Topological Fulde–Ferrell and Larkin–Ovchinnikov states in spin-orbit-coupled lattice system
Yao-Wu Guo, Yan Chen
Front. Phys. ›› 2018, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2) : 137402.
Topological Fulde–Ferrell and Larkin–Ovchinnikov states in spin-orbit-coupled lattice system
The spin-orbit coupled lattice system under Zeeman fields provides an ideal platform to realize exotic pairing states. Notable examples range from the topological superfluid/superconducting (tSC) state, which is gapped in the bulk but metallic at the edge, to the Fulde–Ferrell (FF) state (having a phase-modulated order parameter with a uniform amplitude) and the Larkin–Ovchinnikov (LO) state (having a spatially varying order parameter amplitude). Here, we show that the topological FF state with Chern number (C=−1) (tFF1) and topological LO state with C= 2 (tLO2) can be stabilized in Rashba spin-orbit coupled lattice systems in the presence of both in-plane and out-of-plane Zeeman fields. Besides the inhomogeneous tSC states, in the presence of a weak in-plane Zeeman field, two topological BCS phases may emerge with C=−1 (tBCS1) far from half filling and C= 2 (tBCS2) near half filling. We show intriguing effects such as different spatial profiles of order parameters for FF and LO states, the topological evolution among inhomogeneous tSC states, and different non-trivial Chern numbers for the tFF1 and tLO1,2 states, which are peculiar to the lattice system. Global phase diagrams for various topological phases are presented for both half-filling and doped cases. The edge states as well as local density of states spectra are calculated for tSC states in a 2D strip.
topological superfluid / Fulde–Ferrell (FF) state
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