May 2022, Volume 2 Issue 3

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    DING Meng, LI Haibo, CAO Yunfeng, ZHUANG Likui
    Currently more and more technologies of information science, such as image processing and pattern recognition, are used in the development of space science. The autonomous crater detection which gains many researchers'attention in recent years is one of the good examples in this field. This paper introduces the autonomous crater detection technology from passive images in details. Firstly, the applications of autonomous crater detection in three areas including geology or astronomy, space database establishment and spacecraft navigation and positioning are discussed. Secondly, the state of autonomous crater detection technology is introduced, esp. some typical algorithms are addressed. In order to explain these methods clearly, the related algorithms are classified into three kinds: Unsupervised Detection, Supervised Detection and Combination Detection. Finally, the difficulties, further work of autonomous crater detection and the author's work are addressed shortly.
  • Review
    WANG Wei, MA Yanhan, ZHOU Yiqian, FANG Baodong
    Deep space exploration plays a significant role in answering some basic scientific questions puzzled human like universe origin and life evolution. However, many key technologies without un-mastered including advanced propulsion technology limit future exploration activities. In this paper, a new magnetic propulsion method without propellant consumption applying to the deep space exploration is described. It creates the thrust by the interaction between the plasma fluid of solar wind and the magnetic field created by the spacecraft itself with carrying a loop of superconducting cable electrifying. Firstly, the domestic and foreign development present situation of magnetic propulsion are summarized. Secondly, the basic principles of magnetic propulsion are explained. Finally, the technology characteristics and potential applications in deep space exploration are analyzed.
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    LIU Qinghui, WU Yajun
    This paper reports the research progress of high precision VLBI technology used for single-spacecraft orbit determination and same beam VLBI technique used for multi-spacecraft position determination. The ΔDOR VLBI residual delay after determining orbit of Chang'e-3 Lander is 0.67 ns, and the error of differential phase delay between the Lander and Yutu rover of Chang'e-3 is down to 0.3 ps. By using the differential phase delay data, the rover motions such as movement and turning as small as several centimeters are monitored, and the relative position between the rover and the Lander is precisely measured with an accuracy of 1 meter. For deep space exploration, further research works are put forward to improve the VLBI delay measurement accuracy.
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    SHEN Yi, WANG Dong, JIANG Shengyuan, LIU Jie, ZHANG Weiwei, CHEN Huazhi, DENG Zongquan
    A design scheme of lunar surface impact type penetrator using the soil structure penetrating principle is put forward to realize in-situ investigation of lunar regolith, stressing its operating principle and mechanism and carrying out multi set scheme design and analysis. The prototype system is developed and demonstrated to prove the possibility of penetrating the lunar regolith. Some suggestions are also put forward for future in-situ investigation of lunar regolith..
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    QIN Tong, ZHU Shengying, CUI Pingyuan
    This paper investigates the optimal energy guidance law in Mars soft landing descent phase and analyzes the influence of the propellant mass coefficient, time weight and various initial conditions on divert capability. For certain initial states, the divert capability has something to do with not only the fuel but also the nature of the guidance law. In a real engineering mission, to make the best use of fuel, the time weight should be adjusted according to the Mars lander states. The optimal time weight is determined and the divert capability is maximized with a certain propellant mass coefficient.
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    FU Huimin, LOU Taishan, XIAO Qiang
    There always are unknown inputs in the dynamic model of high-speed Mars vehicle during the Mars entry phase because of the atmospheric density, aerodynamic parameters, gust and sand storm, etc. Due to the effect of the unknown inputs, the traditional filtering methods may produce greater errors. This paper estimates the states of the Mars entry vehicle by using a new self-calibration extended Kalman filter, and successfully eliminates the effect of the unknown inputs. Numerical simulation shows that this self-calibration method may effectively improve navigation accuracy.
