May 2022, Volume 4 Issue 3

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  • LIU Xin, ZHANG Xiaoyu
    To meet the requirements of deep space missions,the research progress of active long-term on-orbit cryogenic propellant boil-off control technology was analyzed based on its application requirements. The key technologies were introduced according to the technology development situation in China,which can provide some references to cryogenic launch system for deep space missions.
  • GENG Jinyue, XIONG Zichang, LONG Jun, SHEN Yan, LIU Xuhui, CHEN Jun
    A new micro electric propulsion,micro-cathode arc thruster (μCAT),is introduced. The μCAT is based on the vacuum arc process where an arc flows through a medium between two electrodes. The high ionized plasma is produced by the cathode spot ablation and then spell out to produce the thrust. The magnetic field is applied to focus the plasma plume and increase the specific impulse. A lot of researches on the μCAT have been conducted in the foreign institutes,and the μCAT has been verified on orbit in USA. In China,Beijing Institute of Control Engineering (BICE) has made breakthroughs in the key technologies including uniform ablation on the cathode,low voltage discharge,magnetic field design,etc. The influences of magnetic fields on the thruster are studied by experimental measurement. And the numerical simulations are conducted to obtain the plasma information in the thruster and plume region and study the work process and mechanism. The research will lay the foundation for engineering applications.
  • SUN Qiangqiang, HU Peng, LIU Hui, YU Daren
    Recently,the drag-free satellite mission needs more precise performance for the cusped field thruster (HEMPT),such as precise thrust resolution and accurate measurement of thrust noise. However,due to the technical limitations,the current three-wire torsion pendulum measurement system cannot quickly and accurately reflect these indicators. In this paper,an equivalent method for calculating the thrust from the data measured by the probe is deduced,and is verified by experimental measurements. The results show that the proposed method can calculate the thrust precisely in a certain range. So the method provides a reference for the measurement of the mic-Newton thrust and the thrust resolution.
  • CHENG Xiaoyan, LIU Xiangyang, HUANG Qitao, WU Zhiwen, XIE Kan, WANG Ningfei
    Pulsed plasma thruster (PPT) is a promising electric propulsion device with the advantage of high specific impulse and light quality. This paper studied a mathematical model of the pulsed plasma thruster with tongue-shaped and flared electrodes. The results of simulation are closer to the experiment. It also simulated the performance of the pulsed plasma thruster with different structures of electrodes. It is possible to conclude that different electrodes affect the performance of the pulsed plasma thruster.
  • WANG Yanlong, YANG Hao, LI Xingda, JIANG Haocheng, ZHANG Tianping
    Lanzhou Institute of Physics has developed a 5 kW annular ion engine to meet the needs of high-power electric thrusters in deep space exploration. The discharge chamber design of annular ion engine is very different from that of the traditional ion engine,facing a series of potential technical risks,such as unstable/non-uniform discharge,excessive discharge loss. After completed design and manufacture of the prototype, the experimental research work was carried out. The change rule of electric parameters of the thruster has been studied and the optimum working point was found through performance test,the distribution of plasma density and electron temperature in discharge chamber has been studied through plasma diagnostic test. Test result indicates that the annular discharge chamber works stably in a wide range of discharge current,the beam current is still well uniformed although the single discharge cathode is not on the axis line of the discharge chamber. It has preliminarily demonstrated the feasibility of the concept of the annular ion engine,and has laid technical foundation for further optimization design.
  • XIONG Sen, CHENG Mousen, WANG Moge, HANG Guanrong, KANG Xiaolu
    According to the future demand for high power Hall thruster at home and abroad, the research status and technical advantages of concentric nested channel Hall thrusters are discussed. The structure and magnetic circuit of a feasible nested channel Hall thruster are introduced. A method is proposed to determine the structure of the Hall thruster. The method of optimizing the parameters of the nested Hall thruster is given. The process of the nested channel is expected to be filled with the channel design and the thermal design. It will provide reference for engineering application in the future.
  • LIU Yiwei
    SJ-9A/B satellite is the first one of new science exploration and technology demonstration spacecraft system. It was launched successfully on Oct,14th,2012. SJ-9A satellite fulfilled its task and mission after over three years of test evaluation and technology demonstration. The Hall electric propulsion and ion electric propulsion are validated in orbit at first on SJ-9 satellite,while their performances are calibrated. The Hall and ion electric thrusters are tested more than 200 times respectively,and their performances satisfy all requirements.
  • AN Ran, WANG Min, LIANG Xingang
    During the optimal design of transfer trajectory to translunar libration point,the payload launch capacity of Lunar Relay Satellite can be improved greatly if the electric thrusters which have high specific impulse and low thrust can be used as main propulsion. The optimal design of low-thrust transfer trajectory is studied which makes use of the invariant manifolds of Earth-Moon system based on the hybrid method. GEO is the initial orbit and halo orbit around translunar libration point L2 is the aim orbit of the transfer trajectory. The simulation result shows that thruster direction control strategy which consumes the least propellant for transfer trajectory has been obtained. The result is of great important engineering meaning.
