An extensive review of the mechanical properties of the metal-based AM process was conducted by Segerstark et al. [
84] and Lewandowski and Seifi [
85]. Qian et al. [
86] proposed a hybrid plasma-laser deposition manufacturing (PLDM) process to fabricate Ni-based alloy parts. The parts produced using this new method were fully dense, had high strength and porosity, and were free of cracks and strongly bonded. Thus, the proposed method improved part accuracy and surface state. Dinda et al. [
87] used DMD to fabricate a series of Ni-based super alloy Inconel 625 samples. The alloy was selected due to its good creep and fatigue strength, high corrosion resistance, and good weldability and fabricability. The formed samples were free from defects such as cracks, porosity, and bonding error. Horii et al. [
88] proposed a 3DMW method to fabricate 3D objects made of Inconel alloy 600. The alloy was selected because of its high oxidation resistance and strength. The mechanical properties of the product formed, including hardness, elongation, density, and strength of the formed object, were comparable to those of commercial superalloys. The objects formed were fully dense and free from cracks and pores, and their properties satisfy the Japanese standard industrial code. Minagawa et al. [
89] illustrated the application of a 3D inkjet printing system to the fabrication of metallic parts. The material used was carbonyl nickel powder, and two approaches of fabrication via the use of a binder directly and indirectly were adopted. The variation in microstructure was studied, and the results showed that the part formed by using a binder directly has an inhomogeneous structure and a non-uniform density distribution, whereas the part formed by using a binder indirectly has a homogenous structure, high density, and high strength. Models of a die, an artificial bone, and a dental crown were also fabricated by SLM [
90]. The material for SLM was based on a single scanning test. Ni-based alloy, pure Ti powders, and Fe alloy were found to be appropriate materials. The densities of the SLM parts were 90% higher than that of the solid model. Angelastro et al. [
91] used direct laser metal deposition (DLMD) to fabricate dense metallic parts. A CO
2 laser machine with a maximum power of 3 kW was used to perform the experiment. The material utilized was Colmonoy 227-F, a nickel alloy specially designed for glass mold protection and restoration. The performance of the DLMD process was examined in terms of hardness, porosity, microstructure, and composition of a part. Gordon et al. [
92] introduced a new hybrid material by electroforming nanocrystalline Ni around a rapid prototyped acrylic photopolymer micro-truss to combine the high ultra-strength gained by a reduction from grain size scale to nanometer scale and the structural efficiency of the micro-truss. The density of the new hybrid material was 1.5%–5% of the bulk nanocrystalline Ni, and the elastic modulus and peak strength increased by 350% and 500%, respectively. The experimental knockdown factors were determined by subjecting the strut thickness to uniaxial compression for developing the mechanical properties of the nanocrystalline micro-truss materials. Dressler et al. [
93] compared the temperature distribution of objects formed from metal and ceramic powders during 3DP. The metal powder was composed of iron, chromium, nickel, copper, and molybdenum. The ceramic powder with the same particle size as the metal powder was composed of potassium, calcium, sodium, and phosphate ion. Both powders were characterized in terms of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, emissivity spectra, and density. No difference was found in their steady-state maximum temperature and maximum achievable temperature. The only difference was in the transient temperature evolution. The results were subsequently verified through numerical simulation. Hanumaiah and Ravi [
94] investigated the capabilities (straightness, flatness, and circularity) of two widely used RT processes, namely, DMLS and SLA. The material used for the former was copper nickel-based EOS direct Metal-50 powder and that used for the latter was SL5170 photopolymer resin. A sampling technique based on region elimination adaptive search was proposed to estimate the form tolerance. The study concluded that the form accuracy of SLA samples was relatively poor, but their dimensional accuracy was better than that of DMLS. Several current studies [
96] have included the investigation of properties for nickel-coated Al 7050 alloy. Bi and Gasser [
97] investigated the restoration of nickel-based turbine blade knife edges with controlled LAAM and concluded that the LAAM process is feasible for the reconditioning of gas turbine blade knife edges. Kanagarajah et al. [
98] compared SLM-processed Inconel 939 with conventional cast alloy. Heat treatment affected the two differently, and microstructural differences were found in the SLM part. The fact that its mechanical performance was satisfactory reveals the technique’s potential in producing complex parts suited for high-temperature applications. Nie et al. [
99] developed a multi-scale model that combines FEM and stochastic analysis to simulate the evolution of the microstructure of an Nb-bearing Ni-based superalloy during laser AM solidification. The developed model developed correlated dendrite nucleation and growth, Nb segregation, and the formation of the Laves phase to the solidification conditions and resulting microstructure. A small equiaxed dendrite arm spacing under high cooling rates and low temperature gradient to growth rate ratios was found to be especially effective for the formation of the Laves phase. The converse conditions produced continuously distributed coarse Laves phase particles, which negatively affected the metal’s mechanical properties. Sateesh et al. [
100] used DMLS AM-based IN625 metal matrix composites to investigate the effect of laser scan speed on the metal’s microstructure and mechanical properties. The microstructure became more refined as the laser scan speed increased, and the resulting grain shape was cellular equiaxed. Increased porosity at high scan speeds resulted in reduced densities and hardness. Marattukalam et al. [
101] studied the dependence of microstructure, phase constituents, hardness, and corrosion properties on laser power and scan speed. The study was performed on laser-processed NiTi alloy. Large amounts of high-temperature austenite were retained at room temperature due to the high cooling rates resulting from the laser processing. The austenite formed increased the hardness, and laser power was directly related to grain size and corrosion resistance (increased the grain size and corrosion resistance). Hong et al. [
102] applied laser melting deposition AM to synthesize Inconel 625 composites with ultrafine TiC particles. The study focused on microstructure development, densification response, wear performance, tensile properties, and other mechanical properties and their relation to laser input energy per unit length. Klapper et al. [
103] investigated pitting corrosion in additively manufactured Ni alloy in an environment of chloride components. A complete study of direct laser deposition for AM was conducted by Shamsaei et al. [
83]. They revealed the mechanical behavior and compared it with that of conventional methods. Investigations for process parameter optimization and control have also been conducted. A comparison of the various AM techniques used to manufacture Ni-based alloy parts is provided in Table 4.