Oct 2024, Volume 1 Issue 1

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  • Zhen-Sheng Kang, Jian-Kang Zhu
  • Inosha Wijewardene, Guoxin Shen, Hong Zhang

    With the rapid growth of world population, it is essential to increase agricultural productivity to feed the growing population. Over the past decades, many methods have been used to increase crop yields. Despite the success in boosting the crop yield through these methods, global food production still needs to be increased to be on par with the increasing population and its dynamic consumption patterns. Additionally, given the prevailing environmental conditions pertaining to the global temperature increase, heat stress will likely be a critical factor that negatively affects plant biomass and crop yield. One of the key elements hindering photosynthesis and plant productivity under heat stress is the thermo-sensitivity of the Rubisco activase (RCA), a molecular chaperone that converts Rubisco back to active form after it becomes inactive. It would be an attractive and practical strategy to maintain photosynthetic activity under elevated temperatures by enhancing the thermo-stability of RCA. In this context, this review discusses the need to improve the thermo-tolerance of RCA under current climatic conditions and to further study RCA structure and regulation, and its limitations at elevated temperatures. This review summarizes successful results and provides a perspective on RCA research and its implication in improving crop yield under elevated temperature conditions in the future.

  • Jiangxue Wan, Min He, Qingqing Hou, Lijuan Zou, Yihua Yang, Yan Wei, Xuewei Chen

    The plant cell wall is the first physical and defensive barrier against pathogens. The plant cell wall usually undergoes dynamic remodeling as an immune response to prevent infection by pathogens. In this review, we summarize advances on relationship between cell wall and immunity in plants. In particular, we outline current progresses regarding the regulation of the cell wall components, including cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin, on plant disease resistance. We also discuss the impacts of cell wall-derived cellodextrin, oligogalacturonic acid and xyloglucan/xylan oligosaccharides as potent elicitors or signal molecules to trigger plant immune response. We further propose future studies on dissecting the molecular regulation of cell wall on plant immunity, which have potentials in practical application of crop breeding aiming at improvement of plant disease resistance.

  • Yechun Hong, Juanjuan Yao, Huazhong Shi, Yunjuan Chen, Jian-Kang Zhu, Zhen Wang

    Abscisic acid (ABA) signaling is critical for seed germination and abiotic stress responses in terrestrial plants. Pre-mRNA splicing is known to regulate ABA signaling. However, the involvement of canonical spliceosomal components in regulating ABA signaling is poorly understood. Here, we show that the spliceosome component Sm core protein SmEb plays an important role in ABA signaling. SmEb expression is up-regulated by ABA treatment, and analysis of Arabidopsis smeb mutant plants suggest that SmEb modulates the alternative splicing of the ABA signaling component HAB1 by enhancing the HAB1.1 splicing variant while repressing HAB1.2. Overexpression of HAB1.1 but not HAB1.2 rescues the ABA-hypersensitive phenotype of smeb mutants. Mutations in the transcription factor ABI3, 4, or 5 also reduce the ABA hypersensitivity of smeb mutants during seed germination. Our results show that the spliceosomal component SmEb plays an important role in ABA regulation of seed germination and early seedling development.

