Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Fabrication of scaffolds in tissue engineering: A review
Received date: 27 Jun 2017
Accepted date: 27 Sep 2017
Published date: 23 Jan 2018
Tissue engineering (TE) is an integrated discipline that involves engineering and natural science in the development of biological materials to replace, repair, and improve the function of diseased or missing tissues. Traditional medical and surgical treatments have been reported to have side effects on patients caused by organ necrosis and tissue loss. However, engineered tissues and organs provide a new way to cure specific diseases. Scaffold fabrication is an important step in the TE process. This paper summarizes and reviews the widely used scaffold fabrication methods, including conventional methods, electrospinning, three-dimensional printing, and a combination of molding techniques. Furthermore, the differences among the properties of tissues, such as pore size and distribution, porosity, structure, and mechanical properties, are elucidated and critically reviewed. Some studies that combine two or more methods are also reviewed. Finally, this paper provides some guidance and suggestions for the future of scaffold fabrication.
Peng ZHAO , Haibing GU , Haoyang MI , Chengchen RAO , Jianzhong FU , Lih-sheng TURNG . Fabrication of scaffolds in tissue engineering: A review[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2018 , 13(1) : 107 -119 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-018-0496-8
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