Digital twin-assisted gearbox dynamic model updating toward fault diagnosis
Received date: 20 Oct 2022
Accepted date: 06 Feb 2023
One of the core challenges of intelligent fault diagnosis is that the diagnosis model requires numerous labeled training datasets to achieve satisfactory performance. Generating training data using a virtual model is a potential solution for addressing such a problem, and the construction of a high-fidelity virtual model is fundamental and critical for data generation. In this study, a digital twin-assisted dynamic model updating method for fault diagnosis is thus proposed to improve the fidelity and reliability of a virtual model, which can enhance the generated data quality. First, a virtual model is established to mirror the vibration response of a physical entity using a dynamic modeling method. Second, the modeling method is validated through a frequency analysis of the generated signal. Then, based on the signal similarity indicator, a physical–virtual signal interaction method is proposed to dynamically update the virtual model in which parameter sensitivity analysis, surrogate technique, and optimization algorithm are applied to increase the efficiency during the model updating. Finally, the proposed method is successfully applied to the dynamic model updating of a single-stage helical gearbox; the virtual data generated by this model can be used for gear fault diagnosis.
Jingyan XIA , Ruyi HUANG , Yixiao LIAO , Jipu LI , Zhuyun CHEN , Weihua LI . Digital twin-assisted gearbox dynamic model updating toward fault diagnosis[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2023 , 18(2) : 32 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-023-0748-0
Abbreviations | |
FA | Firefly algorithm |
FEM | Finite element method |
FFT | Fast Fourier transform |
LHS | Latin hypercube sampling |
LPM | Lumped parameter method |
LSM | Least squares method |
PHM | Prognostics and health management |
PRSM | Polynomial response surface model |
RFCD | Rigid–flexible coupling dynamic |
RFCM | Rigid–flexible coupling method |
RSM | Response surface methodology |
Variables | |
ai | Amplitude of the exciting force |
Amplitude of the vibration response | |
Cdf | Dynamic friction coefficient |
CD | Damping coefficient |
Csf | Static friction coefficient |
DP | Penetration depth |
eF | Force exponent |
E | Elastic modulus of gears |
f(t) | Excitation force |
f(t1,t2,t3) | Cosine similarity between virtual and experimental signals |
fn1, fn2 | Rotation frequencies of input and output gears, respectively |
fz | Mesh frequency |
g | gth iteration |
h(t) | Transfer function of the gearbox |
k | Number of sensitive model parameters |
K | Contact stiffness |
L | Number of sample points |
M | Number of mode order |
n | Number of parameters |
p | Model parameters in the dynamic model |
pL | Lower bound of the model parameters |
ps | Sensitive model parameters |
psL | Lower bound of the sensitive model parameters |
psU | Upper bound of the sensitive model parameters |
pU | Upper bound of the model parameters |
r1, r2 | Equivalent radius |
rij | Distance between fireflies i and j |
R2 | Coefficient of determination |
R(p) | Difference between the generated and physical signals |
t1 | Normalized contact stiffness |
t2 | Normalized contact damping coefficient |
t3 | Normalized force exponent |
Vdt | Dynamic transonic speed |
Vst | Static transonic speed |
X | Variable matrix of sampling points |
Xe | Physical signal in the time domain |
Xg | Generated signal in the time domain |
Mean value of the simulation response | |
yi | Result of sample point i based on the complex simulation model |
Result of sample point i based on the constructed surrogate model | |
y(t) | Vibration response |
Y | Response vector of sampling points |
z1 | Tooth number of the driving gear |
z2 | Tooth number of the driven gear |
α | Random parameter that controls movement randomization |
β | Unknown coefficient vector |
β0 | Attractiveness factor |
ε | Error vector |
γ | Brightness absorption coefficient |
ν1, ν2 | Poisson’s ratios of the gears |
θ1 | Phase of the exciting force |
Phase of the vibration response | |
ρ | Density of gears |
Random vector (k-dimensional) |
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