  • Xue Zhang, Zeyi Wang, Cong Jiang, Jin-Rong Xu

    Like other eukaryotes, fungi use MAP kinase (MAPK) pathways to mediate cellular changes responding to external stimuli. In the past two decades, three well-conserved MAP kinase pathways have been characterized in various plant pathogenic fungi for regulating responses and adaptations to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses encountered during plant infection or survival in nature. The invasive growth (IG) pathway is homologous to the yeast pheromone response and filamentation pathways. In plant pathogens, the IG pathway often is essential for pathogenesis by regulating infection-related morphogenesis, such as appressorium formation, penetration, and invasive growth. The cell wall integrity (CWI) pathway also is important for plant infection although the infection processes it regulates vary among fungal pathogens. Besides its universal function in cell wall integrity, it often plays a minor role in responses to oxidative and cell wall stresses. Both the IG and CWI pathways are involved in regulating known virulence factors as well as effector genes during plant infection and mediating defenses against mycoviruses, bacteria, and other fungi. In contrast, the high osmolarity growth (HOG) pathway is dispensable for virulence in some fungi although it is essential for plant infection in others. It regulates osmoregulation in hyphae and is dispensable for appressorium turgor generation. The HOG pathway also plays a major role for responding to oxidative, heat, and other environmental stresses and is overstimulated by phenylpyrrole fungicides. Moreover, these three MAPK pathways crosstalk and coordinately regulate responses to various biotic and abiotic stresses. The IG and CWI pathways, particularly the latter, also are involved in responding to abiotic stresses to various degrees in different fungal pathogens, and the HOG pathway also plays a role in interactions with other microbes or fungi. Furthermore, some infection processes or stress responses are co-regulated by MAPK pathways with cAMP or Ca2+/CaM signaling. Overall, functions of individual MAP kinase pathways in pathogenesis and stress responses have been well characterized in a number of fungal pathogens, showing the conserved genetic elements with diverged functions, likely by rewiring transcriptional regulatory networks. In the near future, applications of genomics and proteomics approaches will likely lead to better understanding of crosstalk among the MAPKs and with other signaling pathways as well as roles of MAPKs in defense against other microbes (biotic interactions).

  • Jun Tang, Xueting Gu, Junzhong Liu, Zuhua He

    Small RNAs (sRNAs) are a class of short, non-coding regulatory RNAs that have emerged as critical components of defense regulatory networks across plant kingdoms. Many sRNA-based technologies, such as host-induced gene silencing (HIGS), spray-induced gene silencing (SIGS), virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS), artificial microRNA (amiRNA) and synthetic trans-acting siRNA (syn-tasiRNA)-mediated RNA interference (RNAi), have been developed as disease control strategies in both monocot and dicot plants, particularly in crops. This review aims to highlight our current understanding of the roles of sRNAs including miRNAs, heterochromatic siRNAs (hc-siRNAs), phased, secondary siRNAs (phasiRNAs) and natural antisense siRNAs (nat-siRNAs) in disease resistance, and sRNAs-mediated trade-offs between defense and growth in crops. In particular, we focus on the diverse functions of sRNAs in defense responses to bacterial and fungal pathogens, oomycete and virus in crops. Further, we highlight the application of sRNA-based technologies in protecting crops from pathogens. Further research perspectives are proposed to develop new sRNAs-based efficient strategies to breed non-genetically modified (GMO), disease-tolerant crops for sustainable agriculture.

  • Li Wan, Zuhua He

    Plant intracellular immune receptors known as NLR (Nucleotide-binding Leucine-rich repeat, NB-LRR) proteins confer resistance and cause cell death upon recognition of cognate effector proteins from pathogens. Plant NLRs contain a variable N-terminal domain: a Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain or a coiled-coil (CC) domain or an RPW8 (Resistance to Powdery Mildew 8)-like CC (CCR) domain. TIR-NLR, CC-NLR and CCR-NLR are known as TNL, CNL and RNL, respectively. TNLs and CNLs recognize pathogen effectors to activate cell death and defense responses, thus are regarded as sensor NLRs. RNLs are required downstream of TNLs to activate cell death and defense responses, thus are regarded as helper NLRs. Previous studies show that some TNLs form tetrameric resistosome as NAD+ cleaving enzymes to transduce signal, while some CNLs form pentameric resistosome with undefined biochemical function. Two recent breakthrough studies show that activated CNL and RNL function as Ca2+ channel to cause cell death and defense responses and provide a completely new insight into the downstream signaling events of CNL and TNL pathways.

