Review and Prospect of Key Technologies for Lunar Manned Base

ZHANG Zexu1, YUAN Shuai1, PAN Wente2, YANG Qiang3, CHENG Kunlin4, LI Lifang5, XU Fei6, CHEN Rong7, WANG Qinggong8, ZHENG Bo9

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (5) : 455-469.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (5) : 455-469. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2023.20220066
Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base
Topic: Scheme and Key Technologies for the Future Lunar Resident Base

Review and Prospect of Key Technologies for Lunar Manned Base

  • ZHANG Zexu1, YUAN Shuai1, PAN Wente2, YANG Qiang3, CHENG Kunlin4, LI Lifang5, XU Fei6, CHEN Rong7, WANG Qinggong8, ZHENG Bo9
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The research and development of key technologies of manned lunar bases home and abroad were summarized in this paper. The landmark events and achievements of lunar exploration and lunar base research were studied. The four basic principles of lunar base construction were proposed, based on which the overall planning scheme and six major systems of the manned lunar base located in the polar region of the moon were developed. In addition, a number of key technologies were extracted from the aspects of lunar resource exploration and development, energy utilization and environmental control, life and health, lunar surface communication and intelligent technology, carrying and transportation, operation and maintenance and simulation. Finally, based on the research status of key technologies and the actual needs of the construction of lunar bases, the shortcomings of this research were summarized, to provide suggestions and prospects for the construction, operation and maintenance of future manned lunar bases.


manned lunar base / overall vision / key technologies / prospects

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ZHANG Zexu, YUAN Shuai, PAN Wente, YANG Qiang, CHENG Kunlin, LI Lifang, XU Fei, CHEN Rong, WANG Qinggong, ZHENG Bo. Review and Prospect of Key Technologies for Lunar Manned Base. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2023, 10(5): 455‒469


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