May 2022, Volume 3 Issue 3

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  • Review
    GE Dantong, CUI Pingyuan
    In planetary exploration, areas of scientific interest are usually full of hazards, which sets high requirements on landing safety. How to choose a proper landing site under engineering constraints and science objectives, while improving the reliability of the mission and obtaining high science return, has become one of the primary problems to be solved in future landing missions. In this paper, the landing site distributions in the past missions are reviewed, followed by a summary of the factors considered in the landing site selection process. After analyzing the current development situation, a general selection process of planetary landing sites is given. At last, some thoughts and suggestions on the landing site selection problem in future deep space exploration missions are presented.
  • ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Heng
    As one of the core technologies of spacecraft, navigation is critical to guarantee the success of space missions. Celestial navigation has gradually become an effective method for spacecraft, which has the advantage of continuity, autonomy, real-time, and high-precision. Based on the theory and application of celestial navigation at present, combined with specifications of near-Earth satellites and deep space probes, the theoretical and technical problems in space engineering are discussed, for example, that of accurate modeling of navigation source, that of perception and detection of high accuracy, etc. Perspective and development direction of new celestial navigation technology in future are proposed, which provides an effective way to realize celestial navigation of continuity, autonomy, real-time, and high-precision in space engineering, and valid reference to research on theory and technology of celestial navigation in depth for academia and engineering.
  • CHEN Xiao, YOU Wei, HUANG Qinglong
    For the issue of navigation during the interplanetary cruising, a celestial navigation based on the Sun and Planets observation is proposed. According to the position of a probe in solar system, Sun/Earth and Sun/Mars are selected as targets for navigation observing. Respectively, Sun sensor and optics navigation sensor on the probe are used to measure line of sight. The fundamental of the observation schemes is analyzed and the measurement equations are educed in details. The orbit parameters of the probe are estimated in real time by utilizing extended Kalman filter. Finally, the autonomous navigation methods presented are verified by the data of 2020 Mars mission. Simulation result shows that the estimation accuracy of position and velocity can meet the requirements of the interplanetary cruising phase.
  • LIU Ruixia, ZHANG Jianqiao
    In this paper a new navigation method is proposed, which is based on using red shift to measure speed and using star sensor to measure angle. Compared with the existing autonomous navigation methods, this method does not rely on radio message and complicated orbital dynamics model. It has the advantage of highly independent, easy to implement and without time delay. By using this method, the differential error caused by measuring angle method and the integral error caused by measuring speed method can be eliminated, then make precise astronomical autonomous navigation come true to meet the basis of deep space requirements for autonomous navigation, real-time and high precision. Firstly, the orbit dynamics model and the measurement model are established. Secondly, due to the nonlinear characteristics of the model, EKF is used to complete the autonomous navigation for Mars probe. Finally, a numerical example is established to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach and by analyzing, it can find that this method satisfies the requirement of navigation precision of cruise phase.
  • NING Zongjun, LI Dong, DAI Yu
    The main idea of autonomous navigation based on velocity measurement is to detect the on-sight speed of the star in the space when the satellite sees it using the spectrograph. The Sun is one of the most important observation targets in space. In this paper, we analyze the data of the space-born spectrograph to observe the Sun at five different positions. Each data set has a period of about one hour. Using the Gaussian profile fitting, we can get the intensity, width and speed. The mean speed is about 10 km/s with a standard deviation of 3 km/s, which is caused by the small scale activities on the solar surface.
  • CHENG Yufeng, RUN Yi, WANG Mi
    Optical navigation sensor is a core instrument in optical autonomous navigation, the accuracy of the direction of light of the navigantion target it acquired will affect the accuracy of autonomous navigation directly. In this paper, a stepwise onorbit geometric calibration approach for optical navigation sensor is designed. Firstly, the external calibration parameters are solved. Then, the internal calibration parameters are sovled in the general camera coordinate system determined by external calibration. Because the computation source and ability is limited in the satellite, in order to using more star images to achieve estimation of calibration parameters with high accuracy, a line-by-line orthogonalization method based on least square is adopted in calibration parameter estimation. The experiments demonstrates that the on-orbit calibration approach proposed in this paper can improve the pointing accuracy of optical navigation sensor, and make it meet the requirements of optical autonomous navigation.
  • NING Xiaolin, LI Zhuo, HUANG Panpan, YANG Yuqing, LIU Gang, FANG Jiancheng
    Celestial navigation is an energy saving and efficient way of autonomous navigation for deep space probes. Kalman filter has been successfully applied in the Celestial navigation system. During the acquisition phase, due to the complex dynamic environment, unmolded acceleration error and the ephemeris error etc. may cause the statistics of process noise uncertainty. To overcome the problem, a method named AQSCKF based on the trend of the innovation sequences and residual sequences to scale the process noise covariance matrix is proposed in this paper. In the first place, it calculates the scale factor based on the innovation and residual separately. Then, by comparing the trend of the two factors, the scale factor of the new method is set as the average. In addition, the navigation performance of traditional SCKF, the method only using innovation or residual to scale Q and AQSCKF is also compared by simulation. The simulation results show that the new method yields better performance than the traditional methods in solving the problem caused by the uncertainty of the process noise, furthermore it also shows a good stability.
  • WANG Liang, ZHAO Fangfang, CHEN Cuiqiao, XU Zhao qian

