Coherent resonance of quantum plasmons in Stone–Wales defected graphene–silver nanowire hybrid system

Tong Liu (刘彤), Hong Zhang (张红), Xin-Lu Cheng (程新路), Yang Xu (徐阳)

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Front. Phys. ›› 2017, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5) : 125201. DOI: 10.1007/s11467-017-0676-8

Coherent resonance of quantum plasmons in Stone–Wales defected graphene–silver nanowire hybrid system

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Defected graphene has a more important practical significance than graphene. Silver nanoparticles can modify the optical properties of defected graphene. We present herein a detailed theoretical analysis about the coherent resonance of quantum plasmons in the Stone–Wales (SW) defected graphene–silver nanowire hybrid system by using time-dependent density functional theory. The plasmon coherent effect is mainly attributed to the electromagnetic field coupling between the Stone–Wales defected graphene and silver nanowires. As a result, the optical response of the hybrid system exhibits a remarkable enhancement. Plasmon resonance, which depends on polarization and selectable tuning, is enhanced in wide frequency regions. Moreover, it reveals that the resonance frequency of an optical absorption spectrum depends on the space configuration of the SW defected graphene in the hybrid system. This investigation provides a better understanding of the plasmon enhancement effect used in a graphene-based photoelectric device. The study also offers an effective means of detecting the defects existing in graphene.


quantum plasmons / coherent resonance / SW defected graphene / silver nanowires / hybrid system

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Tong Liu (刘彤), Hong Zhang (张红), Xin-Lu Cheng (程新路), Yang Xu (徐阳). Coherent resonance of quantum plasmons in Stone–Wales defected graphene–silver nanowire hybrid system. Front. Phys., 2017, 12(5): 125201


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