May 2022, Volume 2 Issue 1

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    ZHENG Yongchun, HU Guoping
    After nine years interplanetary flight, the fastest spacecraft and the first Pluto probe in the world, New Horizon spacecraft, arrived nearby to the Pluto on Jan. 15, 2015. Its distance to the Earth is about 4.7 billion kilometers. New Horizon will probe the Pluto and its satellites, and the other objects in the Kuiper belt. The Kuiper belt is firstly discovered in 1992. It is a new world in the solar system. Since the discovery of numerous Kuiper objects, the Pluto has been downgraded to a dwarf planet in 2006. However, it has become the shepherd object of thousands of frozen celestial bodies in the Kuiper belt. This paper reviewed the science goals and payloads aboard the spacecraft. We summarized the overall design of the New Horizon mission. The key technologies include long-term non-activation and steep, acceleration by the gravity of the Jupiter, the application of space nuclear energy. Since the cold and dark environments, the celestial bodies in the Kuiper belt remain its original state since the solar system was formed. The exploration of the Pluto system and the Kuiper belts will help to reveal the key stage of the formation of planets. It is possible for the New Horizon mission to discover the new planets in the solar system. Its achievements will improve our knowledge of whole image of the solar system.
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    GAO Zhaohui, TONG Kewei, SHI Jianbo, SHEN Lin
    Manned Mars and asteroid missions are the important development directions of deep space. Active works about scheme demonstration and technology research have been done by America. For its enormous scale and the limited capacity of the space transport system, such vehicles as heavy launch vehicle and orbit transfer stage have been developed. Analysis of the manned Mars and asteroid missions have been done on the mission plan in this paper, tentative transport schemes and key technologies are done at the same time.
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    LI Zhaoyu, XU Rui
    For real time in deep space exploration, it is a requirement of autonomous mission planning for the explorer to find a plan as soon as possible. A kind of method is to use heuristic algorithm. At the same time, durative actions and numeric information have to be processed. According to these characteristics, this paper adapts planning domain definition language (PDDL) to establish knowledge models and describe time and resource constraints. Then the heuristic algorithm based on condition number is proposed to solve planning problems of deep space exploration. Finally, we compare this heuristic with context-enhanced additive heuristic based on action time in TFD (Temporal Fast Downward) planner. The result of the experiment shows that the heuristic algorithm we proposed is better to solve the planning problems in deep space from the point of view of real time.
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    LIANG Changchun, SUN Pengfei, WANG Yaobing, WEI Qingqing, JIANG Shuiqing
    In order to adapt to a wide range of planetary surface sample acquisition and requirements of weight optimization, manipulator usually consists of several slender arms and rotary joints. This makes the flexibility compensation and vibration suppression become research focus in the manipulator control system. In this paper, a smooth trajectory planning method with parabolic contour for sampling motion of manipulator is proposed. In the motion process acceleration is made to be continuous to avoid joint torque mutation and debase the peak value farthest. Firstly, the kinematic equations of manipulator based on D-H and dynamics model with flexible deformation of joints and arms are established. Then, the variable acceleration-uniform motion-deceleration trajectory is planned in Cartesian space, which acceleration is consistent and smooth. Finally, the typical tasks of manipulator are simulated. Results indicate that this method is useful to make acceleration of joint motion continuous. This control strategy can obviously improve dynamic tracking accuracy and position precision.
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    WU Weiren, LIU Qinghui, HUANG Yong, HONG Xiaoyu, JIE Degang, LI Haitao
    In order to improve the accuracy of relative position determination of a lunar explorer (lunar lander and rover), we designed the same-beam interferometry method according to the actual signals of the lander and the rover of CE-3. We analyzed the method for calibrating device internal delay using the strong radio source, gave the method for calculating the differential phase delay from group delay, and analyzed the accuracy of relative position determination by simulation. Finally, we used the same-beam interferometry to observe the rover and the lander of CE-3. As the results, using the lander's data-transmission signal and the rover data-transmission or telemetry signal, the differential phase delay data were obtained with a 1ps random error, and the accuracy of rover relative position was improved to about 1 m.
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    ZHOU Bilei, LU Xi, YOU Wei
    The financial and technical feasibility of manned exploration to a near-Earth asteroid lies between manned lunar exploration and manned exploration of Mars. As a springboard from LEO to Mars or much farther beyond, manned near-Earth asteroid exploration is of great significance on scientific research and space technology development. Based on literature survey on envisaged schemes of manned asteroid exploration, a manned near-Earth asteroid exploration scenario is presented in this paper, taking current level and development trend of China's space technology into account. Key technologies of the recommended mission scheme are sorted out. The outcomes of this study can serve as a useful reference for definition and evaluation for China's practical manned asteroid missions.