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    ZHANG Zexu, ZHENG Bo, ZHOU Hao, CUI Hutao
    The manned spacecraft for deep space exploration, including nuclear thermal propulsion module, fuel tank and supply module, active radiation-resistant module, artificial gravity module, habitation module and multi-task crew cabin is designed in this paper. The size and mass of these elements are presented and the composition, function and characteristics of the main elements are analyzed. The two-impulse transfer trajectories are designed preliminarily on the basis of previous analysis, taking No.4660 asteroid named Nereus as the exploration target. The launch window and optimal transfer trajectory are obtained. The simulation results show that the optimal two-impulse transfer trajectory makes the single impulse within 5 km/s and single transfer time within 160 days, which satisfies the low-energy manned asteroid exploration missions in the future.
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    ZHENG Maofan, GENG Hai, LIANG Kai, TANG Fujun, HUANG Yongjie, KE Yujun
    With the technology development of deep space exploration, near-earth asteroid exploration has been scheduled, and subsequent deep space exploration is also under planning. By analyzing deep space exploration demand of foreign countries for ion propulsion and its application, this paper depicts with emphases the research and development of ion thruster which will meet the requirement of Chinese first near-earth asteroid exploration mission. Based on the mature technology of current ion thruster, the study aims to enhance its performance so which can work in dual modes with thrust level at 40 mN and 60 mN respectively. With different combination, it can achieve five thrust levels as 40 mN、60 mN、80 mN、100 mN and 120 mN to meet the requirements of asteroid exploration missions.
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    GAO Xizhen, SHAO Wei, LENG Junge, XI Sha
    As for the problem of autonomous optical navigation, this paper presents an easy and high-precision algorithm to estimate the attitude and position of a lander by using at least three extracted marginal elliptic curves of craters. Firstly, the geometric and algebraic constraints between the marginal elliptic curves of craters and its 2D images are derived, then the linear equations about the lander's motion are established by using Kronecker product. With this method, the attitude and position of a lander can be uniquely determined. In particular, the algorithm is easy to use and more flexible because all computations involved in this algorithm are linear matrix operations. The extensive experiments over simulated images and parameters demonstrate the robustness, accuracy and effectiveness of our method.
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    PENG Chao, GAO Yang
    This paper studies the relative orbital motion of a charged object near a spacebornemagnetic dipole, which indicates that the Lorentz force acting on the charged object is taken into consideration. Assuming that a space station in a Keplerian circular reference orbit is capable of generating a rotating magnetic dipole (the axis of the dipole is in the direction of the orbital radius vector) and a constantly charged object moves nearby in the artificial magnetic field, a nonlinear dynamical model of the proposed relative orbital motion, which is similar to the scenario of satellite formation flying, is established based on the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire (HCW) equation. Moreover, we suppose that the Lorentz force acts on the charged object only and does not affect the circular reference orbit of the spaceborne magnetic dipole. Based on the system parameters such as the charge-to-mass ratio of the charged object, magnetic dipole's moment and rotating rate, and the angular velocity of the circular reference orbit, we firstly derived system's equilibrium points and analyzed their stabilities. Subsequently, an integral constant and the zero-velocity surfaces of the dynamical system are derived, and it is clear to show the presence of bounded orbits around the magnetic dipole and transient orbits through equilibrium points. The flight mechanics of presented relative orbital motion, including equilibrium points andzero-velocity surfaces, reveals prospects of potential applications for proximity operations to a wide range of charged space objects.
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    ZHENG Bo, ZHANG Zexu, ZHOU Hao, JIE Zhaobin, CUI Hutao
    In this paper, an initial design method of low thrust transfer trajectories using gravity-assist based on exponential sinusoid function is introduced. Firstly, the exponential sinusoid function is established under polar coordinates to simulate the low thrust transfer trajectories. All the parameters of the transfer trajectories can be described by flight-path-angle and winding parameter. Secondly, the parameters of transfer trajectories are discretely processed with constraints, and then obtaining the intersection points of transfer trajectories with target's projected trajectories to get the polar angle to the target trajectory. The rest parameters based on exponential sinusoid can also be obtained, so that we can get the initial design parameters of low thrust transfer trajectory. Finally, the Earth-Jupiter low thrust transfer trajectory using gravity-assist by Mars is designed. The simulation results show that the method is able to search out the initial design parameters of low-thrust transfer trajectory quickly and accurately.
