Electron-ion collider in China

Daniele P. Anderle, Valerio Bertone, Xu Cao, Lei Chang, Ningbo Chang, Gu Chen, Xurong Chen, Zhuojun Chen, Zhufang Cui, Lingyun Dai, Weitian Deng, Minghui Ding, Xu Feng, Chang Gong, Longcheng Gui, Feng-Kun Guo, Chengdong Han, Jun He, Tie-Jiun Hou, Hongxia Huang, Yin Huang, KrešImir KumeričKi, L. P. Kaptari, Demin Li, Hengne Li, Minxiang Li, Xueqian Li, Yutie Liang, Zuotang Liang, Chen Liu, Chuan Liu, Guoming Liu, Jie Liu, Liuming Liu, Xiang Liu, Tianbo Liu, Xiaofeng Luo, Zhun Lyu, Boqiang Ma, Fu Ma, Jianping Ma, Yugang Ma, Lijun Mao, Cédric Mezrag, Hervé Moutarde, Jialun Ping, Sixue Qin, Hang Ren, Craig D. Roberts, Juan Rojo, Guodong Shen, Chao Shi, Qintao Song, Hao Sun, Paweł Sznajder, Enke Wang, Fan Wang, Qian Wang, Rong Wang, Ruiru Wang, Taofeng Wang, Wei Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xiaoyun Wang, Jiajun Wu, Xinggang Wu, Lei Xia, Bowen Xiao, Guoqing Xiao, Ju-Jun Xie, Yaping Xie, Hongxi Xing, Hushan Xu, Nu Xu, Shusheng Xu, Mengshi Yan, Wenbiao Yan, Wencheng Yan, Xinhu Yan, Jiancheng Yang, Yi-Bo Yang, Zhi Yang, Deliang Yao, Zhihong Ye, Peilin Yin, C.-P. Yuan, Wenlong Zhan, Jianhui Zhang, Jinlong Zhang, Pengming Zhang, Yifei Zhang, Chao-Hsi Chang, Zhenyu Zhang, Hongwei Zhao, Kuang-Ta Chao, Qiang Zhao, Yuxiang Zhao, Zhengguo Zhao, Liang Zheng, Jian Zhou, Xiang Zhou, Xiaorong Zhou, Bingsong Zou, Liping Zou

Front. Phys. ›› 2021, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (6) : 64701.

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Front. Phys. ›› 2021, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (6) : 64701. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-021-1062-0

Electron-ion collider in China

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Lepton scattering is an established ideal tool for studying inner structure of small particles such as nucleons as well as nuclei. As a future high energy nuclear physics project, an Electron-ion collider in China (EicC) has been proposed. It will be constructed based on an upgraded heavy-ion accelerator, High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) which is currently under construction, together with a new electron ring. The proposed collider will provide highly polarized electrons (with a po- larization of 80%) and protons (with a polarization of 70%) with variable center of mass energies from 15 to 20 GeV and the luminosity of (2–3)×1033 cm2•s1. Polarized deuterons and Helium-3, as well as unpolarized ion beams from Carbon to Uranium, will be also available at the EicC.

The main foci of the EicC will be precision measurements of the structure of the nucleon in the sea quark region, including 3D tomography of nucleon; the partonic structure of nuclei and the parton interaction with the nuclear environment; the exotic states, especially those with heavy flavor quark contents. In addition, issues fundamental to understanding the origin of mass could be addressed by measurements of heavy quarkonia near-threshold production at the EicC. In order to achieve the above-mentioned physics goals, a hermetical detector system will be constructed with cutting-edge technologies.

This document is the result of collective contributions and valuable inputs from experts across the globe. The EicC physics program complements the ongoing scientific programs at the Jefferson Laboratory and the future EIC project in the United States. The success of this project will also advance both nuclear and particle physics as well as accelerator and detector technology in China.

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electron ion collider / nucleon structure / nucleon mass / exotic hadronic states / quantum chromodynamics / 3D-tomography / helicity / transverse momentum dependent parton distribution / generalized parton distribution / energy recovery linac / polarization / spin rotator

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Daniele P. Anderle, Valerio Bertone, Xu Cao, Lei Chang, Ningbo Chang, Gu Chen, Xurong Chen, Zhuojun Chen, Zhufang Cui, Lingyun Dai, Weitian Deng, Minghui Ding, Xu Feng, Chang Gong, Longcheng Gui, Feng-Kun Guo, Chengdong Han, Jun He, Tie-Jiun Hou, Hongxia Huang, Yin Huang, KrešImir KumeričKi, L. P. Kaptari, Demin Li, Hengne Li, Minxiang Li, Xueqian Li, Yutie Liang, Zuotang Liang, Chen Liu, Chuan Liu, Guoming Liu, Jie Liu, Liuming Liu, Xiang Liu, Tianbo Liu, Xiaofeng Luo, Zhun Lyu, Boqiang Ma, Fu Ma, Jianping Ma, Yugang Ma, Lijun Mao, Cédric Mezrag, Hervé Moutarde, Jialun Ping, Sixue Qin, Hang Ren, Craig D. Roberts, Juan Rojo, Guodong Shen, Chao Shi, Qintao Song, Hao Sun, Paweł Sznajder, Enke Wang, Fan Wang, Qian Wang, Rong Wang, Ruiru Wang, Taofeng Wang, Wei Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xiaoyun Wang, Jiajun Wu, Xinggang Wu, Lei Xia, Bowen Xiao, Guoqing Xiao, Ju-Jun Xie, Yaping Xie, Hongxi Xing, Hushan Xu, Nu Xu, Shusheng Xu, Mengshi Yan, Wenbiao Yan, Wencheng Yan, Xinhu Yan, Jiancheng Yang, Yi-Bo Yang, Zhi Yang, Deliang Yao, Zhihong Ye, Peilin Yin, C.-P. Yuan, Wenlong Zhan, Jianhui Zhang, Jinlong Zhang, Pengming Zhang, Yifei Zhang, Chao-Hsi Chang, Zhenyu Zhang, Hongwei Zhao, Kuang-Ta Chao, Qiang Zhao, Yuxiang Zhao, Zhengguo Zhao, Liang Zheng, Jian Zhou, Xiang Zhou, Xiaorong Zhou, Bingsong Zou, Liping Zou. Electron-ion collider in China. Front. Phys., 2021, 16(6): 64701 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11467-021-1062-0


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