May 2022, Volume 6 Issue 3

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  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    DUAN Jianfeng, ZHANG Yu, CAO Jianfeng, CHEN Lue, CHEN Ming, XIE Jianfeng
    The orbit determination of lunar probes is the basis of lunar exploration. With the development of deep space TT&C (Tracking, Telemetry and Command systems) in China, the technology of orbit determination has made rapid progress driven by the lunar exploration mission. The space-time reference and dynamic mode are presented for the development of orbit determination. Based on this, the orbit determination performance and precision of lunar probes are continuously improved in China, which is a good reference for lunar exploration mission for now and future.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    CHEN Lidan, XIE Jianfeng, LIU Yong, CHEN Ming
    Deep space exploration is an important direction for human space activities. It is an inevitable way for human beings to understand the mystery of the universe and seek long-term development. It is also an important index of a country's comprehensive strength and the level of scientific and technological development. As one of the key technologies to determine the successof deep space exploration mission, orbit maneuver technology has attracted more and more attention, and has become a research focus. In this paper, the objectives and effects of orbit maneuvers of Chang'e projects in China are briefly described, and the main technological innovations are summarized. On this basis, the future development trend of orbit maneuver technology in China'deep space exploration is prospected.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    REN Tianpeng, GAO Yunpeng, XIE Jianfeng, DU Lan
    To obtain high precision position of spacecraft,a 3-D relative position measurement model is established,and an algorithm to calculate the 3-D position based on a single-baseline same-beam interferometry (SBI) is proposed by using Least squares. SBI measurements between TT&C antenna and directional antenna of Chang'E-3 lander are conducted to verify the proposed model and its calculation algorithm. Results show that the random error of SBI delay is about 0.225 ps (0.07 mm),the distance error between TT&C antenna and directional antenna is about 0.216 m, and the direction error between them is about 30.4°, which will be used for high precision relative measurement between sub-spacecraft of Chang'E-5 and other deep-space exploration missions.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    LU Weitao, XIE Jianfeng, REN Tianpeng, HAN Songtao
    In view of the commonly used downlink signal of deep space explorer and the characteristics of radio interferometry,a novel interferometry method is proposed to process DOR signal and data-transmission signal simultaneously for frequency synchronization. Firstly, the difference phase of the two kinds of signal is obtained by correlation. While, the time delay is estimated by utilizing DOR signal's difference phase and is modeled during the processing. Then the phase difference between DOR and data-transmission signal at data signal carrier is acquired by using the constructed time delay model, compensating the difference phase of data-transmission signal. Finally,the difference phase of DOR signal and the compensated difference phase are processed for frequency synchronization and time delay estimation. The processing results of measured data in China deep space TT&C network show that the time delay accuracy is improved significantly by fusion process, while the improvement is decreased lightly with the influence of medium delay error. The proposed method improves the accuracy of time delay estimation just by fusion process, which not only promotes the signal use efficiency, but also enhances the robust of the TT&C system,having special significance in emergency situation.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    HAN Songtao, XIE Jianfeng, WANG Mei, LI Li
    A method of ionosphere delay calibration is proposed for real time interferometric tracking with sparse calibration mode,in order to realize high accuracy tracking in Chang'E-4 relay satellite mission. The theory of ionosphere delay is analyzed, then, diurnal character of TEC (Total Electron Content) is testified with instrumental data observeded in deep space stations. Based on the above discussion,software in deep space interferometric tracking center is updated. Experimental result testifies the effectiveness of the method,where delay observable accuracy is improved by 1~3 ns,especially in low elevation angle case. The method in this paper benefits the application in real-time tracking with deep space stations.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    CHEN Lue, XIE Jianfeng, HAN Songtao, CAO Jianfeng, PING Jinsong