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    ZHAO Fanyu, XU Rui, CUI Pingyuan
    A rescheduling optimizing algorithm based on ant colony optimization (ACO) is proposed in this paper for the observing rescheduling with resource constraints changing. First, the resource constraints in the rescheduling process are analyzed, and a rescheduling model with resource constrains changing is established. Second, taking the advantages of the original scheduling results, an updating method is given out for the selecting of the missions. Finally, based on the principle of taking advantage of the original scheduling results as much as possible, combining the mission updating method and priorities of the missions, a heuristic rescheduling optimizing algorithm is proposed. The results show that the algorithm could effectively improve the profit of the rescheduling process.
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    LIU Wenjun, HAO Wanhong, CHEN Ming, LI Haitao
    In very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) system, remote multi-antenna arraying technique can be on the basis of the existing antenna facility and give full play to the overall efficiency of resources and infrastructure, which can expand the TT&C communication distance, and provide the TT&C communication service for China's future deep-space exploration mission, and will have a special application prospect. Firstly, we describe the features of remote multi-antenna arraying, and then study on the time-delay correction approach between key stations, using "Chang'e-3" downlink data to carry out the technological experiment. With this technique we get the precise time-delay difference values between Kashi, Qingdao, Beijing and Sanya stations, successfully implement baseband compound and symbol stream compound of the four stations' signals, and optimize the parameters of the software correlators. This technique has also been applied to process ESA's Venus Express weak signal baseband compound and laid a good engineering application foundation for future deep-space exploration signal compound.
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    JIANG Huilin, JIANG Lun, FU Qiang, DONG Keyan
    With human space exploration activities increased year by year, observation of space debris is particularly important. The significance of the observation of space debris and conventional method of photoelectric observation are introduced in this paper, and the main difficulties with the observation of space debris are analyzed. On this basis, according to the specific characteristics of the space debris,a new method for detection and identification of space debris is proposed, which is, three base quantity including imaging, spectrum, polarization are used simultaneously for the effective detection with space dark, weak, little pieces through multiple feature fusion recognition technology. Then, decomposition of the key technologies and feasibility analysis are demonstrated.
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    CHENG Yao, WANG Rixin, XU Minqiang
    In this paper, we study the fault diagnosis of spacecraft actuators for a class of nonlinear system with Lipschitz constraints. To isolate the faulty actuator from others, we propose a bank of isolation observers to generate the structured residuals. Each isolation observer is designed based on nonlinear unknown input idea of decoupling the actuator fault as disturbance. The robust stability of the observer is analyzed with the Lyapunov theory. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to three-axis stabilized satellite attitude control system, and the effectiveness of the approach is verified for typical faults diagnosis of the satellite actuators.
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    ZHANG Wenhao, WEN Xin, YUAN Laohu, LIU Jiafu, LI Wei
    In order to solve debris removal problem, a capture method of mixed formation of spacecraft and space debris is proposed. Firstly, the restricted three-body circumstance near the L2 point of Earth/Moon-Sun is analyzed and the relative dynamics model of formation satellites is established. Then, a control strategy, using sunlight pressure as the spacecraft and debris formation reconfiguration force, is proposed so that achieving the purpose of approaching debris by follower satellites. Lastly, a linear quadratic optimal controller is designed and simulated by Matlab/Simulink. The results show that the method can help control followers achieve the target track (location of space debris), while the change of the solar sail attitude is kept under control. Therefore, it proves that the method can applied to the debris removal problem in complex space environment.