  • Shuguo Hou, Derui Liu, Ping He

    Plant plasma membrane-resident immune receptors regulate plant immunity by recognizing microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), and phytocytokines. Phytocytokines are plant endogenous peptides, which are usually produced in the cytosol and released into the apoplast when plant encounters pathogen infections. Phytocytokines regulate plant immunity through activating an overlapping signaling pathway with MAMPs/DAMPs with some unique features. Here, we highlight the current understanding of phytocytokine production, perception and functions in plant immunity, and discuss how plants and pathogens manipulate phytocytokine signaling for their own benefits during the plant-pathogen warfare.

  • Zhidan Wang, Mugui Wang, Changhong Yang, Lun Zhao, Guochen Qin, Li Peng, Qijie Zheng, Wenfeng Nie, Chun-Peng Song, Huazhong Shi, Jian-Kang Zhu, Chunzhao Zhao

    Maintenance of cell wall integrity is of great importance not only for plant growth and development, but also for the adaptation of plants to adverse environments. However, how the cell wall integrity is modulated under salt stress is still poorly understood. Here, we report that a nuclear-localized Agenet domain-containing protein SWO1 (SWOLLEN 1) is required for the maintenance of cell wall integrity in Arabidopsis under salt stress. Mutation in SWO1 gene results in swollen root tips, disordered root cell morphology, and root elongation inhibition under salt stress. The swo1 mutant accumulates less cellulose and pectin but more lignin under high salinity. RNA-seq and ChIP-seq assays reveal that SWO1 binds to the promoter of several cell wall-related genes and regulates their expression under saline conditions. Further study indicates that SWO1 interacts with importin ɑ IMPA1 and IMPA2, which are required for the import of nuclear-localized proteins. The impa1 impa2 double mutant also exhibits root growth inhibition under salt stress and mutations of these two genes aggravate the salt-hypersensitive phenotype of the swo1 mutant. Taken together, our data suggest that SWO1 functions together with importin ɑ to regulate the expression of cell wall-related genes, which enables plants to maintain cell wall integrity under high salinity.

  • Lei Peng, Tingting Xie, Zilong Guo, Xiaokai Li, Yu Chang, Haifu Tu, Shengchang Wang, Nai Wu, Yilong Yao, Lizhong Xiong

    Abscisic acid (ABA) is a critical phytohormone that regulates multiple physiological processes including plant growth and stress tolerance. The core ABA signaling pathway has been well established, but genetic variations mediating ABA responses remain largely unknown. In this study, we performed genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify loci and genes associated with ABA sensitivity (reflected by seed germination inhibition by ABA) in a panel of 425 rice accessions. The seed germination assay revealed that Aus and indica rice had stronger ABA sensitivity than japonica rice. A total of 48 non-redundant association loci were detected in the indica subpopulation and whole population, and 386 genes in these loci were responsive to ABA or abiotic stresses. Eight association loci were overlapped with previously reported loci for yield under drought stress or for drought-indicative image traits. Haplotype analyses of important candidate genes such as OsSAPK6, a key component in the ABA signaling core, were performed to identify key SNPs/InDels that may affect gene functions through promoter activity regulation, amino acid variation, or gene splicing. These results provide insights into the genetic basis of ABA sensitivity related to stress responses.

  • Jinshui Lin, Lei Xu, Jianshe Yang, Zhuo Wang, Xihui Shen

    Bacteria inhabit diverse and dynamic environments, where nutrients may be limited and toxic chemicals can be prevalent. To adapt to these stressful conditions, bacteria have evolved specialized protein secretion systems, such as the type VI secretion system (T6SS) to facilitate their survival. As a molecular syringe, the T6SS expels various effectors into neighboring bacterial cells, eukaryotic cells, or the extracellular environment. These effectors improve the competitive fitness and environmental adaption of bacterial cells. Although primarily recognized as antibacterial weapons, recent studies have demonstrated that T6SSs have functions beyond interspecies competition. Here, we summarize recent research on the role of T6SSs in microbiome modulation, pathogenesis, and stress resistance.

