May 2022, Volume 6 Issue 2

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  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    WANG Chi, ZHANG Xianguo, XU Xinfeng, SUN Yueqiang
    The payloads,data results,simulations,theoretical and applied research results of Chinese lunar and deep space environment exploration are briefly reviewed. The scientific objectives of the ongoing Mars space environment exploration and the future deep space exploration missions are also described. The exploration strategy, payload development, theoretical and simulation approaches are suggested.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    WANG Xinyue, ZHANG Aibing, JING Tao, KONG Linggao, ZHANG Shenyi
    Chang'E-1 and Chang'E-2 are 3-axis stabilized lunar orbiters with a circular polar orbit of an altitude of 200 km and 100 km respectively. The space environment system of Chang'E-1 and Chang'E-2 consists of two Solar wind ion detectors (SWIDs, SWIDA/B) and one high energetic particles detector (HPD). SWIDs were developed to measure the plasma environment around the Moon and the spectrum of the circumambient ions surround the spacecraft. The high energetic particles detector was designed to investigate the Solar energetic particles events and the energetic particles (proton, electron and heavy ions)in space. The basic charged particle environment nearby the lunar was obtained by the space environment system under the Solar minimum,weakly interplanetary magnetic fields(IMF) conditions. The results of the space environment system indicate that the energetic particles radiation environment near the lunar is the same as in the interplanetary when the lunar is in the Solar wind and the similar trend of variation is maintained when the Solar wind go through the interplanetary to the lunar. Hundreds of the bursts of 0.1~2 MeV energetic electrons(BEE)occurred by Chang'E-1 and Chang'E-2,and 20% of the ambient plasma ions accelerated on lunar orbit during BEE were observed when Chang'E-1 and Chang'E-2 flying through the terrestrial magneto sheath or the transition region of the boundaries. The results indicated that the BEE induced the surface potential increasing of the orbiter, and lunar or the spacecraft surface will charge to negative kilovolts during the BEEs after the temporal integral of the energetic electrons fluxes reach up to > 1011 cm-2 The complex interaction between Solar wind ions and lunar surface was observed,include the lunar sputter ions,reflection ions and Solar wind "pick up" ions.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    HOU Donghui, ZHANG Shenyi, Robert F Wimmer-Schweingruber, YU Jia, Soenke Burmeister, SHEN Guohong, YUAN Bin, WANG Chunqin, ZHANG Binquan
    There is no magnetic protection on the lunar surface,so particle radiation is an important risk factor for human activities on the Moon. In this paper,the radiation environment and radiation sources of the Moon are summarized,and the current situation of lunar exploration is also introduced,particularly several typical lunar radiation detector. Then, the science objectives of Lunar Lander Neutron & Dosimetry (LND) Experiment on Chang'E-4 are explained, including dosimetry for human exploration of the Moon, contributions to heliospheric science, determination of the subsurface water content in the south-pole Aitken basin and the FeO content in the south-pole Aitken basin.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    JIN Taifeng, LI Lei, ZHANG Yiteng
    Waves,an essential way of energy redistribution in a collisi university of less plasma,can be good indicators for the interaction between the Solar wind with Mars. Features of several different kinds of waves observed in Martian space,together with possible mechanisms of their generation, are given. Waves reflect certain physical processes, which might play important roles in the atmospheric loss,hence have significant influences in the evolution of Martian environment.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    KONG Linggao, ZHANG Aibing, TIAN Zheng, ZHENG Xiangzhi, WANG Wenjing, LIU Yong, DING Jianjing
    The miniature and integrated design is a main trend in science payload development for deep space. An integrated ion and neutral particle analyzer is built for Chinese Mars exploration project. The measurements of ion and energetic neutral atom share the sensor and electronics and are integrated in a single instrument with lower mass and power. Electrostatic analyzing method is used to measure the ions'energy and direction. Time of flight method is used to measure the ions species. The energetic neutral atoms are ionized firstly and the same measurement method with ions. The qualification model is calibrated and the results fulfill the requirements for the Mars project.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    FEI Tao, FANG Meihua, ZHU Jicong, TIAN Pengyu
    Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field among the planet in the Solar system. In this paper,Jovian magnetic field and its'models including VIP4, VIT4, O6 and V1 was investigated. And then the calculated magnetic field results by these models were compared. It was found the range of magnetic filed strength by these four models were consistent. While global magnetic field distribution were not exactly the same,especially the position of magnetic south poles. The deviation were small between the models and magnetic data obtained from spacecraft missions. It can provide necessary theoretical basis and computational model support for environmental protection of Jupiter exploration. VIP4,VIT4,O6 and V1 was investigated. And then the calculated magnetic field results by these models were compared. It was found the range of magnetic filed strength by these four models were consistent. While global magnetic field distribution were not exactly the same,especially the position of magnetic south poles. The deviation were small between the models and magnetic data obtained from spacecraft missions. It can provide necessary theoretical basis and computational model support for environmental protection of Jupiter exploration.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    AO Xianzhi, LIU Siqing, SHEN Hua, WANG Jingjing, HU Junxiang, LI Gang
    Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) -driven shocks, as a primary source of Solar Energetic Particles (SEP), can evolve significantly while propagating away from the Sun. Their characteristics are crucial to understand the underlying particle acceleration mechanism,considered to be the Diffusive Shock Acceleration(DSA)process. Modeling the propagation of CMEdriven shocks and the consequent DSA process is important to both space weather research and forecasting. By utilizing an improved particle acceleration and transport model,a realistic "gradual" SEP event that happened on April 18th,2014 was modelled. Four locations in the ecliptic plane within 2 Astronomical Units(AU)from the Sun,including the location of the Earth,are examined with the model. Our results show that shock geometry plays a very important role in determining the energetic particle fluxes.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    CAI Minghui, YANG Tao, HAN Jianwei
    Based on the single particle orbital theory and Monte Carlo method, an active shielding analysis method of magnetic field is established. The influences of shielding magnetic field intensity,thickness and structure on shielding effect are analyzed for ideal magnetic field configuration. The results show that the shielding efficiency increases with the magnetic stiffness BL. When the magnetic stiffness BL is constant, increasing the magnetic field intensity B is more effective than increasing the magnetic field thickness L. For the finite shielding magnetic field configuration,intensified protection is required for the end cover area. The linear shielding magnetic field configurations in the barrel area and the end cover area have the best shielding performance,and can shield 90% of the typical galactic cosmic ray energy spectrum.
  • Topic:Deep Space Environment Exploration
    YANG Tao, SHAO Zhijie, CAI Minghui, JIA Xinyu, HAN Jianwei
    By simplifying the sensitive volume of semiconductor devices,a typical Geometric Model of CMOS device is has been built. The recoiled nuclei,average energy and LET induced by Cosmic High Energy Protons and High Energy alpha particles in the sensitive units are simulated. The effects of heavy metals within the devices' metal interconnect overlayers on the LET of Single Event Effect were studied,and the result shows that effects of high energy particles on the tungsten in the metal wiring layers can increase LET of secondary particles,and thus heighten the incidence of single event upset.
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    YANG Hongwei, BAOYIN Hexi
    Asteroid exploration has become an important part of interplanetary missions because of its important scientific significances and engineering values. However, difficulties such as irregular gravity, unknown physical parameters and low escape velocity of asteroids make guidance and control in the vicinity of asteroids very challenging. In this paper, the history, current status and significances of asteroid missions are introduced. Then,the dynamics in the vicinity of asteroids, which are the foundation for studying the guidance and control in the vicinity of asteroids,are introduced. Thereafter,the hot issues and research status of methods of guidance and control for different missions which include hovering, parking orbits, orbit transfer, and landing are discussed in detail. In the conclusion,some relevant directions and problems for future researches are listed based on the research status.
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    CHEN Shiyu, YANG Hongwei, BAOYIN Hexi
    The trajectories of the Chinese Jovian mission is designed. Gravity assist is needed to achieve circumjovian missions, for current launch capability is not enough. With the launch window between 2029 and 2032 and the flight time not exceeding 7 years, the trajectory with gravity assists and impulsive maneuvers is formulated by some parameters such as the time of launch, gravity assist, maneuver and arrival, and the Particle Swam Optimization(PSO) algorithm is applied to optimize these parameters so that the total velocity increment is minimum. After entering Jovian system, the spacecraft is captured to a big circumjovian elliptical orbit by using gravity assist of the Ganymede. And then resonant gravity assist orbits are constructed to capture the spacecraft to the orbit of the Callisto. Based on the Jovian mission, an expansion mission of Uranus flyby was considered. The Uranus detector, which is released from the Jovian system detector when arriving at Jupiter, will fly to the Uranus after Jovian gravity assist with no fuel consumption and flied by Uranus before 2043,it can provide reference for the future task of deep space exploration in China.
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    LI Haiyang, BAOYIN Hexi
    It is often necessary to solve complex global optimization problems in the preliminary deep space mission design. The exact solution to the design and optimization of low-thrust trajectory is more difficult and time-consuming, because of the limitation of calculation ability and time,it's impossible to solve each low-thrust problem accurately using numerical methods in the global optimization process. In this paper,we propose a machine learning method to estimate the fuel consumption for fueloptimal low-thrust transfer. The results show the performance is better compared with the Lambert method which is commonly used at present. Different features are used for machine learning,and the major differences are different orbit description and whether Lambert estimation result is considered. The feature with equinoctial orbit elements and Lambert estimation is the best feature. It can provide reference for future orbit design of deep space exploration mission.