1 Introduction

Fig.1 (a) Radial for the 4f, 5s, 5p and 6s electrons of [50]. (b) The inhomogeneous broadening arises since individual ion in the solid experiences a different static local environment. These differences lead to the respective optical transition frequency of each ion. The homogeneous broadening is due to dynamical perturbations on the optical transition frequencies. And can be seen as the sum of the homogeneous broadening of each ion within the ensemble. |
2 Quantum memory performance
3 EIT memories
3.1 EIT slow light

Fig.2 (a) Three-level system in configuration. The signal (probe) beam and control beam drive the transition , respectively. The transition between the two lower energy states ( ) is dipole-forbidden and atoms can stay in either of the two states for a long time. and corresponding to the decoherence rate. (b) Under the ideal condition of , , the linear susceptibility X for the signal optical field as the function of the single photon detuning . The imaginary part of X [Im(X)] indicates the existence of a transparent window at the single-photon resonance, and simultaneously its real part [Re(X)] means that the signal light has a strong dispersion in the medium. |
3.2 EIT storage

Fig.3 Experimental demonstration of EIT storage in RE systems. (a) Schematic of multi-pass configuration. The number of round-trips be adjusted by the movable mirror in z direction [69]. (b) Experimental result of EIT storage efficiency with control power and probe pulse duration [69]. Left: ; Right: . The parameter range in the dotted box correspond to the left figure [69]. (c) Experimental results showing optical storage efficiency decay with storage time for = 52 2. Inset: Photon counts of the input pulse (blue) and signal pulses at different storage times of = 1.28 s (red), 6.4 s (green), and 10.24 s (cyan) [70]. (d) Output image energy intensity as a function of storage time . The three data sets correspond to different cycling times in the dynamical decoupling sequence. The insets show the results of image storage and retrieval in the setup [71]. |
4 Photon echo memories
4.1 Controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening (CRIB) and gradient-echo memory (GEM)

Fig.4 Schematic of the GEM protocol. (I) An ensemble of identical two level atoms is prepared; (II) A linear Stark shift is applied, thereby allowing the medium to absorb the different part of input pulse; (III) After switching the polarity of the electric field, the input pulse comes out as an echo. This figure is reproduced from Ref. [99]. |

Fig.5 (a) Experimental demonstration of CRIB storage [105]. (b) Experimental result (solid line) and predicted echoes by simply scaling the media to 4 cm (dash line) and 10 cm (dotted line); (I) Input and retrieved echo; (II) Absorption spectrum of the prepared feature; (III) Absorption spectrum when the field was not switched to retrieve the echo [106]. |
4.2 Atomic frequency comb (AFC)
4.2.1 Multi-mode storage

Fig.7 Experimental demonstration of different multi-mode storage with AFC protocol. (a) Two examples of storage of 64 optical temporal modes with different input sequences [124]. (b) Multiple frequency mode storage and selective recall [125]. (c) Examples of measured intensity profiles of orbital-angular-momentum (OAM) as an outstanding spatial multi-mode operations [126]. |
4.2.2 Efficient storage

Fig.8 Experimental demonstration of AFC. (a) Relationship between output echo and corrected input pulse (red dash line) at 1.1 µs gives a storage efficiency using cavity enhancement AFC protocol [155]. (b) The decay of the spin-wave AFC echo intensity using CPMG sequence with versus the storage time. The signal was still visible after an hour [156]. (c) The spin-wave AFC stores three time-bin qubits after 20 ms for [157]. |
4.2.3 Long-term storage
4.3 Other protocols

Fig.9 (a) Schematic diagram of ROSE protocol sequence [56]. The first echo at is suppressed by the phase matching conditions: . The secondary echo is emitted at time , satisfying the phase matching condition , where are the wavevectors of input signal, first pulse and second pulse respectively. (b) Energy level diagram and experimental sequence [169]. (I) Energy-level structure of experimental :YSO and experimental transitions. (II) Pulse sequence for the 4LE, with transition frequencies marked on the left. (III) Comparison to standard 2PE pulse sequence. (c) Energy level structure of :YSO crystal and experimental sequence of NLPE [170]. Same as shown in Fig.9(a), the first echo at time is silenced by the phase matching condition: . The phase matching condition for NLPE echo at time is . Where, the represents the wavevector of each input pulse at time respectively. |