  • Xiaohong Zhu, Shaojun Xie, Kai Tang, Rajwant K. Kalia, Na Liu, Jinbiao Ma, Ray A. Bressan, Jian-Kang Zhu

    Much has been learned about how plants acclimate to stressful environments, but the molecular basis of stress adaptation and the potential involvement of epigenetic regulation remain poorly understood. Here, we examined if salt stress induces mutagenesis in suspension cultured plant cells and if DNA methylation affects the mutagenesis using whole genome resequencing analysis. We generated suspension cell cultures from two Arabidopsis DNA methylation-deficient mutants and wild-type plants, and subjected the cultured cells to stepwise increases in salt stress intensity over 40 culture cycles. We show that ddc (drm1 drm2 cmt3) mutant cells can adapt to grow in 175 mM NaCl-containing growth medium and exhibit higher adaptability compared to wild type Col-0 and nrpe1 cells, which can adapt to grow in only 125 mM NaCl-containing growth medium. Salt treated nrpe1 and ddc cells but not wild type cells accumulate more mutations compared with their respective untreated cells. There is no enrichment of stress responsive genes in the list of mutated genes in salt treated cells compared to the list of mutated genes in untreated cells. Our results suggest that DNA methylation prevents the induction of mutagenesis by salt stress in plant cells during stress adaptation.

  • Fuguo Cao, Zhongxing Li, Lijuan Jiang, Chen Liu, Qian Qian, Feng Yang, Fengwang Ma, Qingmei Guan

    The wax layer of apple leaves plays an important role in improving stress resistance, but relatively little is known about the mechanisms of wax synthesis and transport in apple leaves. In this study, 17 wax components, including alcohols, alkanes, fatty acids and terpenes, were analyzed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS) from the leaves of 123 apple germplasms. Whole-genome sequencing of these apple accessions yielded 5.9 million high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on 17 wax components and identified several genes related to wax synthesis and transport, including MdSHN1 (SHINE1), MdLTP4 (LIPID TRANSFER PROTEIN4), MdWSD1 (WAX ESTER SYNTHASE/ACYL-COA DIAC-YLGLYCEROL ACYLTRANSFERASE1), MdRDR1 (RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE1), MdACBP6 (ACYL-COA-BINDING PROTEIN6), MdNLE (NOTCHLESS) and MdABCG21 (ATP-BINDING CASSETTE G21). Moreover, we identified some prominent SNPs that may affect gene expression and protein function. These results provide insights into mechanisms of wax synthesis and transport in apple leaves and broaden the genetic resources and basis for facilitating resistance breeding.

  • Isaiah Catalino M. Pabuayon, Jiafu Jiang, Hongjia Qian, Jung-Sung Chung, Huazhong Shi

    Soil salinity severely hampers agricultural productivity. Under salt stress, excess Na+ accumulation causes cellular damage and plant growth retardation, and membrane Na+ transporters play central roles in Na+ uptake and exclusion to mitigate these adverse effects. In this study, we performed sos1 suppressor mutant (named sup) screening to uncover potential genetic interactors of SOS1 and additional salt tolerance mechanisms. Map-based cloning and sequencing identified a group of mutants harboring dominant gain-of-function mutations in the vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene AtNHX1. The gain-of-function variants of AtNHX1 showed enhanced transporter activities in yeast cells and increased salt tolerance in Arabidopsis wild type plants. Ion content measurements indicated that at the cellular level, these gain-of-function mutations resulted in increased cellular Na+ accumulation likely due to enhanced vacuolar Na+ sequestration. However, the gain-of-function suppressor mutants showed reduced shoot Na+ but increased root Na+ accumulation under salt stress, indicating a role of AtNHX1 in limiting Na+ translocation from root to shoot. We also identified another group of sos1 suppressors with loss-of-function mutations in the Na+ transporter gene AtHKT1. Loss-of-function mutations in AtHKT1 and gain-of-function mutations in AtNHX1 additively suppressed sos1 salt sensitivity, which indicates that the three transporters, SOS1, AtNHX1 and AtHKT1 function independently but coordinately in controlling Na+ homeostasis and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Our findings provide valuable information about the target amino acids in NHX1 for gene editing to improve salt tolerance in crops.