    In order to evaluate the performance of the deep space celestial autonomous navigation system, the utility function model is proposed. This paper adopts MATLAB as a simulation platform, deep space exploration as a simulation background, Earth-Mars transfer orbit as a model, and attempts to propose an effective assessment method in Celestial Autonomous Navigation. At the same time, several common non-linear filtering algorithms will be applied in this model, with the way of numerical and graphical display to show the navigation performance effectiveness of different filtering algorithm. The results show that the evaluation method can reflect and evaluate effectively the performance of different filtering algorithm.

  • Article
    CHEN Xinmin, ZHOU Tianshuai, ZHU Dongge, WANG Jianming
    To launch a lunar probe is a multi-celestial body problem, and also a strict orbit rendezvous problem. Many launch trajectory plans can be obtained theoretically, but selctions are strictly limited for enginnering applications with many constarints, such as launch capacity, launch site, telemetry and control conditions etc. The most conventional method is to transfer from the parking orbit with finite thrust. This paper takes a typical launch vehicle as an example, the Earth-lunar transfer scheme with constraints are analyzed and studied.
  • Article
    WANG Yongbin, JIANG Wansong, WANG Lei, HUANG Wei
    A landing gear for manned lunar landing was designed base on the dynamic analysis of landing impact. System simulation analysis and calculation for lunar landing gear was done including the dynamics analysis, vibration response analysis and impact analysis of landing. The full-scale principle prototype of landing gear for manned lunar landing was established with the designing and simulation results, experimental verification was done base on the analysis and optimization result. The development laid the technical foundation for the large gathering ratio, large size, heavy weight, low overload of manned lunar landing gear.
  • Article
    YU Dengyun, ZHANG Yuhua, CHU Yingzhi, LI Hao, WANG Jianwei, DU Dong
    Modularized and standardized concepts of deeps pace detectors are increasing along with the development of deep space exploration technique. Series connection between different sub-modules of deep space detectors are reasonable and popular, and it is a challenge to propose a reasonable dynamic response index for a single sub-module according to the dynamic response index of the overall series-connected structure. Based on the substructure modal synthesis method and the cantilever beam theory, It proposes a method for assigning design index of dynamic response for sub-modules of series-connected structures. The equation of fundamental frequencies of sub-modules are derived analytically based on three consumptions, and the relation between the dynamics of sub-modules and that of overall series-connected structure are discussed. The proposed dynamics index assignment method shows high accuracy and can provide critical instructions for the design of series-connected modularized deep space detectors.
  • Article
    WEI Xiangquan, HUANG Jianming, GU Dongqing, CHEN Feng
    Considering the mission environment, through drawing lessons from international research experience, the sensor configuration of autonomous navigation of mars rover is given, and the autonomous navigation and path planning techniques which can be used in aerospace engineering are investigated in this paper. According to the requirement of autonomous navigation and riding for rover on mars, the involved techniques are deeply researched, such as DEM(Digital Elevation Model) construction and obstacle detection, global path planning, video odometer based on stereo vision, pose determination based on multi-sensor fusion as well as local path planning. A set of experimental system was established, and the simulation experiment was carried in laboratory. The relative research results can offer some basis for the researches of autonomous navigation system for succeeding mars rover.
  • Article
    YANG Yanlei, JIANG Wei
    The solar sails for cost reduction become the trend and research focus of the world in deep space exploration in recent years, and the technologies of how to manufacture and deploy an extremely large scale deployment structure such as solar sail are particularly important, The self-fabrication space technologies based on on-orbit 3D printing and space assembly can provide an available research feasibility for our study. In this paper, the advantage and the feasibility of the on-orbit 3D printing technology is summarized firstly, and then the latest research achievements of on-orbit space assembly technology are introduced. The SpiderFabTM on-orbit manufacturing technology sponsored by NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) is introduced to break through the technical limit of traditional deployment structure with 10 000 m2 size. After which, the on-orbit manufacturing technology may provide an available direction for future deep space exploration research.
  • Article
    CHEN Xue, WANG Wen, LU Jun, QIAN Ziqing
    Aiming at the power requirements of the deep-space exploration, a set of the thermo-photovoltaic system with heat pipe is designed in this article. The separate gravity heat pipe is employed to realize the thermal control requirement, and the thermo-electric conversion capability of the TPV system is confirmed. The effect of the thermal power, amount of the working fluid on the startup performance, wall temperature is investigated. Also the influence of the temperature of the emitter and the cell on the system electrical output performance is analyzed. The results indicate that the heat pipe can control the cell temperature below 25℃.While the emitter temperature reaches 1 173℃, the thermal-electric conversion efficiency reaches 12.1%.