Realization of highly isolated stable few-spin systems based on alkaline-earth fermions
Wen-Wei Wang, Han Zhang, Chang Qiao, Ming-Cheng Liang, Rui Wu, Xibo Zhang
Front. Phys. ›› 2023, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6) : 62303.
Realization of highly isolated stable few-spin systems based on alkaline-earth fermions
Few-level systems consisting of a certain number of spin states have provided the basis of a wide range of cold atom researches. However, more developments are still needed for better preparation of isolated few-spin systems. In this work, we demonstrate a highly nonlinear spin-discriminating (HNSD) method for isolating an arbitrary few-level manifold out of a larger total number of spin ground states in fermionic alkaline-earth atoms. With this method, we realize large and tunable energy shifts for unwanted spin states while inducing negligible shifts for the spin states of interest, which leads to a highly isolated few-spin system under minimal perturbation. Furthermore, the isolated few-spin system exhibits a long lifetime on the hundred-millisecond scale. Using the HNSD method, we demonstrate a characteristic Rabi oscillation between the two states of an isolated two-spin Fermi gas. Our method has wide applicability for realizing long-lived two-spin or high-spin quantum systems based on alkaline-earth fermions.
few-spin system / alkaline-earth atoms / ultracold Fermi gas / a.c. Stark shift / long-lived quantum system
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