Quantum control with Lyapunov function and bang–bang solution in the optomechanics system

Yu Wang, Yi-Hao Kang, Chang-Sheng Hu, Bi-Hua Huang, Jie Song, Yan Xia

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Front. Phys. ›› 2022, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3) : 32501. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-021-1119-0

Quantum control with Lyapunov function and bang–bang solution in the optomechanics system

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We propose a quantum control scheme with the help of Lyapunov control function in the optomechanics system. The principle of the idea is to design suitable control fields to steer the Lyapunov control function to zero as t → ∞ while the quantum system is driven to the target state. Such an evolution makes no limit on the initial state and one needs not manipulate the laser pulses during the evolution. To prove the effectiveness of the scheme, we show two useful applications in the optomechanics system: one is the cooling of nanomechanical resonator and the other is the quantum fluctuation transfer between membranes. Numerical simulation demonstrates that the perfect and fast cooling of nanomechanical resonator and quantum fluctuation transfer between membranes can be rapidly achieved. Besides, some optimizations are made on the traditional Lyapunov control waveform and the optimized bang–bang control fields makes Lyapunov function V decrease faster. The optimized quantum control scheme can achieve the same goal with greater efficiency. Hence, we hope that this work may open a new avenue of the experimental realization of cooling mechanical oscillator, quantum fluctuations transfer between membranes and other quantum optomechanics tasks and become an alternative candidate for quantum manipulation of macroscopic mechanical devices in the near future.

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bang–bang solution / quantum control / Lyapunov control / optomechanics system

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Yu Wang, Yi-Hao Kang, Chang-Sheng Hu, Bi-Hua Huang, Jie Song, Yan Xia. Quantum control with Lyapunov function and bang–bang solution in the optomechanics system. Front. Phys., 2022, 17(3): 32501 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11467-021-1119-0


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