Feb 2011, Volume 6 Issue 1

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    Let G be a nonabelian group. We define the noncommuting graph ?(G) of G as follows: its vertex set is G\Z(G), the set of non-central elements of G, and two different vertices x and y are joined by an edge if and only if x and y do not commute as elements of G, i.e., [x,y]1. We prove that if L ∈ {L4(7), L4(11), L4(13), L4(16), L4(17)} and G is a finite group such that ?(G)??(L), then G?L.

    Chi Yan AU, Eric S. FUNG, Leevan LING

    The drift, the risk-free interest rate, and the volatility change over time horizon in realistic financial world. These frustrations break the necessary assumptions in the Black-Scholes model (BSM) in which all parameters are assumed to be constant. To better model the real markets, a modified BSM is proposed for numerically evaluating options price–changeable parameters are allowed through the backward Markov regime switching. The method of fundamental solutions (MFS) is applied to solve the modified model and price a given option. A series of numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effect of the changing market on option pricing.

    Jiecheng CHEN, Dashan FAN, Huoxiong WU, Xiangrong ZHU

    Let Q2 = [0, 1]2 be the unit square in two-dimensional Euclidean space ?2. We study the Lp boundedness of the oscillatory integral operator Tα,β defined on the set ?(?2+n) of Schwartz test functions byTα,βf(u,v,x)=Q2f(u-t,v-s,x-γ(t,s))t1+α1s1+α2eit-β1s-β2dtds,where x?n, (u,v)?2, (t,s,γ(t,s))=(t,s,tp1sq1,tp2sq2,?,tpnsqn) is a surface on ?n+2, and β1>α1, β2>α2. Our results extend some known results on ?3.

    Liangyun CHEN, Xiaoning XU, Yongzheng ZHANG

    People studied the properties and structures of restricted Lie algebras all whose elements are semisimple. It is the main objective of this paper to continue the investigation in order to obtain deeper structure theorems. We obtain some sufficient conditions for the commutativity of restricted Lie algebras, generalize some results of R. Farnsteiner and characterize some properties of a finite-dimensional semisimple restricted Lie algebra all whose elements are semisimple. Moreover, we show that a centralsimple restricted Lie algebra all whose elements are semisimple over a field of characteristic p>7 is a form of a classical Lie algebra.

    Yufeng GAO, Yanxun CHANG

    In this paper, we focus on the existence of symmetric λ-configurations with λ = 2, 3, and 4. Three new spatial configurations (v8)2 for v = 30, 31, and 32 are constructed. The existence of a spatial configuration (vk)2 are updated for k≤10. The existence tables for symmetric λ-configurations for λ = 3, 4, and small k are also given.

    Junli LIU, Shilin YANG

    It is shown that there exists a quantum superdeterminant sdetqT for the quantum super group OSPq(1|2n). It is also shown that the quantum superdeterminant sdetqT is a group-like element and central, and that the square of sdetqT for OSPq(1|2n) is equal to 1.

    Dejun LUO

    We extend Yamada-Watababe’s criterion [J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 1971, 11: 553-563] on the pathwise uniqueness of one-dimensional stochastic differential equations to a special class of multi-dimensional stochastic differential equations.

    Xiaochun RONG, Shicheng XU

    In this paper, we consider a triple of Gromov-Hausdorff convergence: AidGHA, BidGHB and maps fi : AiBi converge to a map f : AB, where Ai are compact Alexandrov n-spaces and Bi are compact Riemannian m-manifolds such that the curvature, diameter and volume are suitably bounded (non-collapsing). When f is a submetry, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the sequence to be stable, that is, for i large, there are homeomorphisms, Ψi : AiA, Φi : BiB such that f ? Ψi = Φi ? fi. When f is an ?-submetry with ?>0, we obtain a sufficient condition for the stability in the case that Ai are Riemannian manifolds. Our results generalize the stability/finiteness results on fiber bundles by Riemannian submersions and by submetries.

    Hao SUN

    This paper gives a Noether type inequality of a minimal Gorenstein 3-fold of general type whose canonical map is generically finite.

    Yong XU, Xianhua LI

    In this paper, we introduce the concept of weakly s-semipermutable subgroups. Let G be a finite group. Using the condition that the minimal subgroups or subgroups of order p2 of a given Sylow p-subgroup of G are weakly s-semipermutable in G, we give a criterion for p-nilpotency of G and get some results about formation.

    Gang YUAN, Ruo LI

    We introduce two residual type a posteriori error estimators for second-order elliptic partial differential equations with its right-hand side in Lp (1<p≤2) space. Both estimators are proved to yield global upper and local lower bounds for the W1,p seminorm of the error. We adopt the estimators as the indicators in h-mesh adaptive method to solve two typical model problems. It is verified by the numerical results that the estimators lead to optimal orders of convergence.