Call for papers

Call for Papers

Special issue on
Microwave Photonics in the European Union

Guest Editor:

Antonella Bogoni
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna & CNIT, Pisa, Italy

The cross-fertilization between photonics and microwave systems is setting new paradigms in radio technologies, promising improved performance and new applications, with strong benefits for communication systems at large, and for people safety as well. The European Union is playing a primary role in the international scenario, for the developing new microwave photonics solutions and technologies both at academic and research level.

A new Special Issue focusing on Microwave photonics in the Europe Union of Frontiers of Optoelectronics will highlight achievements in microwave photonics systems, and optoelectronics components in this continent. We solicit papers that report on major developments and applications in the fields of microwave photonics that have a significant impact.

We encourage submission of original research works, reviews, especially in the following topics:

The key topical areas are:

 ●   Lasers for microwave applications
 ●   Optoelectronics components
 ●   Photonic techniques for microwave signal generation, detection and distribution
 ●   Photonic microwave processing
 ●   Radio-over-fiber systems
 ●   Fiber-wireless communications
 ●   Photonics-based microwave sensing
 ●   Dual use microwave photonics systems
 ●   Millimeter-wave applications
 ●   THz techniques and applications
 ●   Innovative applications of microwave photonics
 ●   Integrated microwave photonics

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2017
Please submit your papers online via or by email to the guest editor ( and


Pubdate: 2017-01-13    Viewed: 531