitation, supporting various activities of cislunar exploration and exploitation. Firstly the global development status and trends of cislunar aerospace transportation are introduced in this paper. Then the composition of the cislunar aerospace transportation system is given, and the capacity demands in the future are predicted based on an analysis of future development needs. Facing to the large-scale and low-cost cislunar aerospace transportation in future, One-stop solution and Relay-style solution are proposed. At last according to the typical mission requirements of lunar landing and return, the propellant refueling and system scale requirements of two solutions are analyzed. The paper will provide reference for cislunar aerospace transportation system development.
  • Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
    MA Pengcheng, GUO Zeshi, SU Xiuzhong, ZHAO Chen, LIANG Cunguang, XI Xiongyu, XING Dan, ZHENG Qingbin
    Based on the requirements on the structural and functional materials used for the construction of lunar base, this paper discusses the feasibility of using lunar soil to prepare corresponding fibers to achieve this ambitious goal, and the latest progress in this field is reviewed. The unique advantages and application prospects of lunar soil fibers for structural protection, survival and life support in the lunar bases are then analyzed. Finally, theoretical and technological issues for future research and breakthroughs in the development of lunar fibers are proposed, in an effort to promote the prosperity of this promising field in both fundamental and applied research.
  • Research Papers
    LIU Dan, GAN Hong, WEI Guangfei, QIU Yuxiao, WAN Liming, LI Xiongyao
    Lunar water and other volatiles in permanently shadowed regions are not only key elements to studying the early history of the Moon and solar system, but also important sources for in-situ resource utilization for future lunar base construction. In this study, we compute the illumination rate of 2026 and slopes within a 15 × 15 km area near the lunar south pole based on the 20 m/pixel digital terrain model (DEM). We propose to use the illumination rate and slope to constrain landing area selection based on a finer map meshing within the study area and find that the distribution of potential landing areas varies with different constraints. We also extend the study area to polar regions ($ > 88.5^{\circ} $) based on the 60 m/pixel illumination rate map and DEM data. The result shows that there are 8 potential landing areas including three at the Shackleton crater rim, two at the de Gerlache crater rim, two at the ridge between the former two craters, and one at the ridge between the Shackleton and Slater craters. Our study provides candidates for future polar landing missions and a method for landing site selection from higher DEM data.
  • Research Papers
    ZHANG Donglin, CAO Yifan, DUAN Zhansheng, WANG Pengcheng, GUO Ming, ZHANG Yonghe
    Based on multi-sensor data from star sensors and inertial sensors, a high-performance Kalman filtering algorithm with linearized quaternion measurements was proposed in this paper. According to the ultra-stable and ultra-static platform characteristics of the task, new pseudo-linear measurements were constructed by an approximate transformation for quaternion measurements under small angle change of the spacecraft so that the linear assumption of Kalman filtering was satisfied. Combined with the discrete-time state space model of spacecraft system and the multi-sensor measurements, a Kalman filtering algorithm with linearized quaternion measurements was designed, to achieve high-precision in-orbit state estimation of spacecraft system. The simulation experiments are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Kalman filtering algorithm, which meets the precision requirement of spacecraft attitude estimation for space-based gravitational waves detection and provides the high-precision observation for spacecraft attitude control.