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    Hanqing Fan, Yuxuan Huang, Ngai Yin Yip
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2023, 17(2): 25.

    ● IEM ion/ion selectivities of charge, valence, & specific ion are critically assessed.

    ● Ion/molecule selectivities of ion/solvent and ion/uncharged solute are reviewed.

    ● Approaches to advance the selectivities through sorption and migration are analyzed.

    ● The permeability-selectivity tradeoff appears to be pervasive.

    ● Ion/molecule selectivities are comparatively underdeveloped and poorly understood.

    Ion-exchange membranes (IEMs) are utilized in numerous established, emergent, and emerging applications for water, energy, and the environment. This article reviews the five different types of IEM selectivity, namely charge, valence, specific ion, ion/solvent, and ion/uncharged solute selectivities. Technological pathways to advance the selectivities through the sorption and migration mechanisms of transport in IEM are critically analyzed. Because of the underlying principles governing transport, efforts to enhance selectivity by tuning the membrane structural and chemical properties are almost always accompanied by a concomitant decline in permeability of the desired ion. Suppressing the undesired crossover of solvent and neutral species is crucial to realize the practical implementation of several technologies, including bioelectrochemical systems, hypersaline electrodialysis desalination, fuel cells, and redox flow batteries, but the ion/solvent and ion/uncharged solute selectivities are relatively understudied, compared to the ion/ion selectivities. Deepening fundamental understanding of the transport phenomena, specifically the factors underpinning structure-property-performance relationships, will be vital to guide the informed development of more selective IEMs. Innovations in material and membrane design offer opportunities to utilize ion discrimination mechanisms that are radically different from conventional IEMs and potentially depart from the putative permeability-selectivity tradeoff. Advancements in IEM selectivity can contribute to meeting the aqueous separation needs of water, energy, and environmental challenges.

    Jinyong Liu, Jinyu Gao
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2023, 17(2): 26.

    ● Advances, challenges, and opportunities for catalytic water pollutant reduction.

    ● Cases of Pd-based catalysts for nitrate, chlorate, and perchlorate reduction.

    ● New functionalities developed by screening and design of catalytic metal sites.

    ● Facile catalyst preparation approaches for convenient catalyst optimization.

    ● Rational design and non-decorative effort are essential for future work.

    In this paper, we discuss the previous advances, current challenges, and future opportunities for the research of catalytic reduction of water pollutants. We present five case studies on the development of palladium-based catalysts for nitrate, chlorate, and perchlorate reduction with hydrogen gas under ambient conditions. We emphasize the realization of new functionalities through the screening and design of catalytic metal sites, including (i) platinum group metal (PGM) nanoparticles, (ii) the secondary metals for improving the reaction rate and product selectivity of nitrate reduction, (iii) oxygen-atom-transfer metal oxides for chlorate and perchlorate reduction, and (iv) ligand-enhanced coordination complexes for substantial activity enhancement. We also highlight the facile catalyst preparation approach that brought significant convenience to catalyst optimization. Based on our own studies, we then discuss directions of the catalyst research effort that are not immediately necessary or desirable, including (1) systematic study on the downstream aspects of under-developed catalysts, (2) random integration with hot concepts without a clear rationale, and (3) excessive and decorative experiments. We further address some general concerns regarding using H2 and PGMs in the catalytic system. Finally, we recommend future catalyst development in both “fundamental” and “applied” aspects. The purpose of this perspective is to remove major misconceptions about reductive catalysis research and bring back significant innovations for both scientific advancements and engineering applications to benefit environmental protection.

    Sai Liang, Qiumeng Zhong
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2023, 17(2): 24.

    ● Reducing environmental impacts through socioeconomic structural transitions.

    ● Simulation of looping the dynamic material cycle should be concerned.

    ● Transboundary effects of socioeconomic transitions need to be analyzed.

    ● Facilitating interregional cooperation and synergetic control mechanisms.

    Rapid socioeconomic development has caused numerous environmental impacts. Human production and consumption activities are the underlying drivers of resource uses, environmental emissions, and associated environmental impacts (e.g., ecosystem quality and human health). Reducing environmental impacts requires an understanding of the complex interactions between socioeconomic system and environmental system. Existing studies have explored the relationships among human society, economic system, and environmental system. However, it is unclear about the research progress in the effects of socioeconomic activities on environmental impacts and the potential directions of future research. This critical review finds that existing studies have identified critical regions, sectors, and transmission pathways for resource uses, environmental emissions, and environmental impacts from supply chain perspectives. Moreover, scholars have characterized the impacts of socioeconomic transitions on resource uses and environmental emissions. However, existing studies overlook the dynamic nature of the interconnections among human society, economic system, and environmental system. In addition, the effects of socioeconomic structural transitions on environmental impacts remain unknown. This review proposes four prospects and possible solutions that will contribute to a better understanding of the complex interactions among human society, economic system, and environmental system. They can help identify more effective solutions to reduce environmental impacts through socioeconomic transitions.

    Xianlai Zeng
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2023, 17(2): 23.

    ● Anthropogenic circularity science is an emerging interdisciplinary field.

    ● Anthropogenic circularity was one effective strategy against metal criticality.

    ● Carbon neutrality is becoming the new industry paradigm around the world.

    ● Growing circularity could potentially minimize the CO2 emission.