  • Chunfang Zhang, Shuo Jiao, Duntao Shu, Gehong Wei

    Understanding interspecies interactions is essential to predict the response of microbial communities to exogenous perturbation. Herein, rhizospheric and bulk soils were collected from five developmental stages of soybean, which grew in soils receiving 16-year nitrogen inputs. Bacterial communities and functional profiles were examined using high-throughput sequencing and quantitative PCR, respectively. The objective of this study was to identify the key bacterial interactions that influenced community dynamics and functions. We found that the stages of soybean development outcompeted nitrogen fertilization management in shaping bacterial community structure, while fertilization treatments significantly shaped the abundance distribution of nitrogen functional genes. Temporal variations in bacterial abundances increased in bulk soils, especially at the stage of soybean branching, which helps to infer underlying negative interspecies interactions. Members of Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria actively engaged in inter-phylum negative interactions in bulk soils and soybean rhizosphere, respectively. Furthermore, the negative interactions between nitrogen-fixing functional groups and the reduction of nifH gene abundance were coupled during soybean development, which may help to explain the linkages between population dynamics and functions. Overall, these findings highlight the importance of inter-phylum negative interactions in shaping the correlation patterns of bacterial communities and in determining soil functional potential.

  • Xiaohong Zhu, Shaojun Xie, Kai Tang, Rajwant K. Kalia, Na Liu, Jinbiao Ma, Ray A. Bressan, Jian-Kang Zhu
  • Yakubu Saddeeq Abubakar, Han Qiu, Wenqin Fang, Huawei Zheng, Guodong Lu, Jie Zhou, Zonghua Wang, Wenhui Zheng

    The retromer complex, composed of the cargo-selective complex (CSC) Vps35-Vps29-Vps26 in complex with the sorting nexin dimer Vps5-Vps17, mediates the sorting and retrograde transport of cargo proteins from the endosomes to the trans-Golgi network in eukaryotic cells. Rab proteins belong to the Ras superfamily of small GTPases and regulate many trafficking events including vesicle formation, budding, transport, tethering, docking and fusion with target membranes. Herein, we investigated the potential functional relationship between the retromer complex and the 11 Rab proteins that exist in Fusarium graminearum using genetic and high-resolution laser confocal microscopic approaches. We found that only FgRab5 (FgRab5A and FgRab5B) and FgRab7 associate with the retromer complex. Both FgVps35-GFP and FgVps17-GFP are mis-localized and appear diffused in the cytoplasm of ΔFgrab5A, ΔFgrab5B and ΔFgrab7 mutants as compared to their punctate localization within the endosomes of the wild-type. FgRab7 and FgRab5B were found to co-localize with the retromer on endosomal membranes. Most strikingly, we found that these three Rab GTPases are indispensable for endosome biogenesis as both early and late endosomes could not be detected in the cells of the mutants after FM4-64 staining of the cells, while they were very clearly seen in the wild-type PH-1. Furthermore, FgRab7 was found to recruit FgVps35 but not FgVps17 to the endosomal membranes, whereas FgRab5B recruits both FgVps35 and FgVps17 to the membranes. Thus, we conclude that the Rab proteins FgRab5A, FgRab5B and FgRab7 play critical roles in the biogenesis of endosomes and in regulating retromer-mediated trafficking in F. graminearum.

  • Yunqing Jian, Won-Bo Shim, Zhonghua Ma

    The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex utilizes the energy of ATP hydrolysis to facilitate chromatin access and plays essential roles in DNA-based events. Studies in animals, plants and fungi have uncovered sophisticated regulatory mechanisms of this complex that govern development and various stress responses. In this review, we summarize the composition of SWI/SNF complex in eukaryotes and discuss multiple functions of the SWI/SNF complex in regulating gene transcription, mRNA splicing, and DNA damage response. Our review further highlights the importance of SWI/SNF complex in regulating plant immunity responses and fungal pathogenesis. Finally, the potentials in exploiting chromatin remodeling for management of crop disease are presented.

