Cavity confinement microwave enhanced laser-induced plasma modulation method: Improvement in signal intensity and repeatability
Seher Saleem, Muhammad Rizwan, Yuzhou Song, Kaifan Zhang, Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang
Cavity confinement microwave enhanced laser-induced plasma modulation method: Improvement in signal intensity and repeatability
Microwave-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (ME-LIBS) is a promising analysis technique for trace element detection with the advantage of high signal intensity. However, the shot-to-shot repeatability of the ME-LIBS signal is relatively low, which affects the precision of the result and limits quantification performance. A cavity confinement microwave-enhanced laser-induced plasma (CC-ME-LIP) modulation method is proposed to improve the repeatability of the ME-LIBS signal. During the plasma evolution, cavity confinement provides an environment that regulates plasma around the microwave probe, controls plasma expansion, and minimizes interaction with the atmosphere. This behavior enhances the stability of the plasma morphology, leading to improved signal repeatability. In addition, confinement increases the energy transfer process within the plasma by the superimposition of two methods, resulting in a stronger signal intensity. The CC-ME-LIP modulation method is applied to the brass sample. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of the different copper and zinc lines has been reduced, along with an improvement of the intensity enhancement factor (IEF). For example, Cu 521.820 nm line RSD reduced from 29.11% (ME-LIBS) to 17.12% (CC-ME-LIBS) with an IEF of 1.08. The result demonstrated that the proposed approach significantly improves the repeatability of the ME-LIBS signal, thereby increasing the overall signal quality. To gain a deeper understanding, a detailed analysis of the mechanisms behind the increased signal intensity and improved repeatability was further investigated.
microwave-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy / plasma modulation / cavity confinement / intensity enhancement / pulse-to-pulse repeatability
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