  • DU Jianhua, ZHAO Lan, WANG Liwei, WANG Binlei, ZHOU Shian, WANG Jun, MA Hao
    In this paper,according to features of the wide range and high step-up ratio,a topology of parallel primary and serial secondary is developed for 1.5 kW-level anode power supply of magnetic focusing Hall thruster. In order to improve the efficiency,the condition of phase shifted lag bridge soft switch is analyzed. To restrain the backward recovery voltage spike of the rectifier diode,two clamping diodes in primary and CDD Lossless absorption in secondary are designed. In addition,according to the load feature of Hall thruster,a controller of double-zero and three-pole is designed to improve the dynamics and stability of the power. At last,the rationality of the design is verified by tests. It will provide strong support for future engineering applications.
  • SUN Chao, TANG Yuhua, LI Xiangyu, QIAO Dong
    The satellite on Earth-Moon L2 periodic orbit will provide communication relay for CE-4,China’s first Lunar landing exploration mission on the moon’s far side. The transfer orbit design plays an important role in the implementation of the relay mission. Considering the constrains on transfer time,flyby altitude and amplitude of the halo orbits,this paper systematically studies the Earth-Moon L2 transfer trajectory using Lunar flybys. First,based on the restricted three-body problem(RTBP),the visibility of the landing point with different families of halo orbits is analyzed. Then,the transfer orbit is divided into Earth-Moon direct transfer segment and quasi manifolds associated with halo orbits. The differential correction algorithm with state constraints is employed to match the two segments. Finally,aiming at southern family of halo orbits,the influence of orbit amplitude and Lunar flyby altitude on the cost of transfer as well as orbit insertion phase are discussed respectively. The simulation shows the feasibility and engineering advantages of lunar flyby transfer.
  • PAN Xun, PAN Binfeng
    A method for optimization of low-thrust transfers in the restricted three-body problem is proposed. First,the optimal control laws of different performance index in trajectory optimization are deduced based on the optimal control theory. Then,a new parameter is used to construct a modified performance index. The genetic algorithm and single shooting method are used to obtain the solution of energy optimal transfer,and arc-length method is adopted to track the homotopic pathtill the fuel optimal transfer is obtained. Finally,the numerical example about transfers from GEO to Lyapunov orbit of L1 point in the Earth-Moon system is studied. Simulation results show that the initial guess can be obtained by genetic algorithm,and single shooting method can be used to obtain the fuel-optimal transfer trajectory.
  • LIU Mingxing, ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Heng, LIU Huaqing
    Focusing on the system design problem of Mars probe which is far away from the Earth and has the complex flight environment,the optimization function with comprehensive objective combined by coverage rate and ground sample distance was set up. Considering the orbit discipline,the payload discipline and the power discipline,the system-level and discipline-level optimization model of the Mars probe were established based on the cooperative optimization method,thus decomposing the complicated optimization problem into parallel cooperative optimization problems with multiple sub-disciplines. The adaptive dynamic penalty function is used to accelerate the convergence. The numeric results indicate that the collaborative optimization can be successfully applied in the system optimal design of Mars probe.
  • SHAO Wei, GU Tianhao
    In order to achieve precise pin-point landing in deep space exploration missions,a new approach is presented to estimate accurately the lander’s attitude and position based on line correspondences during descent phase. Firstly,lines on the images taken by onboard navigation camera are detected and matched in this algorithm. The linear equations are deduced by n lines and their projection lines. Then,according to the Singular Value Decomposition,the candidate solutions are computed. Lastly,the unique solution about the attitude and position of the lander is obtained by using the least square method. The extensive experiments demonstrate that the error of attitude is less than 0.1° and the error of position is less than 2 m.
  • LIU Wei, QIAN Cheng, MA Chao, JIANG Shengyuan
    For landing on Mars for inspection detection,a tri-folded and deployed ramp is proposed to transfer the Mars rover from the landing platform to the Mars surface safely. The uncertainty of the transfer attitude is the difficulty of tri-folded and deployed ramp. The minimum length of ramp is analyzed according to Martian topography to ensure the transfer safety of Mars Rover. The length of tri-folded and deployed ramp is optimized to meet the requirements of the minimum length of ramp. The results can provide reference for the mars rover transferring project of China.
  • SU Yilin, HOU Xuyan, CAO Pan, XUE Pingping, TANG Tianfeng, LI Long, CHEN Tao, JIANG Shengyuan
    According to the on-orbit servicing requirements of space cooperative target spacecraft,in order to expand the existing manipulator work space and its task function and provide support for the on-orbit control of the spacecraft,a new type of space climbing robot is proposed. The space climbing robot system consists of legs driven by piezoelectric,micro adhesive feet and other parts. The space climbing robot is composed of eight legs driven by piezoelectric which has three joints and five degrees of freedom. It can extend crossing obstacle ability by somersault based on the traditional way of climbing. The robot feet are designed in micro array structure that based on the bionics principle and reference the micro structure on feet of gecko,insects or other creatures. Based on the theory of interface micro mechanics and tribology,the contact mechanics model between micro structure of the adhesive feet and the surface of spacecraft is established. Then it analyzes its adhesive properties based on discrete element method. The simulation results demonstrate that using different ways of movement can achieve different adhesive ability of single seta,which provides theoretical support for achieving the robot foot adhesive and rapid stripping ability.