Progress and Perspect of Lunar Fiber Materials

MA Pengcheng1,2, GUO Zeshi1,2, SU Xiuzhong3, ZHAO Chen3, LIANG Cunguang1,2, XI Xiongyu1,2, XING Dan4, ZHENG Qingbin4

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (5) : 532-543.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (5) : 532-543. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2023.20220055
Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base

Progress and Perspect of Lunar Fiber Materials

  • MA Pengcheng1,2, GUO Zeshi1,2, SU Xiuzhong3, ZHAO Chen3, LIANG Cunguang1,2, XI Xiongyu1,2, XING Dan4, ZHENG Qingbin4
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Based on the requirements on the structural and functional materials used for the construction of lunar base, this paper discusses the feasibility of using lunar soil to prepare corresponding fibers to achieve this ambitious goal, and the latest progress in this field is reviewed. The unique advantages and application prospects of lunar soil fibers for structural protection, survival and life support in the lunar bases are then analyzed. Finally, theoretical and technological issues for future research and breakthroughs in the development of lunar fibers are proposed, in an effort to promote the prosperity of this promising field in both fundamental and applied research.


lunar soil / lunar fiber / in-situ resource utilization / lunar base construction

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MA Pengcheng, GUO Zeshi, SU Xiuzhong, ZHAO Chen, LIANG Cunguang, XI Xiongyu, XING Dan, ZHENG Qingbin. Progress and Perspect of Lunar Fiber Materials. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2023, 10(5): 532‒543


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