Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Experimental evaluation and simulation of volumetric shrinkage and warpage on polymeric composite short natural fibers reinforced injection molded
Received date: 17 Mar 2015
Accepted date: 15 Jul 2015
Published date: 23 Sep 2015
A polymeric natural fiber-reinforced composite is developed by extrusion and injection molding process. The shrinkage and warpage of high-density polyethylene reinforced with short natural fibers of Guadua angustifolia Kunth are analyzed by experimental measurements and computer simulations. Autodesk Moldflow® and Solid Works® are employed to simulate both volumetric shrinkage and warpage of injected parts at different configurations: 0 wt.%, 20 wt.%, 30 wt.% and 40 wt.% reinforcing on shrinkage and warpage behavior of polymer composite. Become evident the restrictive effect of reinforcing on the volumetric shrinkage and warpage of injected parts. The results indicate that volumetric shrinkage of natural composite is reduced up to 58% with fiber increasing, whereas the warpage shows a reduction form 79% to 86% with major fiber content. These results suggest that it is a highly beneficial use of natural fibers to improve the assembly properties of polymeric natural fiber-reinforced composites.
Key words: biocomposite; natural fiber; shrinkage; simulation; warpage
Jonnathan D. SANTOS , Jorge I. FAJARDO , Alvaro R. CUJI , Jaime A. GARCÍA , Luis E. GARZÓN , Luis M. LÓPEZ . Experimental evaluation and simulation of volumetric shrinkage and warpage on polymeric composite short natural fibers reinforced injection molded[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2015 , 10(3) : 287 -293 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-015-0346-x
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