The stability and coupling dynamic behavior of a journal active electromagnetic bearing rotor system are analyzed. The gyroscopic effect is considered in the rotor model. The system equations are formulated by combining equations for rotor motion and decentralized proportional integral differential (PID) controllers. A method combining the predictor-corrector mechanism and the Netwon-Raphson method is presented to calculate the critical speed at the corresponding Hopf bifurcation point of the system. For periodic motions, a continuation method combining the predictor-corrector mechanism and shooting method is presented. Nonlinear unbalanced periodic motions and their stability margins are obtained using the shooting method and established continuation method for periodic motions. With the change of control parameters, the system local stability and bifurcation behaviors are obtained using the Floquet theory. The numerical examples show that the schemes not only significantly save computing cost, but also have high precision.
LU Yanjun, HEI Di, WANG Yuan, DAI Rong, LU Yanjun, LIU Heng, YU Lie
. Stability and coupling dynamic behavior of nonlinear
journal active electromagnetic bearing rotor system[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2008
, 3(2)
: 193
DOI: 10.1007/s11465-008-0023-4
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