Oct 2015, Volume 10 Issue 6

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    Yongsheng CHENG,Xiufu ZHANG

    We give a monoidal category approach to Hom-coassociative coalgebra by imposing the Hom-coassociative law up to some isomorphisms on the comultiplication map and requiring that these isomorphisms satisfy the copentagon axiom and obtain a Hom-coassociative 2-coalgebra, which is a 2- category. Second, we characterize Hom-bialgebras in terms of their categories of modules. Finally, we give a categorical realization of Hom-quasi-Hopf algebras using Hom-coassociative 2-coalgebra.

    Yue HE

    We give an easy proof of Andrews and Clutterbuck’s main results [J. Amer. Math. Soc., 2011, 24(3): 899−916], which gives both a sharp lower bound for the spectral gap of a Schrödinger operator and a sharp modulus of concavity for the logarithm of the corresponding first eigenfunction. We arrive directly at the same estimates by the ‘double coordinate’ approach and asymptotic behavior of parabolic flows. Although using the techniques appeared in the above paper, we partly simplify the method and argument. This maybe help to provide an easy way for estimating spectral gap. Besides, we also get a new lower bound of spectral gap for a class of Schödinger operator.

    Wenming HONG,Hui YANG,Ke ZHOU

    We prove that the local times of a sequence of Sinai’s random walks converge to those of Brox’s diffusion by proper scaling. Our proof is based on the intrinsic branching structure of the random walk and the convergence of the branching processes in random environment.

    Fei HOU

    Let L(s, sym2f) be the symmetric-square L-function associated to a primitive holomorphic cusp form f for SL(2,?), with tf(n,1) denoting the nth coefficient of the Dirichlet series for it. It is proved that, for N≥2 and any α?, there exists an effective positive constant c such that nNΛ(n)tf(n,1)e(nα)Nexp(clogN), where Λ(n) is the von Mangoldt function, and the implied constant only depends on f. We also study the analogue of Vinogradov’s three primes theorem associated to the coefficients of Rankin-Selberg L-functions.

    Jianfeng HOU,Shufei WU

    Let G be a graph of maximum degree Δ. A proper vertex coloring of G is acyclic if there is no bichromatic cycle. It was proved by Alon et al. [Acyclic coloring of graphs. Random Structures Algorithms, 1991, 2(3): 277−288] that G admits an acyclic coloring with O4/3) colors and a proper coloring with O(k−1)/(k−2)) colors such that no path with k vertices is bichromatic for a fixed integer k≥5. In this paper, we combine above two colorings and show that if k≥5 and G does not contain cycles of length 4, then G admits an acyclic coloring with O(k−1)/(k−2)) colors such that no path with k vertices is bichromatic.

    Ruiling JIA,Meiyue JIANG

    We give the explicit formulas of the minimizers of the anisotropic Rudin-Osher-Fatemi models


    where Ω?2 is a domain, φo is an anisotropic norm on ?2, and f is a solution of the anisotropic 1-Laplacian equations.

    Jin LIANG,Xudan ZHANG,Yuejuan ZHAO

    A pricing model for a corporate bond with rating migration risk is established in this article. With the technology of utility-indifference valuation under the Markov-modulated framework, we analyze the price of a multi-rating bond and obtain closed formulae in a three-rating case. Based on the pricing formulae, the impacts of the parameters on the indifference price are analyzed and some reasonable financial explanations are provided as well.

    Yuemei MAO,Abid MAHBOOB,Wenbin GUO

    A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be s-semipermutable in G if it is permutable with every Sylow p-subgroup of G with (p, |H|) = 1. We say that a subgroup H of a finite group G is S-semiembedded in G if there exists an s-permutable subgroup T of G such that TH is s-permutable in G and THHs¯G, where Hs¯G is an s-semipermutable subgroup of G contained in H. In this paper, we investigate the influence of S-semiembedded subgroups on the structure of finite groups.

    Hassen Suleman Esmael MOHAMMED,Tongtong LI,Huixiang CHEN

    We study the Hopf *-algebra structures on the Hopf algebra H(1, q) over ?. It is shown that H(1, q) is a Hopf *-algebra if and only if |q| = 1 or q is a real number. Then the Hopf *-algebra structures on H(1, q) are classified up to the equivalence of Hopf *-algebra structures.

    Guangkun SUN,Shuaiqi ZHANG,Guoxin LIU

    This article deals with the ruin probability in a Sparre Andersen risk process with the inter-claim times being Erlang distributed in the framework of piecewise deterministic Markov process (PDMP). We construct an exponential martingale by virtue of the extended generator of the PDMP to change the measure. Some results are derived for the ruin probabilities, such as the general expressions for ruin probability, Lundberg bounds, Cramér-Lundberg approximations, and finite-horizon ruin probability.

    Yuchao WANG

    value of a given binary linear form at prime arguments. Let λ1 and λ2 be positive real numbers such that λ1/λ2 is irrational and algebraic. For any (C, c) well-spaced sequence V and δ>0, let E(V, X, δ) denote the number of υV with υX for which the inequality


    has no solution in primes p1, p2. It is shown that for any ε>0,we have E(V, X, δ) «max(X35+2δ+ε,X23+43δ+ε).

    Qinghua XU,Ting YANG,Taishun LIU,Huiming XU

    Let K be the familiar class of normalized convex functions in the unit disk. Keogh and Merkes proved the well-known result that max?fK|a3λa22|max?{1/3,|λ1|},λ?, and the estimate is sharp for each λ. We investigate the corresponding problem for a subclass of quasi-convex mappings of type B defined on the unit ball in a complex Banach space or on the unit polydisk in ?n. The proofs of these results use some restrictive assumptions, which in the case of one complex variable are automatically satisfied.

    Guiyu YANG

    We investigate the properties of nil-Coxeter algebras and nil-Ariki-Koike algebras. To be precise, from the view of standardly based algebras introduced by J. Du, H. Rui [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 1998, 350: 3207–3235], we give a description of simple modules of nil-Coxeter algebras and nil-Ariki-Koike algebras. Then we determine the representation type of nil-Coxeter algebras and nil-Ariki-Koike algebras. We also give a description of the center of nil-Ariki-Koike algebras.