Call for papers

Call for papers in a Special Issue on:

“3D Printing Concrete and Concrete Structures (3DPC)”

in Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering


Guest Editors

Prof. Yong Yuan, Tongji University, China,

Prof. Luc Taerwe, Ghent University, Belgium,

Prof. Bernhard L.A. Pichler, Austria, 

Dr. Jiao-Long Zhang, Tongji University, China, 


FSCE Editor:

Associate Prof. Yuching Wu, Tongji University, China, 


3D Printing represents one of the emerging technologies in the age of digitization and intelligence. It has been drawing the attention of scientists in many fields, including civil engineering. The relevant research work in the field of civil engineering has been in progress since the 1990s and has made great progress during the past decade. Development of 3D printing concrete and concrete structures is challenging, because it involves interdisciplinary research, e.g., material science, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, automatic control engineering, information technology, software engineering, mechanics, physics, chemistry, mathematics, environmental engineering, etc. The main focuses of current research are on the material of printable concrete, the equipment for printing concrete, printed components and structures, and applications to large-scale structures. This technology exhibits promises in structural optimization, elaborate constructions reducing redundancy, and intelligent construction under extreme conditions. This Special Issue is planned to provide an overview of the frontiers of the development of 3D printing concrete and concrete structures. It is aimed to identify the knowledge barriers across disciplines, remove the barriers, and to promote the application of 3D printing technology in civil engineering.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

· Design of printable concrete

· Design of equipment for printing concrete

· Material properties of 3D printing concrete

· Structural behavior of 3D printed structures or elements

· Structural optimization based on 3D printing concrete

· Application of 3D printing technology in research activities

· Modeling of the printing process, 3D printing concrete, and printed structures

· Repairing of structures by using 3D printing concrete

· Rheological properties of fresh 3D printing concrete

· New applications of 3D printing concrete under extreme conditions


Instructions for submission:

Please submit your manuscript before the submission deadline (June 30, 2023) in the submission website: 

Choose in the list of special issues:

SI: 3D Printing


All submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. In order to shorten the publishing period, articles from this Special Issue will appear in a regular issue of the journal as soon as they are accepted, though they will be clearly marked and branded as Special Issue articles.

Pubdate: 2022-07-04    Viewed: 819