One DOF mechanism for the mechanical harvest of vines in an arbor structure and the validation of the acceleration of grape berry harvesting

  • Osvaldo PENISI ,
  • José BOCCA ,
  • Horacio AGUILAR ,
  • Pedro BOCCA
  • Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan 5400, Argentina

Received date: 02 Apr 2015

Accepted date: 29 Jul 2015

Published date: 23 Sep 2015


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


In the mechanized harvest of vines, grape berries are detached through the vibration to the structure supporting the clusters. According to the kind of guide selected, the clusters require one or two vibration directions in the structure. For guiding in parral structures, vibration is necessary in two directions or planes: One perpendicular to the other. The guide branches producing the clusters develop in these planes, and the guiding is called H-guiding. Mechanism theory indicates that a mechanism has as many degrees of freedom as its actuators, and an actuator is needed to achieve a certain vibration. Having the smallest number of possible actuators is beneficial in reducing moving parts and achieving more compact and easily controllable mecha-nisms. In this case, a single degree-of-freedom mechanism is proposed. It is capable of generating vibrations on two planes: One perpendicular to the other. This mechanism is the sum of two link mechanisms on perpendicular planes with a common outlet located at the output rod of the mechanism where the actuator is found. As the distance between the soil and the elements containing the clusters is not constant, a system has been designed to measure the accelerations at the bars and the rocker to validate the acceleration values that detach the grape berries in a prototype in a lab experiment, to ensure that the acceleration needed for pulling the grape berries are produced at any contact point of the bar.

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Osvaldo PENISI , José BOCCA , Horacio AGUILAR , Pedro BOCCA . One DOF mechanism for the mechanical harvest of vines in an arbor structure and the validation of the acceleration of grape berry harvesting[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2015 , 10(3) : 221 -232 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-015-0347-9


The authors thank the Secretary of Science, Techno-logy, and Innovation of the province of San Juan, Argentina, for funding the project execution, which originated this paper.
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