    Resource depletion and environmental degradation have fueled a burgeoning discipline of anthropogenic circularity since the 2010s. It generally consists of waste reuse, remanufacturing, recycling, and recovery. Circular economy and “zero-waste” cities are sweeping the globe in their current practices to address the world’s grand concerns linked to resources, the environment, and industry. Meanwhile, metal criticality and carbon neutrality, which have become increasingly popular in recent years, denote the material's feature and state, respectively. The goal of this article is to determine how circularity, criticality, and neutrality are related. Upscale anthropogenic circularity has the potential to expand the metal supply and, as a result, reduce metal criticality. China barely accomplished 15 % of its potential emission reduction by recycling iron, copper, and aluminum. Anthropogenic circularity has a lot of room to achieve a win-win objective, which is to reduce metal criticality while also achieving carbon neutrality in a near closed-loop cycle. Major barriers or challenges for conducting anthropogenic circularity are deriving from the inadequacy of life-cycle insight governance and the emergence of anthropogenic circularity discipline. Material flow analysis and life cycle assessment are the central methodologies to identify the hidden problems. Mineral processing and smelting, as well as end-of-life management, are indicated as critical priority areas for enhancing anthropogenic circularity.

    Shuchang Wang, Binbin Shao, Junlian Qiao, Xiaohong Guan
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2021, 15(5): 80.

    • The properties of Fe(VI) were summarized.

    • Both the superiorities and the limitations of Fe(VI) technologies were discussed.

    • Methods to improve contaminants oxidation/disinfection by Fe(VI) were introduced.

    • Future research needs for the development of Fe(VI) technologies were proposed.

    The past two decades have witnessed the rapid development and wide application of Fe(VI) in the field of water de-contamination because of its environmentally benign character. Fe(VI) has been mainly applied as a highly efficient oxidant/disinfectant for the selective elimination of contaminants. The in situ generated iron(III) (hydr)oxides with the function of adsorption/coagulation can further increase the removal of contaminants by Fe(VI) in some cases. Because of the limitations of Fe(VI) per se, various modified methods have been developed to improve the performance of Fe(VI) oxidation technology. Based on the published literature, this paper summarized the current views on the intrinsic properties of Fe(VI) with the emphasis on the self-decay mechanism of Fe(VI). The applications of Fe(VI) as a sole oxidant for decomposing organic contaminants rich in electron-donating moieties, as a bi-functional reagent (both oxidant and coagulant) for eliminating some special contaminants, and as a disinfectant for inactivating microorganisms were systematically summarized. Moreover, the difficulties in synthesizing and preserving Fe(VI), which limits the large-scale application of Fe(VI), and the potential formation of toxic byproducts during Fe(VI) application were presented. This paper also systematically reviewed the important nodes in developing methods to improve the performance of Fe(VI) as oxidant or disinfectant in the past two decades, and proposed the future research needs for the development of Fe(VI) technologies.

    Tiezheng Tong, Kenneth H. Carlson, Cristian A. Robbins, Zuoyou Zhang, Xuewei Du
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 63.

    • Shale oil and gas production generates wastewater with complex composition.

    • Membrane technologies emerged for the treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater.

    • Membrane technologies should tolerate high TDS and consume low primary energy.

    • Pretreatment is a key component of integrated wastewater treatment systems.

    • Full-scale implementation of membrane technologies is highly desirable.

    Shale oil and gas exploitation not only consumes substantial amounts of freshwater but also generates large quantities of hazardous wastewater. Tremendous research efforts have been invested in developing membrane-based technologies for the treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater. Despite their success at the laboratory scale, membrane processes have not been implemented at full scale in the oil and gas fields. In this article, we analyze the growing demands of wastewater treatment in shale oil and gas production, and then critically review the current stage of membrane technologies applied to the treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater. We focus on the unique niche of those technologies due to their advantages and limitations, and use mechanical vapor compression as the benchmark for comparison. We also highlight the importance of pretreatment as a key component of integrated treatment trains, in order to improve the performance of downstream membrane processes and water product quality. We emphasize the lack of sufficient efforts to scale up existing membrane technologies, and suggest that a stronger collaboration between academia and industry is of paramount importance to translate membrane technologies developed in the laboratory to the practical applications by the shale oil and gas industry.

    Akshay Jain, Zhen He
    Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2018, 12(4): 1.

    Resource recovery from wastewater is a key function of bioelectrochemical systems.

    NEW resources to recover include Nutrient, Energy, and Water.

    Identifying proper application niches can guide BES research and development.

    More efforts should be invested to the application of recovered resources.

    A mindset for energy performance and system scaling is critically important.

    Bioelectrochemical systems (BES) have been extensively studied for resource recovery from wastewater. By taking advantage of interactions between microorganisms and electrodes, BES can accomplish wastewater treatment while simultaneously recovering various resources including nutrients, energy and water (“NEW”). Despite much progress in laboratory studies, BES have not been advanced to practical applications. This paper aims to provide some subjective opinions and a concise discussion of several key challenges in BES-based resource recovery and help identify the potential application niches that may guide further technological development. In addition to further increasing recovery efficiency, it is also important to have more focus on the applications of the recovered resources such as how to use the harvested electricity and gaseous energy and how to separate the recovered nutrients in an energy-efficient way. A change in mindset for energy performance of BES is necessary to understand overall energy production and consumption. Scaling up BES can go through laboratory scale, transitional scale, and then pilot scale. Using functions as driving forces for BES research and development will better guide the investment of efforts.