Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Analyzing the nonlinear vibrational wave differential equation for the simplified model of Tower Cranes by Algebraic Method
Received date: 22 Oct 2013
Accepted date: 12 Jan 2014
Published date: 05 Mar 2014
In the current paper, a simplified model of Tower Cranes has been presented in order to investigate and analyze the nonlinear differential equation governing on the presented system in three different cases by Algebraic Method (AGM). Comparisons have been made between AGM and Numerical Solution, and these results have been indicated that this approach is very efficient and easy so it can be applied for other nonlinear equations. It is citable that there are some valuable advantages in this way of solving differential equations and also the answer of various sets of complicated differential equations can be achieved in this manner which in the other methods, so far, they have not had acceptable solutions. The simplification of the solution procedure in Algebraic Method and its application for solving a wide variety of differential equations not only in Vibrations but also in different fields of study such as fluid mechanics, chemical engineering, etc. make AGM be a powerful and useful role model for researchers in order to solve complicated nonlinear differential equations.
Key words: Algebraic Method (AGM); tower crane; oscillating system; angular frequency
M.R. AKBARI , D.D. GANJI , A.R. AHMADI , Sayyid H. Hashemi KACHAPI . Analyzing the nonlinear vibrational wave differential equation for the simplified model of Tower Cranes by Algebraic Method[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2014 , 9(1) : 58 -70 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-014-0289-7
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