    An open loop velocity measurement scheme is proposed for the high accuracy orbit measurement mission of deep space probes. Firstly,deep space probe's downlink signal is sampled and recorded by narrow band model. Then,the probe's carrier signal is processed to extract carrier frequency based on the combining signal processing method,which contains FFT,CZT and local re-construction algorithms. Then,the probe's Doppler frequency is obtained and Doppler frequency's random noise level is estimated. Finally,thethe Doppler frequency obtained by the proposed method is compared with the Doppler frequency based on the deep space station's baseband velocity measurement and the accumulation carrier phase velocity measurement. The three types of Doppler frequency are utilized for the input observations of orbit determination system to evaluate the absolute accuracy of the three types of Doppler frequency. The real signal processing and analysis of the on-orbit CE-4 relay satellite shows that, the Doppler frequency accuracy in this paper is at the level of 10 mHz,which is better than the Doppler frequency based on the deep space station's baseband velocity measurement and the accumulation carrier phase velocity measurement. The probe high accuracy orbit determination results show thatthe velocity measurement absolute accuracy in this paper is at the level of 0.2 mm/s. The effectiveness of the open loop measurement technology is successfully evaluated for China's future deep space missions.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    CAO Jianfeng, CHEN Lue, DONG Weihua, DUAN Jianfeng, HAN Songtao, ZHANG Yu
    Limited by the poor observation geometry,a long-term joint tracking data from the ground-based USB/UXB and the astronomical VLBI is required to get the accurate orbit of spacecraft located at the Earth-Moon L2 Libration point. A dual-station tracking mode is proposed to obtain two-way and three-way Ranging and VLBI tracking data to solve the precision orbit. Taking the "Magpie Bridge" satellite as the analysis object,the tracking ability of Chinese deep space network is analyzed first. Then the accuracy of orbit determination with different observation combination is simulated. The results show that under the common-view constraint,the deep-space stations can track Magpie Bridge more than 5 hours per day. To determine the orbit with tracking data longer than 6h,it is better to estimate the systematic bias of ranging data. Once the tracking arc reaches more than 2 days,the solar radiation pressure is expectedto achieve an orbital accuracy better than 100 meters.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    DUAN Jianfeng, LI Xie, LI Cuilan, WANG Zhaokui
    Chang'E-4 relay satellite that flying on the mission orbit at the Earth-Moon L2 is the key for the probe to complete the landing and inspection on the farside of the moon,with the mission orbit of the southern clan Halo orbit with an average period of 14 days. Due to mission requirements, the + Z axis of the relay satellite will be in two states:orientation to the sun and orientation to the moon or the earth. In the non-directional orientation of the sun, the solar pressure will accelerate the angular momentum accumulation of satellites and increase the frequency of satellite jets. In this paper,under the existing TT&C conditions, the orbit determination accuracy of satellites in the two states is analyzed and evaluated by using overlapping arc method. The results show that the position error of overlapping arcs is 1.6 km and the velocity error is 8 mm/s for the relay satellite when the + Z axis is not pointing to the sun,while the position error of overlapping arcs is 0.6 km and the velocity error is 3 mm/s for the relay star when the + Z axis is pointing to the sun. This has important reference value for the long term operation of relay satellites.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    OUYANG Qi, NIU Dongwen
    The TT&C (Tracking Telemetry and Command) resources are usually limited for the deep space exploration mission of micro-nano satellites. It is necessary to analyze the orbit determination accuracy under the limited resource of TT&C. The orbit determination precision of Longjiang-2 lunar microsatellite is analyzed. Longjiang-2 microsatellite only has USB orbital measurement data, and the TT&C resources in the lunar phase are relatively tight. There are two stations are used to track the Longjiang-2 satellite every day,and a total of about 3-4 hours of orbital measurement data is available. Firstly,the Longjiang-2 mission is introduced and the factors which have effect on orbit determination are presented. Secondly, the dynamical model is given. The orbit determination precision of earth-moon transfer orbit is analyzed. Lastly,the effects of perturbative force, wheeloff loading and data arc length are studied and then the orbit determination strategy is proposed. The orbit determination precision of lunar orbit is given. The conclusions can provide useful reference for the future deep space exploration mission of micro-nano satellites.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    LI Gefei, SHENG Qingxuan, LIU Yong
    After entering lunar highly elliptical orbit, two microsatellites conduct several orbit maneuvers and finally implement flight formation with the relative range from thousands of kilometers to within 10 kilometers with the support of ground monitoring and control. For the highly elliptical orbit around the moon, the orbit control strategy of formation flight at the rendezvous endpoint is designed based on the multi-impulse rendezvous mode. The linear guidance method is used to iteratively calculate the precise orbit control parameters. A sequential optimized five-impulse orbit maneuvers strategy is designed. Through the progressive segmentation controls of long distance approach,medium distance adjustment and close range capture,the relative status of the orbit planes,arch lines,shapes and phases of the two orbits are corrected. Under the condition of the lunar highly elliptical orbit,the close distance formation of the two microsatellites is achieved with the relative motion trajectory being gradually stable.
  • Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration
    MA Chuanling, LIU Yong, LIANG Weiguang, ZHANG Yao
    Chang'E-4 relay satellite,as an important part of Chang'E-4 mission,is different from other lunar probes. For the first time,it chooses Halo orbit around earth-moon L2 point to provide relay communication support for the lander and the rover on the lunar far side. There are many technical challenges have to be faced. Based on mission requirements and engineering constraints, the fault types related to orbit control in the whole life of the satellite are identified and three emergency control objectives are determined firstly, and then the emergency orbit control schemes are given in stages, and the lissajous orbit is proposed as an alternative mission orbit. Finally the propellant consumption, relay communication conditions and feasibility are analyzed finally. Research results have been applied directly to engineering practice.
  • Article
    CAO Pengfei, LI Weiguo, WANG Junyan, LI Haiyang
    For the long-term operational mission of the Halo orbit space station at the Earth-Moon L2 point in the future,the Halo orbit design method under the high precision model is studied. Firstly,the transformation relationship between the circular restricted three body problem (CR3BP) barycentric centroid coordinate system and the high-precision model geocentric J2000 coordinate system is deduced in details,and the closed Halo orbit under CR3BP is converted to the geocentric J2000 coordinate system,the iteration initial value of the Halo orbit for the high-precision model is obtained. Secondly,the sequential quadratic program (SQP) is used to construct a multi-layer iterative scheme and the initial value is corrected layer by layer in a highprecision model. Finally,through the simulation test,the feasibility and effectiveness of the method described in the article are verified. The research results can provide reference for the design of the nominal orbit design scheme for the future libration points.
  • Article
    JI Hongxia, ZONG Hong, HUANG Xiangyu
    To solve the problem of irregular shape and uneven mass of small celestial body, the key technology of accurate navigation on autonomous precise landing is studied based on improved nonlinear predictive filter. First, the model of gravitational field is established in the design of navigation, and the multi-information measurement model is established based on the inertial measurement, optical camera and the velocity sensor. The nonlinear predictive filter (NPF) is improved combined with the extended Kalman filter (EKF), and the observability of the system is analyzed with the algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed method can estimate the model error in real time under certain model error caused by gravitational uncertainty. The validity and accuracy of the improved NPF algorithm are verified comparing with the EKF algorithm.
  • Article
    MA Xin, NING Xiaolin, LIU Jin, LIU Gang
    Measurement error is the main factor that affects the accuracy of the autonomous navigation system for deep space exploration. In this paper,aiming at restraining the measurement error of autonomous navigation system,an autonomous celestial navigation method of deep space probe based on coplanar constrained auxiliary measurement is proposed. Based on the model of the system nonlinear inequality geometric plane constraints, Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) is used to deal with the nonlinear inequality constraints of deep space probe autonomous celestial navigation system,which directly aids in reducing the measurement error of the deep space probe autonomous navigation system. CKF-SQP,nonlinear constrained filtering method with measurement optimization, estimates the states of deep space probe autonomous navigation system to further reduce the system random error. Simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively suppress the measurement error and achieve highprecision autonomous navigation of deep space probes. The method can provide a feasible high-precision autonomous navigation method for deep space probe.