Single-electron tunneling and Coulomb blockade in carbon-based quantum dots

Wei FAN (樊巍), Rui-qin ZHANG (张瑞勤)

Front. Phys. ›› 2009, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3) : 315-326.

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Front. Phys. ›› 2009, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3) : 315-326. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-009-0023-9

Single-electron tunneling and Coulomb blockade in carbon-based quantum dots

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Single-electron tunneling (SET) and Coulomb blockade (CB) phenomena have been widely observed in nanoscaled electronics and have received intense attention around the world. In the past few years, we have studied SET in carbon nanotube fragments and fullerenes by applying the so-called “Orthodox” theory [28]. As outlined in this review article, we investigated the single-electron charging and discharging process via current-voltage characteristics, gate effect, and electronic structure-related factors. Because the investigated geometric structures are three-dimensionally confined, resulting in a discrete spectrum of energy levels resembling the property of quantum dots, we evidenced the CB and Coulomb staircases in these structures. These nanostructures are sufficiently small that introducing even a single electron is sufficient to dramatically change the transport properties as a result of the charging energy associated with this extra electron. We found that the Coulomb staircases occur in the I-V characteristics only when the width of the left barrier junction is smaller than that of the right barrier junction. In this case, the transmission coefficient of the emitter junction is larger than that of the collector junction; also, occupied levels enter the bias window, thereby enhancing the tunneling extensively.


single-electron tunneling (SET) / Coulomb blockade (CB) / Coulomb staircase / carbon nanotube (CNT) / fullerene / Orthodox theory

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Wei FAN (樊巍), Rui-qin ZHANG (张瑞勤). Single-electron tunneling and Coulomb blockade in carbon-based quantum dots. Front. Phys., 2009, 4(3): 315‒326


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