May 2022, Volume 2 Issue 4

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    JIANG Shengyuan, SHEN Yi, WU Xiang, DENG Zongquan, LAI Xiaoming, ZHANG Jiaqiang, LIANG Lu, ZHOU Qin
    For the goal of refined utilization of lunar surface resources with human assistance,this paper outlined the present situation of the development of lunar surface exploration and in-situ resource utilization technology. For actual requirements of China's future manned lunar exploration mission and advance research,it presents a generalized classification for refined utilization of the lunar surface resources. In this classification, the human-robot-environment system was treated as research object,and the lunar surface environment resources can be divided into three categories:resources be utilized on-orbit, sample resources need to bring back to the earth and waste produced by human and machines. Follow the research concept of balancing the inheritance and innovation, it focuses on technical schemes of investigation and in-situ utilization for lunar surface generalized resources, including the mineral resources investigation, resources utilization on the lunar surface environment condition, collections of polymorphic samples and the recycling of the wastes produced by human and machines.
  • Review
    ZHOU Jishi, ZHU Anwen, GENG Yan
    Considering the safety in using nuclear power spacecraft, the major rules and regulations about space nuclear safety are analyzed in this paper. Combining with the successful experience in design and analysis and estimation of space nuclear safety that America and Russia have acquired, we abstract the main points in the design and management for space nuclear safety. All of these will be applied in the research and development of nuclear power spacecraft.
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    LIU Ye, CAO Jianfeng
    To validate the navigation ability for high orbit spacecraft by side-lobe echo of GNSS, GPS receiver was fitted to the Chang'e-5 test vehicle. However, the system has not obtained an anticipant stationary position results. Therefore, a real-time navigation algorithm for lunar probe by satellite-borne GPS is suggested. The algorithm is developed by several UKF filter design according to different dynamic characters of the reentry test orbit. Adaptive technique is also introduced for filter switching and parameter selection. After the analysis of satellite-borne GPS, actual data from the circumlunar return of Chang'e-5 test vehicle is utilized for validating the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm.
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    LIU Lei, CAO Jianfeng, HU Songjie, TANG Geshi
    Relay orbits about the Earth-Moon collinear libration point shave significant valueon the exploration of the lunar farside, but have complex kinetic characteristics in the nature, thus the orbit maintenance has always been focused in the deep space navigation and control field. This paper explores orbit maintenance technology of the relay orbit about the collinear Earth-Moon libration points under the real dynamical conditions. First, based on the restricted three-body problem, the mathematic model of relay orbit station-keeping with the real dynamical model is analyzed. The continue-circling method is presented for the relay orbit maintenance with the two control styles, i.e., the Halo style and the Lissajous style. Second, with the third-body gravitation and the solar radiation pressure perturbations considered, the method is tested and analyzed by using the numerical simulations to achieve the control frequency and the corresponding velocity increment required by the relay orbits with different amplitudes. According to the simulations, the Lissajous style is suitable to the orbit maintenance with a control interval of 7.4 days and a velocity increment less than 20 m/s/a. Furthermore, the method has been successfully applied in Chang'e-2 and Chang'e-5T1 extended missions and can provide a beneficial reference for the future Chang'e-4 mission.
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    TANG Junyue, QUAN Qiquan, JIANG Shengyuan, HOU Xuyan, DENG Zongquan
    Drilling and coring, as an effective method of acquiring deep lunar regolith, has been widely applied in extraterrestrial sampling missions. Different from drilling on Earth, unmanned lunar drilling & coring may meet several technical problems, such as time delays in remote control, limited sensor resources, lack of geological information on sampling site, complicated mechanical properties of lunar regolith and so on. To realize high efficient drilling process with high reliability and have adaptability on unknown drilling environment, sampling device should adjust drilling parameters online depending on the real-time drilling conditions by limited hardware resources on the probe. This paper proposed a control method of lunar drilling based on online identification of drilling ability. The intelligent drilling control method has been realized by using drilling ability index to describe the drilling difficulty level, adopting pattern recognition method to identify the drilling ability levels and matching the optimized drilling parameters online. In order to verify the proposed control method, the drilling experiment in a multi-layered simulation mixed with granular soil and hard rocks has been conducted. Experimental results showed that drilling load under this control method could be controlled effectively.
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    YANG Hongwei, LI Jingyang, BAOYIN Hexi
    A method of designing the quasi Halo orbits in the full ephemeris model, which can be applied in both the earth-moon system and sun-earth system, is presented. In the design process, a Halo orbit designed in the restricted three-body model is taken as initial guess, and then a multiple shooting method is used to design in the full ephemeris model. A new feasible constraint condition is given. By numerical simulations, the quasi Halo orbits with four circles are both obtained about one minute for the earth-moon system and sun-earth system respectively, showing the effectiveness of the present algorithm.
