Technical Schemes of Investigation and In-Situ Utilization for Lunar Surface Generalized Resources

JIANG Shengyuan1, SHEN Yi1, WU Xiang1, DENG Zongquan1, LAI Xiaoming2, ZHANG Jiaqiang2, LIANG Lu3, ZHOU Qin4

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2015, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4) : 291-301. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2015.04.001

Technical Schemes of Investigation and In-Situ Utilization for Lunar Surface Generalized Resources

  • JIANG Shengyuan1, SHEN Yi1, WU Xiang1, DENG Zongquan1, LAI Xiaoming2, ZHANG Jiaqiang2, LIANG Lu3, ZHOU Qin4
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For the goal of refined utilization of lunar surface resources with human assistance,this paper outlined the present situation of the development of lunar surface exploration and in-situ resource utilization technology. For actual requirements of China's future manned lunar exploration mission and advance research,it presents a generalized classification for refined utilization of the lunar surface resources. In this classification, the human-robot-environment system was treated as research object,and the lunar surface environment resources can be divided into three categories:resources be utilized on-orbit, sample resources need to bring back to the earth and waste produced by human and machines. Follow the research concept of balancing the inheritance and innovation, it focuses on technical schemes of investigation and in-situ utilization for lunar surface generalized resources, including the mineral resources investigation, resources utilization on the lunar surface environment condition, collections of polymorphic samples and the recycling of the wastes produced by human and machines.


human-robot combination / lunar surface generalized resources / investigation / in-situ utilization / technical means

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JIANG Shengyuan, SHEN Yi, WU Xiang, DENG Zongquan, LAI Xiaoming, ZHANG Jiaqiang, LIANG Lu, ZHOU Qin. Technical Schemes of Investigation and In-Situ Utilization for Lunar Surface Generalized Resources. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2015, 2(4): 291‒301


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