First-principles investigation of two-dimensional iron molybdenum nitride: A double transition-metal cousin of MoSi2N4(MoN) monolayer with distinctive electronic and topological properties

Yi Ding, Yanli Wang

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Front. Phys. ›› 2024, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (6) : 63207. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-024-1431-6

First-principles investigation of two-dimensional iron molybdenum nitride: A double transition-metal cousin of MoSi2N4(MoN) monolayer with distinctive electronic and topological properties

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As the homologous compounds of MoSi2N4, the MoSi2N4(MoN)n monolayers have been synthesized in a recent experiment. These systems consist of homogeneous metal nitride multilayers sandwiched between two SiN surfaces, which extends the septuple-atomic-layer MSi2N4 system to ultra-thick MSi2N4(MN)n forms. In this paper, we perform a first-principles study on the MoSi2N4(FeN) monolayer, which is constructed by iron molybdenum nitride intercalated into the SiN layers. As a cousin of MoSi2N4(MoN), this double transition-metal system exhibits robust structural stability from the energetic, mechanical, dynamical and thermal perspectives. Different from the MoSi2N4(MoN) one, the MoSi2N4(FeN) monolayer possesses intrinsic ferromagnetism and presents a bipolar magnetic semiconducting behaviour. The ferromagnetism can be further enhanced by the surface hydrogenation, which raises the Curie temperature to 310 K around room temperature. More interestingly, the hydrogenated MoSi2N4(FeN) monolayer exhibits a quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulating behaviour with a sizeable nontrivial band gap of 0.23 eV. The nontrivial topological character can be well described by a two-band kp model, confirming a non-zero Chern number of C= 1. Similar bipolar magnetic semiconducting feature and hydrogenation-induced QAH state are also present in the WSi2N4(FeN) monolayer. Our study demonstrates that the double transition-metal MSi2N4( MN) system will be a fertile platform to achieve fascinating spintronic and topological properties.

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quantum anomalous Hall state / MA2Z4(M′Z) family / first-principles / double transition-metal nitride

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Yi Ding, Yanli Wang. First-principles investigation of two-dimensional iron molybdenum nitride: A double transition-metal cousin of MoSi2N4(MoN) monolayer with distinctive electronic and topological properties. Front. Phys., 2024, 19(6): 63207


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