Interlayer ferromagnetic coupling in nonmagnetic elements doped CrI3 thin films

Xuqi Li, Xuyan Chen, Shiyang Sun, Huihui Zhang, Haidan Sang, Xiaonan Wang, Shifei Qi, Zhenhua Qiao

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Front. Phys. ›› 2024, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (6) : 63209. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-024-1435-2

Interlayer ferromagnetic coupling in nonmagnetic elements doped CrI3 thin films

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The exploration of magnetism in two-dimensional layered materials has attracted extensive research interest. For the monoclinic phase CrI3 with interlayer antiferromagnetism, finding a static and robust way of realizing the intrinsic interlayer ferromagnetic coupling is desirable. In this work, we study the electronic structure and magnetic properties of the nonmagnetic element (e.g., O, S, Se, N, P, As, and C) doped bi- and triple-layer CrI3 systems via first-principles calculations. Our results demonstrate that O, P, S, As, and Se doped CrI3 bilayer can realize interlayer ferromagnetism. Further analysis shows that the interlayer ferromagnetic coupling in the doped few-layer CrI3 is closely related to the formation of localized spin-polarized state around the doped elements. Further study presents that, for As-doped tri-layer CrI3, it can realize interlayer ferromagnetic coupling. This work proves that nonmagnetic element doping can realize the interlayer ferromagnetically-coupled few-layer CrI3 while maintaining its semiconducting characteristics without introducing additional carriers.

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ferromagnetism / magnetic doping

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Xuqi Li, Xuyan Chen, Shiyang Sun, Huihui Zhang, Haidan Sang, Xiaonan Wang, Shifei Qi, Zhenhua Qiao. Interlayer ferromagnetic coupling in nonmagnetic elements doped CrI3 thin films. Front. Phys., 2024, 19(6): 63209


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The authors declare that they have no competing interests and there are no conflicts.


This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11974098 and 11974327), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (No. A2023205017), the Science Foundation of Hebei Normal University (No. 2019B16), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Nos. WK2030020032 and WK2340000082), and Anhui Initiative in Quantum Information Technologies. The supercomputing services of AM-HPC and USTC are gratefully acknowledged.


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