Call for papers

Call for papers in a Special Theme on: 
“Seismic Resilient Structures - Shape Memory Alloys”
in Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

Guest Editors: 
Dr Cheng Fang, Tongji University,
Prof Wei Wang, Tongji University,
Prof Michael CH Yam, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,

Lessons drawn from past major earthquakes urged a pressing need of a fundamental shift in the design targets for buildings in seismic active zones. This provides an impetus for the development of low-damage and high-performance alternatives to conventional structural systems. One promising way to achieve seismic resiliency is to utilize a unique class of smart metals, namely, shape memory alloys (SMAs). This class of material is capable of recovering large strains either spontaneously or by heating, depending on the thermal-mechanical state. Since the early development in the 1960s, SMAs have been successfully applied in the medical, aerospace, robotic, and automobile industries. The consideration of SMA as emerging materials for civil engineering started in the 1990s, and great research progress has been made since then. However, the practical application of SMA has not been common, partially due to insufficient engineering-oriented design approaches, and lack of effective knowledge exchange between the communities of material scientists and civil engineers. This Special Issue plans to give an overview of the most recent advances in the field of SMA research and the applications in civil engineering (specially for earthquake engineering). It is aimed to help remove the knowledge barriers across disciplines, and sheds considerable light on the opportunity of using and commercializing SMA products in the construction industry.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
• Advanced modelling of SMA;
• Heat treatment strategies for SMA;
• SMA-based self-centering structural elements, devices and members;
• Performance-based seismic design of structural systems incorporating SMA;
• Development and application of new classes of SMA for seismic protection;
• New SMA elements and devices.

Instructions for submission:
Please submit your manuscript before the submission deadline (Nov 30, 2021) in the submission website:
Choose in the list of special issues: 
Special Theme: Shape Memory Alloys for Seismic Resilient Structures 

All submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Articles from this Special Issue will appear in a regular issue of the journal, though they will be clearly marked and branded as Special Issue articles.

Pubdate: 2021-07-15    Viewed: 669