  • Qianhua Wu, Bozhen Wang, Xi Shen, Danyu Shen, Bingxin Wang, Qinggang Guo, Tao Li, Xiaolong Shao, Guoliang Qian

    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) contain various biocontrol bacteria with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, and their single species has been extensively applied to control crop diseases. The development of complex biocontrol community by mixing two or more PGPR members together is a promising strategy to enlarge the efficacy and scope of biocontrol. However, an effective method to assess the natural compatibility of PGPR members has not yet been established to date. Here, we developed such a tool by using the bacterial contact-dependent antibacterial activity (CDAA) as a probe. We showed that the CDAA events are common in two-species interactions in the four selected representative PGPRs, represented by the incompatible interaction of Lysobacter enzymogenes strain OH11 (OH11) and Lysobacter antibioticus strain OH13 (OH13). We further showed that the CDAA between OH11 and OH13 is jointly controlled by a contact-dependent killing device, called the type IV secretion system (T4SS). By deleting the respective T4SS synthesis genes, the T4SS in both strains was co-inactivated and this step unlocked  their natural CDAA, resulting in an engineered, compatible mutant alliance that co-displayed antibacterial and antifungal activity. Therefore, this study reveals that releasing bacterial CDAA is effective to rationally engineer the biocontrol community.

  • Hai-Ping Lu, Jing-Jing Wang, Mei-Jing Wang, Jian-Xiang Liu

    Global warming has great impacts on plant growth and development, as well as ecological distribution. Plants constantly perceive environmental temperatures and adjust their growth and development programs accordingly to cope with the environment under non-lethal warm temperature conditions. Plant hormones are endogenous bioactive chemicals that play central roles in plant growth, developmental, and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. In this review, we summarize the important roles of plant hormones, including auxin, brassinosteroids (BRs), Gibberellins (GAs), ethylene (ET), and jasmonates (JAs), in regulating plant growth under warm temperature conditions. This provides a picture on how plants sense and transduce the warm temperature signals to regulate downstream gene expression for controlling plant growth under warm temperature conditions via hormone biosynthesis and signaling pathways.

  • Yiming Wang, Suomeng Dong

    Breeding of disease-resistant and high-yield crops is essential to meet the increasing food demand of the global population. However, the breeding of such crops remains a significant challenge for scientists and breeders. Two recent discoveries may help to overcome this challenge: the discovery of a novel molecular framework to fine-tune disease resistance and yields that includes epigenetic regulation of antagonistic immune receptors, and the discovery of a Ca2+ sensor-mediated immune repression network that enables the transfer of subspecies-specific and broad-spectrum disease resistance. These breakthroughs provide a promising roadmap for the future breeding of disease resistant crops.

  • Pu Yuan, Wenhao Qian, Lihua Jiang, Conghui Jia, Xiaoxuan Ma, Zhensheng Kang, Jie Liu

    Plants can produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) to counteract pathogen invasion, and pathogens have also evolved corresponding ROS scavenging strategies to promote infection and pathogenicity. Catalases (CATs) have been found to play pivotal roles in detoxifying H2O2 formed by superoxide anion catalyzed by superoxide dismutases (SODs). However, few studies have addressed H2O2 removing during rust fungi infection of wheat. In this study, we cloned a CAT gene PsCAT1 from Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), which encodes a monofunctional heme-containing catalase. PsCAT1 exhibited a high degree of tolerance to pH and temperature, and forms high homopolymers.

    Heterologous complementation assays in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal that the signal peptide of PsCAT1 is functional. Overexpression of PsCAT1 enhanced S. cerevisiae resistance to H2O2. Transient expression of PsCAT1 in Nicotiana benthamiana suppressed Bax-induced cell death. Knockdown of PsCAT1 using a host-induced gene silencing (HIGS) system led to the reduced virulence of Pst, which was correlated to H2O2 accumulation in HIGS plants. These results indicate that PsCAT1 acts as an important pathogenicity factor that facilitates Pst infection by scavenging host-derived H2O2.