Call for papers

Special Issue Editors: 
Prof. Dingshan Gao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Zhiping (James) Zhou, Peking University, China
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2021
Planed publication date: Dec. 31, 2021

In the past half century, silicon-based microelectronic integrated circuit technology and optical fiber communication technology have triggered a far-reaching information technology revolution, which has made human society enter the information age of rapid development. People's demand for communication capacity and speed is growing exponentially. Data center and high-performance computing are facing the bottleneck of speed, bandwidth and energy consumption of electrical interconnection. Silicon based optical interconnection has become the key technology to break through this bottleneck. Silicon's advantages of high refractive index, capable of small active components, and CMOS compatible process makes it possible to realize large-scale optoelectronic integration on chip with low cost, which has become a hot spot in the industry. In addition, silicon-based optoelectronics show great potential in a series of new fields such as mid-infrared communication, microwave photonics, nonlinear optics, biochemical sensing, quantum communication and quantum computing, optical lidar, optical neural network, spectral analysis and detection, astronomical optics, etc. To highlight the exciting developments in this field and to promote the diverse applications of silicon photonics, Prof. Dingshan Gao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) and Prof. Zhiping Zhou (Peking University, China) are organizing a special issue on Recent Advances in Silicon Photonics. Submission deadline is June 15, 2021.

This special issue will cover recent progress in both the fundamental research and applications of silicon photonics. Topics include, but not limited to: 

Silicon photonic design, theory, modeling, and simulations.

Silicon based active and passive devices (e.g., waveguides, photonic crystals, plasmonics, wavelength/polarization/mode Mux and Demux, modulators, light sources, photodetectors, switches, resonators, amplifiers) 

Silicon based hybrid integration (Si/Ⅲ-Ⅴ, Si/SiN, Si/LiNbO3, Si/YAG, Si/Polymer, Si/Er-doped gain material, Monolithic integration of silicon based optoelectronics and microelectronics, etc.)

Silicon integrated mid-infrared devices and applications

Silicon based biomedical and chemical sensors

Silicon based nonlinear optics and frequency combs

Silicon microwave photonics

Silicon integrated optical circuits for quantum communication and quantum computing applications

Emerging applications of silicon photonics

Low-cost and large-scale fabrication of silicon photonic and optoelectronic circuits

Article types include: review, research, perspective /comment and letter 
A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on:
No limitation on the length of each article, no page charges, online first once accepted
All papers should be written in English and submitted online in WORD format via:

For inquiries regarding this special issue, please contact: 

Frontiers of Optoelectronics Editorial Office
Tel: +86-27-87793063
Prof. Dingshan Gao 
Prof. Zhiping (James) Zhou 

For more information about this journal, please visit our website:

Pubdate: 2021-01-05    Viewed: 659