Deterministic and replaceable transfer of silver flakes for microcavities
Tingting Wang, Zhihao Zang, Yuchen Gao, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Wei Bao, Yu Ye
Front. Phys. ›› 2023, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (3) : 33302.
Deterministic and replaceable transfer of silver flakes for microcavities
How to fabricate high-quality microcavities simply and at low cost without causing damage to environmentally sensitive active layers such as perovskites are crucial for the studies of exciton−polaritons, however, it remains challenging in the field of microcavity fabrication. Usually, once the top mirror is deposited, the detuning of the microcavity is fixed and there is no easy way to tune it. Here, we have developed a method for deterministically transferring silver mirrors, which is relatively simple and guarantees the active layer from damaging of high temperature, particle bombardment, etc., during the deposition of the top mirror. Furthermore, with the help of a glass probe, we demonstrate a replaceable silver transfer method to tune the detuning of the microcavity, thereby changing the coupling of photons and excitons therein. The developed deterministic and replaceable silver mirror transfer methods will provide the capability to fabricate high-quality and tunable microcavities and play an active role in the development of the exciton−polariton field.
silver / microcavity / transfer / perovskite
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