Third Cover Catalog

Research Center on Soft-Condensed matter (CRSC)
Messina University and National Research Council (CNR)

Messina University
MIFT Department (Physics section)
Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres 31 98168 Messina, Italia

Further Information:


The center embraces the NMR facility on Soft-condensed Matter (CNR-UNIME) and the laboratory on Complex Materials Systems. It was founded in 1999 by Prof. Francesco Mallamace, taking advantage of some national research projects and of a European Community grant (PON 2000-2006). In particular, the NMR center (700 MHz) was originally proposed as an Italian national facility in the frame of the research activity of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, and is fully equipped by all the available probe-heads (e. g., triple resonance, broad band, diffusion and HR-MAS).
Both the structures offer different research opportunities to study complex materials not only by means of the NMR technique, but also by the following instrumentation that can be jointly used:

- Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy  -  Quasi elastic and stimulated scattering  - Fabry-Perot and sound propagation techniques  -  Calorimetry, including the temperature  modulated technique  -  Stress and strain controlled rheometers -  Confocal microscopy.

The CRSC is located in the Science faculty area of the Messina University and near the Institute for the Chemical Physics processes of the National Research Council with which it shares many research and project activities.






Key Contact

Professor Francesco Mallamace
Scientific Responsible of the NMR Centre and complex systems lab.
Telephone: +39 090 676 5016

Research Foci
The CRSC research, by looking to mechanical, dynamical and structural properties, is focused on the following topics:
●  Supramolecular systems and solutions
●  Dynamical phenomena in out-of-equilibrium systems
●  Phase separation and critical phenomena
●  Scaling and universality
●  Supercooled fluids and glass transition
●  Aging and Jamming phenomena
●  Liquid water and amorphous ice
●  Turbulence
●  Chaos and chaotic dynamics
●  Dynamics of geometrically constrained and confined liquids
●  Aggregation kinetics and disorderly growth mechanisms
●  Granular matter
●  Polymers, polymer solutions, gels
●  Associating polymers and polymer electrolytes
●  Amphiphiles, emulsions, colloids
●  Membranes and interface phenomena
●  Food chemical physics
●  iological systems and related phenomena

The CRSC center takes advantage of worldwide collaborations with Universities and National laboratories and of the many international research projects jointly arranged on the listed topics.

Pubdate: 2016-06-08    Viewed: 660