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    ZENG Xiangyuan, GONG Shengping, LI Junfeng, JIANG Fanghua, BAOYIN Hexi
    The feasibility of hovering flight over elongated asteroids by using solar sails is investigated in this study. Elongated asteroids represent a family of natural elongated bodies. A simple approximate model is first constructed for these elongated asteroids. Dynamic equations of hovering flight are obtained for solar sails with the ability of active sail area control. Numerical simulations are made to illustrate the feasible area of hovering flight in the gravitational field of elongated asteroids.
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    JIANG Xiuqiang, TAO Ting, YANG Wei, LI Shuang
    The issue of spacecraft attaching to a small body with complex weak gravitation field is challenging. In this paper, two optimal guidance control strategies are addressed with the mission background of accompany flight and attaching to a small body. First, taking the attaching mission in polar area of small body into consideration, dynamics model is constructed and simplified, as well as the constraints and time-fuel integrated optimal performance index is described. Secondly, phase plane method (PPM) is used to design optimal guidance, and optimal on-off control is given by limit circle. Next, Gauss pseudospectral method (GPM) is utilized to transform optimal guidance problem into nonlinear program (NLP) problem, and MATLAB/GPOPS optimal tool software package is utilized to obtain the numerical solution of guidance. Finally, the vector measurement based autonomous optical navigation given in the previous work is introduced to GNC simulation loop, and the two optimal guidance control strategies are verified. Simulation results show that both of them meet the requirement of mission, but the phase plane method based optimal guidance control is a little risky, while the Gauss pseudospectral method based optimal guidance control has a lower fuel consumption and higher accuracy, so the latter is feasible for engineering practice.
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    GUO Yanning, MA Guangfu, ZENG Tianyi, CUI Hutao
    In order to satisfy real time and low fuel consumption requirements of Mars descent phrase, a new Mars precision landing guidance strategy was proposed based on fuel optimal solutions. Based on the characteristic analysis of the open loop fuel optimal solutions, states corresponding to thruster force magnitude switching time are directly selected as intermediate waypoints, and then a linear guidance algorithm was implemented in each segments to achieve fuel optimal performance. Several key problems, including the computation of global fuel optimal solution, waypoint selection, waypoint fitting, and derivation of linear guidance algorithm, were discussed in details, and the feasibility and superiority of the proposed strategy have been evaluated through a variety of typical Mars landing scenarios.
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    PAN Junyang, XIE Yi
    Considering the fact that the general theory of relativity has become a part of deep space missions, we investigate the relativistic transformation between the proper time of an onboard clock τ and the geocentric coordinate time (TCG) for Mars missions. By connecting τ with this local timescale associated with the Earth, we extend previous works which focus on the transformation between τ and the barycentric coordinate time (TCB). (TCB is the global coordinate time for the whole solar system.) For practical convenience, the relation between τ and TCG is recast to directly depend on quantities which can be read from ephemerides. We find that the difference between τ and TCG can reach the level of about 0:2 seconds in a year. To distinguish various sources in the transformation, we numerically calculate the contributions caused by the Sun, eight planets, three large asteroids and the spacecraft. It is found that if the threshold of 1 microsecond is adopted, this transformation must include effects due to the Sun, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the velocities of the spacecraft and Earth.
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    LIU Jianzhong, GUO Dijun, JI Jinzhu, LIU Jingwen, WANG Qinglong
    Based on the lunar crust thickness which is inversed from the GRAIL gravity data and LOLA topography data, the lunar tectonic framework can be preliminarily divided into three units: the mare tectonics locates in the region which mainly covers the nearside procellarum, the land tectonics dominately covering the highland in the farside and the south pole aitken basin tectonics. The major geological events including magma processing, volcanism and meteorite impacting have been studied simply, implying that the three kinds of evolution events vary clearly in different tectonic units.
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    LIU Yuxin, SHANG Haibin, WANG Shuai
    Problem of station keeping of GEO satellite using electric propulsion is analyzed, and a station keeping method based on daily prediction was proposed. On the basic of GEO satellite drift characters, feasibility of daily station keeping using low thrust was discussed. Furthermore, a method of predicting daily orbit error, thruster working time and phase was proposed specific to four thrusters configuration. Then it optimizes gimbaled angles subject to performance of station keeping at a geostationary position. The influence on control effects and fuel consumption with thrust changing is summarized. The method is evaluated by simulating at 100°E, which indicates that it can be used for GEO satellite station keeping.
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    JIE Degang, ZHANG Weiwei, JIANG Shengyuan, CHEN Huazhi, SHEN Yi, QUAN Qiquan, HOU Xuyan, DENG Zongquan
    This paper investigates the relevant information of planetary exploration, and analysis to obtain that the long-term and wealth scientific investigation in the greater depth will be a new research problem in the field of planetary exploration. In order to solve this problem, this paper puts forward a creepy-boring type subsurface investigation device for planetary exploration, and mainly focus on the study of its mechanism design. Finally, this paper successfully developed the creepy-boring type robot and its test platform for feasibility verification of the scheme and performance test for the prototype. The device has significance reference for China future planetary exploration mission.
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