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    XIA Yuanqing, SHEN Ganghui, SUN Haoran, ZHOU Liuyu
    This paper describes the development and evaluation of the common numerical predicted corrector algorithm and gives an improved algorithm for the Mars entry guidance. First, it introduces two guidance strategies:tracking the reference trajectory and predicted corrector algorithm, finding that the common predicted corrector algorithm can be less sensitive to initial dispersions, but needs fast on-board computation. Second, the downrange algorithm, lateral control logic and heading alignment are described in details, which are provided to improve the horizontal accuracy of the vehicles. Furthermore, the segmented guidance predicted corrector algorithm is used to shorten the on-board computational time. Simulation results show that this entry guidance algorithm demonstrates reliable and robust performance in situations with high uncertainties.
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    YUAN Xu, ZHU Shengying, CUI Pingyuan
    The irregularity of small celestial bodies and lack of observation data make the dynamical environment around them complicated, thus the landing dynamic model has relatively large uncertainty. Using robust multiple sliding surface guidance method that derives two sliding surfaces and makes the state of the lander reach the surfaces successively can achieve the goal of precise small celestial body landing. The impact of the guidance parameters on fuel consumption is shown through parameter analysis,and principles of parameterselection for the guidance law are given. Monte Carlo simulations considering external environment perturbations, initial state errors and navigation errors show that the multiple sliding surface guidance method can achieve precision landing in the uncertain environment of a small celestial body, demonstrating robustness. The multiple sliding surface guidance method has high precision and fine robustness, needs no reference trajectory, demonstrates good real-time performance, and thus matches the requirement of autonomous precision small celestial body landing.
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    JIANG Yu, ZHANG Yun, REN Zhaoxin, BAOYIN Hexi, LI Hengnian
    The triple asteroid system 216 Kleopatra in the main-belt is consisted of the primary 216 Kleopatra and two moonlets Alexhelios[S/2008(216) 1] as well as Cleoselene[S/2008(216) 2]. The primary is a contact binary asteroid which has highly irregular shape and looks like a dumb bell, its three-axes lengths are 217 km×94 km×81 km. Alexhelios is the outer moonlet, with the size of 8.9 km, while Cleoselene is the inner moonlet, with the size of 6.9 km. The dynamical behavior of the triple asteroid system 216 Kleopatra contain extremely abundant scientific connotation. This paper studies its dynamic mechanism and the motion law of a spacecraft in the potential field. The dynamical equation expressed in the body-fixed frame of the primary has been analyzed, and the dynamical equations as well as the Jacobi integral of the full three-body problem of the triple asteroid system have been presented. The irregular shape, the orbit and the attitude of these three minor bodies are all considered. A new kind of period-doubling bifurcation in the potential field of the primary of the triple asteroid system 216 Kleopatra has been found. The dynamical configuration of this triple asteroid system has been investigated, with considering the irregular gravitational force, the geometrical shape, and the interaction mechanism between these two moonlets. It is found that the irregular shape and the interaction mechanism between these two moonlets cause the orbital parameters of the two moonlets Alexhelios and Cleoselene vary obviously.
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    WANG Dong, XU Qing, XING Shuai, LIU Zhongrui
    Analysis of the asteroid topography features is of great significance to deep space probe's navigation and selection of landing site. Most analysis and description of deep space topography features are focused on Mars,the moon and other earth-like planets. The asteroids which has great numbers and rich information in the universe are rarely introduced about its topography features in details. Taking Vesta, Eros, Mimas and other detected asteroids as an example, we listed topography surface features of several typical asteroids, improved description parameters of topography features such as craters, and use simulation experiment to generate crater model of Herschel from the Mimas surface. The experimental results show that the method to describe topography features in this paper has great simulational efficiency and practical value.
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    WU Changqing, XU Rui, ZHU Shengying
    A multi-constrained attitude maneuver planning method based on logarithmic potential function is proposed in this paper for attitude maneuver problem of deep space explorer. Firstly, two kinds of pointing constraints-forbidden constraint and mandatory constraint are defined, which are used to build alogarithmic potential function. This logarithmic potential function is chosen as the Lyapunov function. On this basis an attitude maneuver controller is designed via the improved back-stepping method.Numerical simulation results show that by this method, a safe attitude maneuver path could be autonomously planned out under complex constraints, and computational efficiency meets the requirements. So it has practical application for deep space explorer with limited resources.
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    HUANG Fan, CHEN Changya
    The stress distribution and natural frequency changing of honey comb sand wich plate is proposed in this paper with thermal load, and the natural frequency of honey combs and wich plate is predicted according to the stress distribution. The simulation results show that the natural frequency of honey combs and wich plate with carbon fiber skin is essentially the same with thermal load, and the constraint effect to the frequency change is very small. The frequency of honey combs and wich plate with aluminum alloy skin with thermal load changes greatly when constraint form changes, and the frequency is essentially the same with a small amount of constraint, and the major constraint will cause the frequency decreasing dramatically.
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    LIU Huan, ZHANG Yong
    The growing debris cloud in orbit has caused concern in many countries,the number of space objects which are cataloged has increased by more than 2 times with in 30 years.If they are not cleared actively, the number will grow rapidly in the next 200 years and cause great threat. Uncontrolled fly-around orbit can stay near the target for a long time, provide long time to observe and capture debris. This paper proposed a plan of fly-around orbit,inferred two methods based on C-W equation and orbital elements, and designed an orbit planusing 5 orbit maneuvers aimed at hypothetical target, which fits for any initial position, and has practical value for engineering.